Lincoln: Oh yeah, I remember on our first encounter, I'm sorry for taking your seat on the school bus. (From the inside, Lincoln and Taylor just chuckled at her joke, Anderson and Pablo were annoyed at this). LANA: (kind) It's what siblings do, Lincoln (Lynn all steamed up walked out of the Principals office and opens the door, she slams it in frustration while walking by Lincoln and Taylor, she shoves Lincoln out of the way). WebHe wiped his tears with his hand and ran out of the house without turning back. Lincoln: Basement, Kitchen, Dining Room, Backyard, Stairs, Bathroom and Attic. (The seventh grade boys were shaking in fear as Lynn was the one that intimidated them). Lincoln: >to Anderson, ignoring him< I have nothing to say to you guys. (Taylor and Mr. Chong were in meditation and Mr. Chong shows her windows of her still hanging around with the same two bullies asking other students for money and other of their personal items). Taylor: You know, I never even get to meet her. Mr. Chong: Have you ever been a Cyberbully? What was it that made her want to bully him? 58.7K 547 33. Taylor: Thank you, if you don't mind, would you like for me to escort you to the principal's office? Rusty: >to Lincoln< All because you wanted a cooler classroom. You ok? (As before Taylor opened her eyes and has returned to the real world and everything was back to normal). Stella: >to Taylor< Wow, that's a nice lunchbox you got there. Loud of Time-Skip by StaidAlarm42056. Rita: Lincoln, I think it was sweet of you to help me cook dinner tonight. Lincoln: Well, Loris in college right now so she wont be coming back until Thanksgiving break, unless if shes at the Casagrandes for Thanksgiving because shes dating one of my best friends big brother. Taylor: They may be eighth graders, but theyll learn soon enough, trust me, Ive been around them since I was in sixth grade, even though I have made the wrong choice to join up with them. This is the worst! Here is my thirtieth fanfiction, I know that "Schooled!" Mr. Chong: Now it's time for your second lesson, being with the wrong crowd. (Taylor grabbed a chair in the table and had doughnuts and an orange juice as she was watching the action news team do their job). Enjoy! The Loud House Fanfic #30-No Bullies Mr. Chong: Far out, you are like, the only one to come up to me and seek about being part of this anti-bullying program even though not everyone came up and participate, like no one has shown up and that's bogus. Lincoln: >exclaims in disgust< Ugh, Brussel Sprout casserole, my least favorite of my Dad's dishes. The Breaking point Mr. Chong: Well it's not Shrek, this is you! Principal: Ah, Taylor and Lincoln, so nice of you both walking in unharmed, >to Taylor< How was your first lesson? Taylor: >sighs< I love my new school job! (Taylor walked out of the Principal's office and walked into the guidance office where a hippie with buzzed brown hair, a T-rex tooth necklace, a Dinosaur hippie shirt with a picture of a Brontosaurus, blue jeans, grey flip flops, surrounding him with a 1960's lava lamp and several Beach Boys and Beatles posters around his walls was meditating, Taylor cleared her throat and the hippie counselor stopped meditating). Now with the help of the bully's daughter Rita must escape before its too late. However, when they are discovered they are forced to go on the run. Loud LANA: (kind) It's what siblings do, Lincoln Lincoln: And you cant control them to do the things you love to do! Lincoln: "Lincoln Loud in the house!" [passes by his classmates as they give him Lincoln: Thanks, but, why are you being so nice to me all of a sudden? Lynn: I'll show Principal Ramirez how good of a Hall Monitor I am, an maybe I'll get my job back if it's the last thing I do, Lynn Loud never gives up. Lincoln: Thats what Ive been trying to tell them. (Lincoln got to his seat like normal, meanwhile in the hallway Lynn was eavesdropping onto other kids who were talking about shooting). Rita: Ah Taylor, welcome to our house, Im Rita, and this is my husband Lynn Sr. of Lynns table. Mr. Chong: If you don't know what cyberbullying is, it's the use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening nature, whether it's on a phone, tablet, computer or videogame console. WebA/N: Hello everyone, I give you my Loud House fanfic. (Anderson and Pablo laughed as they were mocking her for talking to nobody but herself, back at school, Taylor escorted Lincoln to Mr. Bolhofner's trailer, she releases him). Loud's Eleven Lincoln then exits the bathroom all clean, but notices the van missing. Taylor: It's not just any cookie, it's a friendship cookie that I baked, just for you. Mr. Chong: Yes, and you also failed to tell them that you are in charge of your own life and decisions, you have let them take control over you, you should never let them do what you dont want to do, and based upon evidence, you have been helping them steal food, toys, money and homework, what kind of a student would you be if you keep bullying others? When Rita finds her old high school bully, she starts to befriend her after claiming to have changed. Lynn Sr.: >to Lynn< Junior, Why didn't you bother helping him? Loud House Fund your creativity by creating subscription tiers. Soon, he made it to his destination. WebLynner or Loser. I got into the show recently and have been inspired to create stories for this show. Loud Lynn Loud Sr. Clyde: >to Taylor< My Dad's been telling me that just because you want control over something doesn't mean you should have it for yourself. Upload your creations for people to see, favourite, and share. The Loud House Fanfic #30-No Bullies Work Text: Disclaimer: I don't own The Loud House. Lincoln: >annoyed, to Taylor< Hey, I was going to get some, you can't swipe it from me! Mr. Chong: You must have felt guilt and you let your bullying instincts take advantage of you. They quickly ran after him to stop him from ending his life. (A reflection of the past reveals a sixth grade Taylor as she met up with Anderson and Pablo). What A Wonderful Loud (It takes place at Royal Woods High. The Loud House Fanfic #11-Second Mommy Lincoln then exits the bathroom all clean, but notices the van missing. Mr. Chong: I've seen that we had made your point. Luna: What? Lynn: One problem dad, Principal Ramirez doesn't care about her students, she's too occupied, even if someone is bullying him, he still has much to learn about middle school. Lincoln: Do you want to join us for dinner tomorrow night? Loud Family (The Loud House) Incest. bully Anderson and Pablo shared a maniacal laugh, Lynn on the other hand had witnessed what is going on, she gasped as she was going to take action), Lynn: Oh no, these two boys are going after my family, I got to teach them a, (Lynn stopped and remembered what the officer told her). Chapter 2: Bully Killer, a loud house fanfic | FanFiction The Loud House Month Of Horror! (Anderson and Pablo just left Lincoln alone in the ground, he gets up and gets himself cleaned up, Vanzilla pulled up to the front entrance and Lincoln got on the Van, by the time he got back home, he was talking to Taylor on the phone it then cuts to a split screen with Taylor on the right and Lincoln on the left). Theloudhouse Stories Anderson: Very well, if thats the way you want it! Taylor: My Dad is way too overprotective when it comes to me being back before curfew, my Mom agrees with him. Im a master at this. The damage, pain and misery to his heart. (It starts at an exterior of The Loud House, day; Lori is searching in her room for her cell-phone) LORI: I been literally searching my whole room! (Lincoln had shown Taylor the Basement, Kitchen, Dining Room, Backyard, Stairs, Bathroom, Attic and then they got to the bedrooms). (The stench got to Chandler as his face turns green and retreats to his new assigned seat, back in the guidance office, after Taylor told him the whole story). Rita: >to Lincoln< So Lincoln, How was school? Rusty: >to Lincoln< Well, at least you are going to have a better school year now that Taylor is more redeemable to you. Fanfic) The Sister Role Reversal WebLANA: (angry) If you ever bully our brother like that, you're gonna get it! (which might be the worst fanfiction ever) In this episode, Luna gets grounded by her parents for her obnoxiously loud music she plays 24/7, and becomes grumpy and impatient, so her siblings, after being sick and tired of it before that happened, try to help her become less insecure and angry, and also play quieter music. Taylor: >to Lincoln< No, I had nothing to do with this. Lincoln: Thank you Taylor, you are my hero. (It starts at an exterior of The Loud House, day; Lori is searching in her room for her cell-phone) LORI: I been literally searching my whole room! Loud Rita: Oh, that's great, I hope you and her are going to be great friends. Leni: Who is it this time? Taylor: >to Lincoln< Dont mention it, Im just looking after you. Rita: >to Lynn< I don't care, you need to sit in your room and think about what you have done. Principal Ramirez: No excuses, no exceptions, if you ever abuse them again, I will have to suspend you for the rest of the week, now get out! Not what I was expecting but, I accept your apology. Originally published on Deviantart. Pablo: Uh, news flash bro, we are bullies. Lincoln was in the kitchen helping his mother cook. (Taylor just sighed as she admits that she missed her best friends that she grew up with, and she made a mistake by hanging out with the wrong crowd). Taylor: And if they ever give you any trouble, you let me know, and If Im not here, then get someone else that will help you. Taylor: Mmm, that's delicious, I wish I could have that for dinner, all I got was tomato soup for dinner and trust me, it's nasty, my Mom's cooking isn't that great, even my Dad agrees with me. Taylor: >to Lincoln< You dont understand, fighting is not the answer, walk away and save yourself! # 11. The sisters were all sitting at the table waiting for their dinner. The Loud House Fanfic #11-Second Mommy