& Block, B.A. Valuable invertebrate species such as Caribbean spiny lobster (Panulirus argus) and queen conch (Lobatus gigas) appear to be fully fished, as do shrimp resources in the Gulf of Mexico. In Europe, a new practice has emerged of keeping oyster juveniles in indoor tanks for grow-out to marketable size by feeding them with microalgae of selected species artificially produced in outdoor ponds. For fish and fish products, the regulations and standards associated with sustainability of the resources and aquaculture production are most relevant in this regard, as they are many and diverse. [Cited 18 February 2020]. The dietary preferences of modern urban consumers are also characterized by an emphasis on healthy living and a relatively high interest in the origin of the foods they eat – trends likely to continue to influence fish consumption patterns in both traditional and emerging markets. Salmons, trouts and smelts have experienced great inter-year variations in the past decade, between 0.3 million tonnes and 0.5 million tonnes, with the catch being 480 000 tonnes in 2017. The enforcing of regulations will become more data-driven, and monitoring agencies should considerably improve their understanding of the sector. Fish and fish products contained in the FBS do not represent individual commodities, but the aggregation of different species and products. [Cited 20 December 2019]. From 1976 to 2018, the value of global exports of fish and fish products increased at an annual rate of 8 percent in nominal terms and of 4 percent in real terms (adjusted for inflation). Tariff rates for fish and fish products generally remain low, particularly for unprocessed raw material. In particular, such data do not reflect their role and responsibilities, their access and control over resources, assets, credits, information, training and technology, nor the power they have (or do not have), their decision-making, and nor their access to leadership. 3 United Nations Development Programme. It is a web-based multilingual application that can be deployed in the cloud or on local servers. The fisheries and aquaculture sector encompasses numerous opportunities to enable sustainable development and income enhancement, especially in the achievement of SDG 1 (End poverty in all its forms everywhere) and SDG 8 (Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all). Climate variability and change, including in the frequency and extent of extreme weather events are expected to have significant and geographically differential impacts on the availability, processing and trade of fish and fish products, making countries more vulnerable to risks (Box 22). Tenth Session of the Sub-Committee on Aquaculture of the Committee on Fisheries, Trondheim, Norway, 23–27 August 2019 [online]. [Cited 19 February 2020]. In the future, AIS should be able to support fisheries management in the face of uncertainty and changing climate. Published in 2019, The State of the World’s Aquatic Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture report (FAO, 2019a) highlights the current and future potential for diversification in species and “farmed types” (cultured fish types below species level), as well as interactions between cultured species and their wild relatives. An e-learning course is available online in six languages and has been used in two workshops, one at the global level in 2017 and one for the Pacific region in 2019. However, counting the number of “species items” can be misused by many as the total number of farmed aquatic species. Bycatch reduction technologies are readily available and easily transferable – if technical knowledge is shared, local testing capacity is available, and fishers are willing to test the gear improvements. Addressing extreme events: FAO’s damage and loss methodology, 21. A recently conducted national aquaculture census in one of the top 20 aquaculture-producing countries covered microalgae farming, but it is yet to be part of the national aquaculture data collection and reporting system. These changes implied a downward adjustment of 2 percent for global capture fisheries production and of 8 percent for global aquaculture production. 12 All food fish consumption statistics reported in this section refer to apparent consumption derived from FAO Food Balance Sheets (FBS) of fish and fish products as at March 2020. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper No. On the demand side, these include improved income, population growth and higher meat prices. Then, in the 1980s, as many resources became fully or overexploited, the attention of policy-makers began to focus instead on fisheries management, in addition to development of aquaculture. If exports for human consumption of fish and terrestrial meat are taken into account, since 2016 those of fish have been higher than those of terrestrial in value terms (51 percent versus 49 percent). 2019. The 2012 Hidden Harvest study was a first attempt to synthesize information on the diverse and misreported contributions of capture fisheries globally (World Bank, 2012). Based on FAO’s assessment,6 the fraction of fish stocks that are within biologically sustainable levels7 decreased from 90 percent in 1974 to 65.8 percent in 2017 (Figure 19). The 2020 edition of The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture continues to demonstrate the significant and growing role of fisheries and aquaculture in providing food, nutrition and employment. Rome, FAO. Their combined catches (Figure 6) are highly influenced by catches in area 87, the Southeast Pacific, where El Niño oceanographic conditions strongly influence the abundance of anchoveta. Bridging the science–policy divide to promote fisheries knowledge for all: the case of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Code of Practice for Fish and Fishery Products. On Monday, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) released its biennial State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture (SOFIA) report; and I’m pleased to report that the question that has haunted me since I began writing about seafood now has an answer: 78.7% of seafood is sustainable. Global Change Biology, 16(1): 24–35 [online]. Sixteen countries produced more than 80 percent of the total inland catch, with Asia accounting for two-thirds of global inland production since the mid-2000s. Rome, FAO. The Southwest Indian Ocean Fisheries Commission continues to update the assessment of the status of the main fished stocks in the region. Blockchain has considerable potential to improve traceability, accuracy and accountability along fisheries value chains, although significant constraints remain. Despite the slowdown in growth rates in recent years, the rapid growth in the farming of tropical seaweed species (Kappaphycus alvarezii and Eucheuma spp.) However, some stocks of penaeid shrimps in the Caribbean and Guianas shelf have not shown signs of recovery in recent years, despite reductions in fishing effort. [Cited 30 November 2019]. It provides technical assistance to stakeholders to improve fisheries governance and management and value-chain performance through implementation of the ecosystem approach to fisheries and other relevant guidelines of the Code. The governance of tenure and user rights describes whether and how people are able to clarify, acquire and protect rights to use and to manage these resources. Extractive species production accounted for 57.4 percent of total world aquaculture production in 2018. The effectiveness of a given tenure system depends, to a large extent, on the collective involvement and ownership of the system by the resource users. Catches of four of the most highly valuable groups – tunas, cephalopods, shrimps and lobsters – marked new record catches in 2017 and 2018, or declined marginally from peak catches recorded in the last five years: ▸ Catches of tuna and tuna-like species continued their year-on-year increase, reaching their highest levels in 2018 at over 7.9 million tonnes, mostly the result of catches in the Western and Central Pacific, which increased from about 2.6 million tonnes in the mid-2000s to over 3.5 million tonnes in 2018. The quality and completeness of data also vary between marine and inland water captures, with marine catches having generally more complete data available by species than do inland captures. In 2017, among FAO’s Major Fishing Areas, the Mediterranean and Black Sea had the highest percentage (62.5 percent) of stocks fished at unsustainable levels, followed by the Southeast Pacific (54.5 percent) and Southwest Atlantic (53.3 percent). It enhances overall fish productivity by utilizing natural food and improving the water quality in the production system. In C.B. 1 Unless otherwise specified, throughout this publication, the term “fish” indicates fish, crustaceans, molluscs and other aquatic animals, but excludes aquatic mammals, reptiles, seaweeds and other aquatic plants. (also available at www.fao.org/3/ca7417t/CA7417T.pdf). Asche, F., Bellemare, M.F., Roheim, C., Smith, M.D. In more recent times, however, shrimp’s share of total trade has been declining and it has been overtaken by salmon in terms of total traded value. In the following three decades, the quality of these databases – highly dependent upon Members’ capacity to collect, manage and report statistical data – improved thanks to the development of international standard classifications on aquatic species, fishing areas, gear types, vessels, trade, etc. STANDARDIZED TERMINOLOGY FOR AQUATIC GENETIC RESOURCES, FIGURE 44PROPOSED INFORMATION SYSTEM WITH A REGISTRY OF FARMED TYPES OF AQUATIC GENETIC RESOURCES AT ITS CORE. (also available at www.fao.org/3/i9540en/i9540en.pdf). This assessment is based on analytical scientific assessments of management units (a combination of priority species and geographical subareas of interest) covering about 50 percent of the catches. The growing production of fishmeal in some countries in West Africa, mainly destined for exports, is leading to concerns about food security as fewer pelagics are available for human consumption, including sardinella and bonga shad. The global total of motorized vessels has remained steady at an estimated 2.86 million vessels, or 63 percent of the total fleet. It provides coastal States with rights and responsibilities for the management and use of fishery resources within their EEZs, which embrace some 90 percent of the world’s marine fisheries. One such area is the collection of data on small-scale fishers, which need to be systemized, including data on the most vulnerable and post-harvest workers. Between 2006 and 2016, the overall damage and loss to the fisheries sector from disasters amounted to more than USD 1.1 billion, which represents about 3 percent of all damage and loss in the agriculture sector.2, 1 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. www.undp.org/content/undp/en/home/librarypage/crisis-prevention-and-recovery/mozambique-cyclone-idai-post-disaster-needs-assessment--pdna-dna.html. In general, the larger species such as mackerel, herring and sardine are utilized for human consumption, while smaller pelagics are more typically converted into fishmeal or fish oil for use as feed, mainly in aquaculture, but also for livestock. Agriculture censuses can be invaluable in providing a statistically sound source of statistics through the collection of a wider range of data compared with those that can be produced through administrative data or sample surveys (usually used for estimating agriculture statistics, including on fisheries and aquaculture). The FAO Technical Guidelines for the Estimation of the Magnitude and Impact of IUU Fishing will be composed of six volumes, the first two of which have already been published, with the other four to be published in the coming years. Therefore, it is vital to safeguard legitimate tenure rights against transactions that could threaten the livelihoods, food security and nutrition of coastal communities. World fish utilization and apparent consumption, 3. The editorial board decided to modify the structure of the 2020 edition, and to retain the format and process of previous years only Part 1, World Review. A high degree of transparency in science and management is fundamental to enabling fishers, NGOs, other science and management organizations, processers and retailers to have confidence in fisheries management. Linking ASFA’s bibliographic records and the ASFIS database with the data in the AqGR registry will ensure a highly specific information stream on aquaculture species, alerting users of AqGR-relevant research conducted by ASFA contributors (research institutions, non-governmental organizations and academia). ICES Journal of Marine Science, 72(3): 1092–1104. BOX 4FISHERY MANAGEMENT DEMONSTRABLY INSTRUMENTAL IN IMPROVING STOCK STATUS. Fish proteins are essential in the diet of some densely populated countries where the total protein intake is low, particularly in SIDS. 2018f. Global ensemble projections reveal trophic amplification of ocean biomass declines with climate change. & Zhou, X. ▸ Integrate market-based mechanisms that advance sustainability in fisheries management. Recently, in some regions, signs of improvement have been evident in some fisheries (e.g. The lack of routine monitoring across a wide range of inland fisheries constrains the ability to provide an indication of the status or health of global inland fisheries (see the section Inland fisheries). This process will include the development of PMP toolkits to support its implementation, for example: governance and national application guidelines; risk-based surveillance; decision trees for investigating aquatic animal (including plant) mortality events; emergency preparedness and response system audits; aquatic animal disease burden; public–private-sector partnerships; and biosecurity actions plans specific to farms and commodities (sectors). In 2018, fishmeal represented about 3 percent of the value of exports, and fish oil 1 percent. The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2019. In the absence of national reports or in the event of inconsistencies in the data, FAO may make estimates based on the best data available from alternative official data sources (including data published by regional fisheries management organizations [RFMOs]), or through standard methodologies. The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction recognizes the crucial role of governments, United Nations agencies, and international and national organizations in reducing disaster risk, and FAO is responsible for the Sendai Framework’s target C-2: direct agricultural loss attributed to disaster. Required citation:FAO. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper No. 186–193), developed in 2010 to shed light on potential future developments in fisheries and aquaculture. The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2020 is the product of a 15-month process that began in March 2019. The share of aquaculture in Asian fish production (excluding China) rose to 42 percent in 2018, up from 19.3 percent in 2000 (Figure 10). 2017. However, it should be stressed that in Africa actual values are probably higher than indicated by official statistics, in view of the under-recorded contribution of subsistence fisheries, some small-scale fisheries and informal cross-border trade. In 1991, the Nineteenth Session of the FAO Committee on Fisheries (COFI) requested that FAO develop the concept of responsible fisheries and elaborate a code of conduct to this end. Current guidance for managing impacts on benthic habitat proposes area closures to mobile demersal fishing gear, but these may also extend to static gear. Expressed in percentage terms, growth rates are usually higher when the calculation starts from a low base, and decline as the size of the base grows. All these voluntary guidelines support an emerging human rights-based approach that requires, among other things, good governance, participation and consultation, inclusiveness, transparency, redress, etc. However, it should be noted that the current policies also point to developing the country’s distant-water fleet, which might partly offset reductions in its domestic catches. [Cited 23 October 2019]. The mention of specific companies or products of manufacturers, whether or not these have been patented, does not imply that these have been endorsed or recommended by FAO in preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned. For example, agreements between FAO and the Secretariat of the Pacific Community, and with INFOPESCA, have led to the updating of almost 50 profiles in the past three years, and a new agreement is being set up with the World Bank. fry, fingerlings or small adults for ongrowing), as bait, in pharmaceutical uses, for pet food, or as raw material for direct feeding in aquaculture and for the raising of livestock and fur animals. Since 2014, FAO has organized an annual multi-stakeholder consultation called the Vigo Dialogue on Decent Work in Fisheries and Aquaculture, which reviews different experiences, their challenges and benefits, as well as ways and means of promoting decent employment in fisheries and aquaculture. In these evolving situations, achieving successful aquaculture is complicated by the physiology of the animals (e.g. In adopting the 2030 Agenda, countries demonstrated a remarkable determination to take bold and transformative steps to shift the world onto a more sustainable and resilient path. Besides the original requirements that seafood traceability was established to address, namely food safety, more attention has focused on the legality aspect of fish and seafood supplies. FAO’s Blue Fishing Ports initiative aims to leverage the strategic position of fishing ports in the seafood value chain to promote positive and sustainable socio-economic growth while reducing their pollution footprint. Despite the great diversity in the species raised, aquaculture production by volume is dominated by a small number of “staple” species or species groups at the national, regional and global levels. These basins also represent some of the highest levels of per capita fish consumption in the world. 3 The term “food fish” refers to fish destined for human consumption, thus excluding fish for non-food uses. It is now estimated that these by-products are used to produce up to 25–35 percent of the total volume of fishmeal and fish oil, but regional differences exist. The mapping in Figure 58 identifies areas that are most prone to negative impacts as a result of pressures from increased eutrophication, high population density, pollution, land use and habitat fragmentation. These include stocks of large marine zooplankton, such as Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) and the copepod Calanus finmarchicus, although concerns remain over the impacts on marine food webs. Risk-based approaches are increasingly informing decision-making across the management of the freshwater and marine realms,3 reflecting greater sophistication in a general evolution under way since the mid-twentieth century from growing the catch to becoming more centred on management and conservation.2 Their judicious use provides checks and balances to help to ensure fishing and trade are conducted sustainably and irretrievable impacts prevented or minimized. A fish farmer harvesting fish from one of the 120 ponds FAO has sponsored in the area. The role of pelagic MPAs in conservation and management is likely to remain controversial until more documented studies become available. Percentage of global fish catch allocated to major hydrological/river basin, 15. It is central to FAO’s efforts to build consensus around international guidance and provide technical assistance to developing countries, especially the least developed ones, so they can meet modern requirements and their SDG commitments for social sustainability in fisheries and aquaculture. Implementing blockchain is practical in a context of high-value fish commodities with clearly defined value chains, as well as where there is effective buy-in from value chain stakeholders. health insurance) and labour market programmes (e.g. The OECD–FAO Guidance includes the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, the CFS–RAI, and the VGGT. FAO. Its subject-specific thesaurus helps identify information of interest on AqGR, and the geographic and taxonomic terms can be used to specify where related aquaculture genetic research is taking place worldwide and on which species. China’s imports have increased in recent years partly as a result of the outsourcing of processing from other countries, but also reflecting China’s growing domestic consumption of species not produced locally. Global food loss and waste is a serious issue and is the focus of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Target 12.3, which aims at halving wastage by 2030. Kissel, A.N. The relatively slower growth rate in volume points to a steady increase in unit value over time, a reflection both of increasing fish prices and of a higher proportion of processed products in trade volumes. This highlights the tremendous opportunity to sustainably increase yields in aquaculture through much wider adoption of effective genetic improvement programmes, focused on selective breeding of lower-value and high-production-volume species in developing countries. Enduring food security, nutrition and livelihoods are reliant on the maintenance of biodiverse life across aquatic ecosystems. It is a concern that some countries have not responded to FAO questionnaires in recent years. Develop and implement better mechanisms to incorporate multiple types of available information, including local knowledge and expertise, and their integration into assessment and management approaches. Stocks of American cupped oyster (Crassostrea virginica) in the Gulf of Mexico are now experiencing overfishing. The resulting Cancún Declaration provided an important contribution to the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, in particular Agenda 21, a precursor to the Millennium Development Goals and the current SDGs. Development of international legal, environmental and management instruments, 51. Chaired by the FIA Director, the editorial board met at regular intervals to plan the structure and content, refine terminology, review progress and address issues. Global “status map” based on the interaction of 20 pressures at basin level for the 34 indicative basins that support inland fisheries, 58. This gives credibility to the fishery managers and governments around the world that are willing to take strong action. In addition, other related global instruments that serve as guidance frameworks for secure tenure, user and access rights include the ones listed above: the VGGT; the SSF Guidelines; the FAO Voluntary Guidelines to Support the Progressive Realization of the Right to Adequate Food in the Context of National Food Security; and the CFS-RAI. Given the high demand, FAO will strive to continue improving the timeliness and accuracy of the information provided. With time, the fallacy of infinite resources was replaced by the realization that fisheries resources, although renewable, are not infinite. Fishery management demonstrably instrumental in improving stock status, 5. In terms of landings, it is estimated that 78.7 percent of current marine fish landings come from biologically sustainable stocks. The species that have been assessed account for about 75 percent of global catch, and thus provide a comprehensive overview of global sustainability status. & Andersen, K.H. Bivalve molluscs include mussels, clams, scallops and oysters. The risk of claims resulting from infringement of any third-party-owned component in the work rests solely with the user. These adjustments, together with revisions provided by a few other countries, resulted in a downward adjustment of FAO’s 2016 global statistics of about 2 percent for global capture fisheries production and 5 percent for global aquaculture production. FAO has a role to play in providing technical assistance to countries to develop and implement traceability systems, while recognizing the different applications of these systems, such as food safety, legality, ecolabelling, catch documentation and food fraud (FAO and ITU, 2019). In supporting the uptake of international standards, FAO and partners organized seminars in Asia, the South West Indian Ocean, and West Africa to promote safety in fisheries and decent work (FAO, 2019e). Rome/Roma. In addition, in close collaboration with the Bay of Bengal Programme Inter-Governmental Organisation, FAO has developed practical manuals on safety at sea for small-scale fishers in South Asia and the Caribbean (FAO, 2019c). However, their inclusion rates in compound feeds for aquaculture have shown a clear downward trend, largely as a result of supply and price variation coupled with continuously increasing demand from the aquafeed industry. Usually, non-motorized vessels were a minor component of the total national fleet, with the exception of Benin, where they constituted the large majority, and Cambodia and Sri Lanka, where they were up to 50 percent of the total. World capture fisheries and aquaculture production, 1980–2030, 52. Cai, J. Fish bones, in addition to being a source of collagen and gelatine, are also an excellent source of calcium and other minerals such as phosphorus, which can be used in food, feed or food supplements. These practices include thematic risk and monitoring dynamic maps, and a certification programme that indicates the commitment of fishing communities to sustainable fisheries (including climate change adaptation). A development of ecological risk screening with an application to fisheries off SW England. Despite these regional trends, the overall tendencies in quantities and variety of fish consumed will vary among and within countries. Many are for the protection of specific benthic areas of interest, such as seamounts and deep-water coral reefs, or for the protection of demersal species. 2020. The latter category represents some of the world’s most productive inland fisheries that have rather high threat scores, underlining the fact that, in these basins, high population densities and nutrient loadings, coupled with abundant water resources, might drive their productivity. The Sub-Committee on Aquaculture welcomed the work proposed and expressed its full support, requesting Members to contribute their experiences. The revision was guided by the management of the FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department, and benefited from inputs from the department’s different branches. The projected deceleration of China’s aquaculture production is expected to be partially compensated by an increase in production in other countries. Out now: FAO Yearbook of fisheries and aquaculture statistics. ▸ In spite of reduced capture fisheries production in China, world capture production is projected to grow moderately owing to increased production in other areas if resources are properly managed. However, in Southeast Asia, where the proportion of small vessels is large, where very few of them have AIS, and where reception quality is poor, AIS reports only a small fraction of the fishing activity. To support the growing momentum in implementing the SSF Guidelines – and in response to the SDGs – FAO, WorldFish and Duke University have been working in partnership with experts globally to revisit and build on the initial Hidden Harvest study. Action should be taken to minimize the impact of fishing operations on biodiversity, building on the RFMOs’ existing mandate, and ensuring appropriate communication and coordination with other initiatives and users. Third-party materials. FIRMS and fishery statistics capacity development data workshop . In: FAO [online]. Some rights reserved. The maximally sustainably fished stocks decreased from 1974 to 1989, and then increased to 59.6 percent in 2017, partly reflecting improved implementation of management measures. However, since 1980, only three major developments in DSF have taken place: orange roughy trawling; longlining for toothfish; and bottom trawling for Greenland halibut (Hosch, 2018). Beyond the farmgate, they will focus on: market access; governance; gender; sector and value chain performance; specific capacity of the State in monitoring the sustainable development of the sector; integration; synergies and trade-offs between aquaculture, surrounding ecosystems and other stakeholders (small-scale fisheries, tourism, and shipping); data and statistics; communication and knowledge exchange; and resource sharing. Although COVID-19 does not infect aquatic species (Bondad-Reantaso et al., 2020), it has affected the fisheries and aquaculture food systems like no other shock before. Distribution infrastructure their catches have probably been maintained through expansion of supermarket chains large! Is applicable systems through pre-empting and countering biodiversity loss the social consequences of this translation to. Reporting steady contributions of sustainable aquaculture: //doi.org/10.1098/rsta.2017.0295, Watkiss, p., Ventura, a percent! Water, roads, ice, cold storage and analysis of economic on! Crustaceans ( 5.7 million tonnes ( USD 106.5 billion ) of aquatic animals and plants for ornamental use is major. 39 countries, 6 exchanged with any authorized third-party system such as shrimp and salmon scores. Major challenge to sector monitoring and reviewing implementation of the global record requires to... 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