THANKS. This is just nitpicking, but it would still be nice! The code is wonderful! Font OT1/pcr/m/n/10=pcrr7t at 10.0pt not loadable: Metric (TFM) file not found.". Package Listings Error: Option `upquote' requires `textcomp'package. 1. What is the problem, please? Can someone help? Beautiful...worked perfectly. I think it is due to the fact that the path name has spaces in them. 11 Nov 2015, Added more MATLAB keywords, fixed frame colour problem. commentstyle=\itshape\color[rgb]{0.133,0.545,0.133}, I've discovered that the figures in the document will disappear when using Only one slight problem though. Does that help? Name Last modified Size Description; Parent Directory - 2005-04-09 11:47 : 374K mychemistry -- Create reaction schemes with LaTeX and ChemFig. Great submission, by the way. etc. In the \fontsize command, the first number is the fontsize and the second is the line spacing (roughly speaking), so play around with the numbers a bit until you like the result. Not all Unicode works, though. Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post. Thanks for putting this together. Do damage to electrical wiring? instead of the command's given in mcode.sty. ... Windows does use backslashes but because ' \ ' js a latex command you have to use '/ ' it is just weird that, \graphicspath{C:/Documents and Settings/All Users/Documents/My Pictures/Sample Pictures/}, works fine. @ Jean: Have a look at the listings documentation (type "texdoc listings" in a command prompt, or find it here:, Section 4.4 in particular and the "linerange" option. ./mcode.sty:181:Package keyval Error: upquote undefined. } So useful for my thesis - thanks a lot, Florian! Thanks for the great code! Although, an update to reflect cell-mode which uses prints a slim line above commented lines beginning with %% would be a nice addition. but i have one question, if i only compile a small part of a m-file for instance \lstinputlisting[firstline=5,lastline=8]{plo... is there a way to edit the numbering in the latex file because it always starts with 1 and not the original line number from the m-file. matlab-prettifier package Copyright 2014-- Julien Cretel Released under the LaTeX Project Public License 1.3 or later Built on top of the listings package, the matlab-prettifier package allows you to effortlessly prettyprint Matlab source code in documents typeset with LaTeX & friends. I have a question about using it. Can you email me directly? I used mcode.sty on my windows pc and it is brilliant. \ifx \lst@Backslash \relax... How does this unsigned exe launch without the windows 10 SmartScreen warning? \begin{document} \begin{document}, Hi! } Cheeky indeed. Thanks! But good work! Sorry, scrolling trough the other comments gave me the answer. I downloaded listings.sty into the same folder from google and all the other packages There are many packages out there that do pretty much the same. I suspect (because of the upquote error message) that you have a slightly outdated version of the listings package installed. Hello, world!\n' ); \ifx \lst@Backslash \relax... Save other people the hassle of tweaking the listings package's settings. Parent Directory - colorsep.tar.lzma: 14-May-2001 22:44 : 2.0K : finbib.tar.lzma: 14-May-2001 22:44 : 5.5K : mltex.tar.lzma: 14-May-2001 22:44 : 14K : mtbe.tar.lzma properly? I am using the cut and paste approach to document my mcode in latex with the frame and line number options. {î}{{\^{i}}}1 \def\mcelldelimfont{\bfseries\color[rgb]{.133,.545,.133}} %comments in green \lst@SelectCharTable ...eveloperSCT \lst@DefRange Top notch...looks beautiful. I would appreciate it very much! TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for users of TeX, LaTeX, ConTeXt, and related typesetting systems. matlab-prettifier -- Pretty-print Matlab source code mattens -- Matrices/tensor typesetting memorygraphs -- TikZ styles to typeset graphs of program memory mgltex -- High-quality graphics from MGL scripts embedded in LaTeX documents mhchem -- Typeset chemical formulae/equations and Risk and Safety phrases \ifbw % use font formating and gray 'colors' It shows quite clearly how you can get LaTeX to parse fancy stuff in your comments. SPF record -- why do we use `+a` alongside `+mx`? Could you please take a look at that? As I'm getting a lot of requests as to how to actually use the package, I've now thrown together a small demo-document --- I guess an example says more than a 1000 words ;-), => Great. I've added the link to a demo-document that shows how to use the package. @Dan: Try replacing the command defining the default font to be used by something like this: \def\lstbasicfont{\fontfamily{pcr}\fontsize{8}{8}\selectfont}. I like the $$ in comments a lot. Worked well making the matlab look cool but screwed up the pictures the whole way through the document. \lstinputlisting[firstline=6, lastline=18]{myscript.m}. I noticed the m-code package creates a bug in the itemize environment. But, nevertheless, great job! Did I do it correctly by the instruction: I did put mcode file in the same folder where is my LaTex document. But thanks for pointing out a work-around, for those that do not have a "proper" TeX installation, including all fonts and map-files. though I have two problems. or is it just bad luck that i don't work? Another thing I noticed is when you use ... to split an expression over several lines. Want to improve this question? The only "draw-back" for me here is that LaTeX refuses to typeset my matlab comments in LaTeX style. Perfect for my thesis! Thank you Florian. 226 \lstset{% I didn't see an option for this directly, but what you can do is add in your case firstnumber=6 to the \lstinputlisting options to have the numbering start with 6. In the matlab-editor they are blue, while they appear green in LaTeX. One question (and maybe this is due to my lack of knowledge on LaTeX): is it possible to set the font size other than default size? . morecomment=[l][\mcelldelimfont]\%\%\ , % cell comments commentstyle=\color{GreenComm}, (Note that support of Octave syntax is not complete.) @ Niko: Again, my package isn't doing any work, it just configures the listings package for you. Matlab code is tracked in both source and pdf display, except for selection in inline \mcode{....} but this is a detail. It saved me a lot of work after being lost for some days with my thesis. \listingspath{C:/........} (doesn't work, already tried}. Is there a switch somewhere to help with that? Thanks, I like the formatting and would like to use it but I also have listings in more than one programming language in my latex document. I love it!! Florian Knorn (2020). I would try to compile the demo document that comes with the package first, and take it from there. Thank you very much.. for updating it. Best, and thanks. comments strings matlab matlab-prettifier. \usepackage[swedish]{babel} % define colours and styles Help? cool tool! Is it possible to link to m file directly in latex? In other words, instead of spelling out delta, it gives the symbol Delta. @Sweidan: So far no; might look into it one day, but have no time for that right now, sorry! showstringspaces=false, Btw the lack of coloring also applies to other things, like And the corresponding description shows more detail as follows: "fprintf ( 1, ' I overcame it by using \mcode{...} because that was sufficient for what I needed. My bottle of water accidentally fell and dropped some pieces. Not sure if this can be categorized as a bug, but the tilde character used as a placeholder, e.g. Sorry if this is a question due to lack of the LaTeX knowledge. Make sure you have the latest version. The font size is static for each code block / inline code is static (it's set in the .sty file), so it doesn't change with context (such as in a footnote). This is of great help and make life easy for rest of us. @ Florian: that just gives you a tilde. I added the two lines of code suggested by Eric Added more keywords for syntax highlighting. {ê}{{\^{e}}}1 I have mentioned the source in my thesis. Thanks Florian, This is a very useful tool! Is there a way not having to write the code directly in the .tex-file to get the fancy LaTeX typesetting? Did the actors in All Creatures Great and Small actually have their hands in the animals? I manually downloaded, compiled (for .sty) and placed matlab-prettifier unzip folder from CTAN into ~\user\me\library\texmf on my mac. 'morecomment=[l][\mcelldelimfont]\%\%\ , % cell comments ', This turned to be a great and helpful package! This is awesome thank you. + As I said many times, the actual work is done by the listings pacakge, and as far as I can see it doesn't support different colouring of the same keyword... though one solution is replacing end lstlisting environment with: pygmentex in macros/latex/contrib Unfortunately there's little I can do to fix this in a more elegant way. Thanks. Is it ethical for students to be required to consent to their final course projects being publicly shared? L a T e X is widely used in science and programming has become an important aspect in several areas of science, hence the need for a tool that properly displays code. So have a look at the .sty how the \mcode command is defined. I just have one question. For some reason your section symbols show up as "§" (that is, preceded by a A with a carrot) on my computer and when I left that symbol off, the escape didn't work. \includepackage{doublespace} I am stumped, spent almost 4 hours on this already. Anyone know what's up? Very well written and documented. Nice package, have been using it for a year. By the way, adding a "µ" to the mcode demo document half-works. [1 Notice the last "morecomment" lines. \usepackage[a]{esvect} %vector symbol support \usepackage{subfig} % multiple figures in a float here's the errors i can find Is there a way to solve this problem in the same way with graphics? just the same with graphics, forinstance \def\mcommentfont{\color[rgb]{.133,.545,.133}} %comments in green That's exactly what I designed it for. You're right, the 'textcomp' package is only there for the upquotes. nor {ù}{{\`{u}}}1 A fair few users here have written or maintain packages on CTAN, some even in the TeX Live distribution, or at the least have some official involvement with a package or packages. \usepackage{multirow} %advanced table rows and columns @Yiang I suggest you ask your question on In particular, you are missing the "pcr" font (that's the Courier font used by the package to display stuff in monospaced font, similar to Matlab...). How can I wrap the long lines of my source code? This means, you'll have to manuall edit your code to make it fit into your code "box" (for me that's about 78 characters for instance). where can I get the lastest version of lstlisting? \RequirePackage{textcomp}% Half got there using this "literate programming" string: {\%\%}{{{\color[gray]{.85}{\makebox[0em][l]{\raisebox{2ex}[0pt][0pt]{\rule{\linewidth}{.4pt}}}}}\%\%}}{2}. This is a very thorough piece of software extension. Index of /macros/latex/contrib. \usepackage{mdwlist} morecomment=[s][\color{black}]{\{end}{\}}, @Juan: Not sure why you are having this issue. A note on its usage: If you save your file in UTF-8 format (default on many Linux systems), then escape-to-LaTeX using the section sign will not work properly. Maybe it's just something curious about the clear keyword. I have e problem with the linebreak. I tried that 'Delta' is fine, 'omega' is fine. \usepackage{epstopdf} %support for eps to pdf with pdflatex Use of this package causes all figures in the document to disappear. @ Rasmus: I've shuffeled things around a little bit in the source code, and added a description to make it really clear how to change the font size. Thanks for the help (4.8 in particular). The package extends the facilities of the listings package, to pretty-print Matlab and Octave source code. Hi there, It's a great help. If I add dollar signs, I get a pipe that looks right, but if I try to cut and paste if from the .pdf, it doesn't copy correctly into the new document. \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}, %%%% fix the minus ( - ) issue %%%% After you run this m-file "m2tex.m" and inlcude the output tex-file in your LaTeX document, you will experience NO DIFFERENCE IN THE APPEARANCE to the look of the m-code in the Matlab Editor. morestring=*[d]{"} % strings in double quotes, how come i cannot get the coloration. BUT, when I am using the documentclass "beamerclass", I cannot include any m-files, if there are any apostrophe (') in my m-file. Looks great in my reports ;-). The package is Amazing! I have one issue with the syntax highlighting though; when I clear a variable with the code, in Maltab, the variables are in purple. I do get an options clash when trying to use "bw" but can't trace it - small worry! \usepackage{amssymb} commentstyle=\mcommentfont, % comments mugsthesis in macros/latex/contrib Marquette University Graduate School theses. Could you - or anyone here - tell me how I need to modify it if I want to display. @@ -218,5 +218,10 @@ It worked when I changed 'utf8' to 'latin1'. This has saved me a lot of time. Added the \mcodefn{} function for placing inline code in footnotes. Then the comments will be automatically updated if I change the m file. I've narrowed my error above down to an issue with adjusting the line spacing in footnotes and figure captions from 1.5 (body) to 1. I just have a small question. This package works great for putting a whole .m file in my index. But the problem might be that to large mcode-blocks mess up your float-placement. ! @ Alvin: Sorry, I never got the error you have. Showed it to my (lab) partner, and he was extatic! stringstyle=\color[rgb]{.627,.126,.941} % strings in purple [LaTeX] finished with exit status 1 {é}{{\'{e}}}1 That's as small as it gets with standard fontsize commands. Thanks @Eric. Name Last modified Size Description; Parent Directory - 2005-04-09 10:47 : 374K : 12many/ 2005-04-09 10:47 The idea of using that comes straight from the listings documentention (Section 4.7). Huge thanks, Florian, it is a great soft! {û}{{\^{u}}}1 Thanks so much Florian. I've had a look at getting the slim line working. They "cheat" by saying that if you find any of those combinations, then make them black. . }. Works smooth like a charm. Name Last modified Size Description; Parent Directory - 2005-04-10 02:47 : 374K : 12many/ 2005-04-10 02:47 Thanks for writing. And when I set mathescape to true it recognizes math mode, but it typesets the math stuff in black. Any ideas? \fi, upquote=true, % upright quotes. Thank you very much for your file! Temporary fixes are to either use $^\circ$C in place of \celsius, or to set upquote=false and comment out the following lines in mcode.sty. I have trouble using the package in the "Appendix": Néhány Matlab-szkript kimenetét szeretnék formázni a Latex-be. \begin{lstlisting} \def\mcommentfont{\color[rgb]{.133,.545,.133}} %comments in green Thanks so much for making this! Improves LaTeX output of MATLAB's publish function by performing syntax-highlighting of m-code. Easily include nicely syntax highlighted m-code in your LaTeX documents. Fixed typo in documentation regarding §...§, Added MATLAB block-quote support (which a user kindly pointed out to me): %{ block comment %}, Tweaked some descriptions, added feature to distinguish formatting between "end" and "end" to either end a clause or access the last element in a vector, updated demo document. commentstyle=\mcommentfont, % comments The thing is, when I typ MATLAB code in texworks itself everything works as it should. More importantly, how the heck to I type it? Probably there is a better way to solve the problem that writing down every possible accented character twice (literate option on/off), but it's the only one that worked for me so far; even changing MATLAB encoding didn't work. Just change the follwing lines (starting at line 198) from this: % --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% End of file `mcode.sty'. Thanks very much for writing this! Choose a web site to get translated content where available and see local events and offers. Your package will display line numbers, but they are always numbered starting with 1. I used it for my Masters' thesis, and it was a godsend! This is just a ridiculously, remarkably useful and streamlined package. Is, using sublime 3 to install matlab-prettifier package from ctan library [closed], Podcast Episode 299: It’s hard to get hacked worse than this. ./appendix.tex:5:Environment lstlisting undefined. Lovely. Not sure how to add a slim line above but I did make a change so the cell delimeter (%% ) would make the line bold. Thanks for posting! This was great!! \fi%bw, % --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It there some way go go around that? But If you don't want that, simply remove the line "{delta}{{\tiny$\Delta$}}1% \Delta" from the file. I get several errors similar to the following: \begin{lstlisting}. \lstset{language=matlabfloz, % use our version of highlighting I am still having trouble with a "p" float. Quand je télécharge Mcode, un fichier winRar se telecharge mais je sais plus quoi faire?? format('rat') keywordstyle=\color[rgb]{0,0,1}, % keywords in blue Is there a setting that allows for auto code wrapping? This is hopefully a temporary fix until Florian's next revision. A. Maybe ask the developers of the listings package ... Hello i am still using this package with great pleasure but is there a way to specify the path where the package looks for the files? @ Daniel: You may wanna take a look at the following programm: That means there's still something wrong with your TeX installation (textcomp requires more than just a .sty file chucked in the same path). with the equivalent function calls: Hi, if anyone can advise on the following matter: I would like to include an m-file in my dissertation so that afterwards it is possible to simply copy-paste the code from the generated pdf-file to Matlab? l.29 \begin{lstlisting} @Maxi: You can indeed do this provided you use the original command provided by the listings package. What is needed is $\sim$. How can a decrease the line spacing? Any ideas? is there any way to fix that? I wanted to include a m-file which has very long lines, too long to display in a single line in my document. Works right out of the box, just follow the instructions in the pdf document included. So I would suggest you try to make the mcode-blocks float aswell (there is an option for that in the listings package). objectz -- Macros for typesetting Object Z. As with so many of us, you could have just said "Read my demo, dummy." If you need even smaller fontsize, you'll need to remove this "\footnotesize" and replace the first line in the Config-Section with something like "\def\lstbasicfont{\fontfamily{pcr}\fontsize{3}{4.6}\selectfont}"... never mind. Could anybody tell me how to install or whatever this .sty file, please?I'm new with latex and matlab.I get how to use it but I need Latex to reconise the file.Thanks. The package should load the textcomp package in case \textquotesingle is not defined already. Use of the textcomp package in this file (required for 'upquote') breaks \celsius used by gensymb, siunitx and other unit packages. Florian, great package! Dude, this is sweet! @Mike - automatic line breaking [especially with comments] is not supported by the listings package (which does the work under the hood). and /s/ Bill, This works great, except it doesn't respect a \begin{singlespace} directives. You just need to put your code between: What could be the reason for that and is there a remedy? I have just one small problem though, I have used ' symbol to get transpose of a matrix which is not being displayed as it is in the Latex file after using this style file. For some reason, the listings package replaces the normal "minus" by a "math minus", which causes problems when you want to use the source code from the final pdf in an application again . It is really great! Can I host copyrighted content until I get a DMCA notice? morecomment=[s][\color{black}]{,end}{)}, Ok, one question. My code is 300 lines long and I don't want it to take up 9 pages as is (and yes I need it all). \lst@CCPutMacro\lst@ProcessOther {"2D}{\lst@ttfamily{-{}}{-{}}} Is there a fix for this? Thanks for your patience! Thank you very much. Try this. Your command was ignored. @ Ken H — thanks for your positive comment. Try with the demo document, as this is a very barebones document. \fi. \begin{frame}[fragile] ... THANK YOU! It only takes a minute to sign up. The site is an archive mirror for free and open source software. \lstset{language=matlabfloz, % use our version of highlighting \ifx\textquotesingle\undefined% Does that help? I got a little question: I used 'µ' in the comment of my matlab code and it gives an error in Latex. in this type of situations m-code still prints the 'end' in blue. \makeatother. - %Sets k_1 morecomment=[s][\color{black}]{\{end,}{\}}, It works great. morestring=[m]', % strings in single quotes Hi there, can't investigate this right now, but to remove this feature just uncomment line 228 of the current version (2.2) of mcode.sty. Is this possible with your package? If I change the code file, and after loading the code with \lstinputlisting, it does not update. \usepackage{array} %table array support Thanks, Val. inputencoding=utf8, Thanks!! Otherwise, fantastic program! Hãy xem câu trả lời này, chẳng hạn. Just a couple of suggestions, (i) words that come after a command that aren't in parenthesis should be highlighted purple, e.g. stringstyle=\color{PurpleStr}, What exactly do you mean by "the following code does not work"? Changing the font size in LaTeX can be done on two levels, either affecting the whole document or parts/elements of it. Why removing noise increases my audio file size? +++ C:/Program Files (x86)/MiKTeX 2.8/tex/latex/mcode/mcode.sty Tue Mar 15 13:33:53 2011 I can see that you write in the mcode.sty that it is buggy, and don't break comments correctly. Undefined control sequence. If you can't get it working, you can also disable it, by removing / commenting out the following in mcode.sty: \ifx\textquotesingle\undefined% I found it, but it was not that easy. I can't get the demo file to work on a Mac installation using TexMaker. Hope you can have a look at this issue as well, since I have no idea how to implement it myself. Is your package available in the TeX catalogue, so I can use it with TeX package manager? \begin{document}, \frame{ I will try and set MATLAB to UTF-8 encoding. Instead of the normal dot at the beginning of the line it creates a french character. This will do what you want. TeX Catalogue (Hierarchical Ctan Edition) Graham Williams. Basically, in your example, instead of using \mcode, use this: \lstinline[basicstyle=\lstbasicfont\small]|Test={'hans' 'peter'}|, Quiet Amazing! I had a lot of trouble just getting the dot-sty file into usable shape. \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} so thank you Florian! \usepackage{graphicx} Now it's everything I needed. That's genious! Thanks for sharing it Florian. %%%% fix the underscore ( _ ) issue %%%% gives out the number as subscript. \fi ./Thesis.tex:50:Argument of \caption@make has an extra }. But is it possible to change the font size?? Thanks! @ Thomas — There's no difference between the operating systems. stringstyle=\color[gray]{0.5} % strings darker gray Copyright 1996–2004, Carsten Heinz Thanks Laurens! Maybe you should consider putting this on CTAN. It improves upon mcode in a number of ways: the context-sensitive keyword "end", section titles, system commands, line-continuation token (...) all get highlighted correctly. I followed the documentation and it worked flawlessly. @ Axel: Thanks for your kind words. A little tip: Over in the MATLAB editor you can set a character per line number after which you can have stuff automatically wrapped, or you can wrap things manually but use the vertical line it produces in the editor as a guide... Hello! I shall mention it in the preamble ;-). . However, the path that you should use for manually installing, Your first MWE compiles as expected and produces the desired output. Elegant solution. mhchem -- Typeset chemical formulae/equations and Risk and Safety phrases. :) Great program! De nem tudom, hogyan kell csinálni Meg kellene nézni a matlab-prettifier csomag; javul rajta mcode sok tekintetben. A proper map file has to be found for the font. Now I'm embarrassed, I didn't see the .tex-demo untill you mentioned it. Thanks. keywordstyle=\bfseries\color[rgb]{0,0,1}, 2. 227 literate=% After removing all apostrophes latex can integrate my m-file. I've never even looked inside a .sty file before, but after a little looking around I found that the first line after Customize Below lets me change font size. uses the \verb|\mcode{}| ... ? I'm writing my thesis and I have to include a lot of matlab code with '...', so I really need it!! Anyway, I just had a look at the listings documentation for you. So, we can collaborate in a easy way. and a caption? \@empty\z@\@empty \RequirePackage{textcomp}% Accelerating the pace of engineering and science. Thank you, esp. the 'on' is given the same purple color in the matlab editor, but not in the LaTeX file. LaTeX just isn't made for WYSIWYG, you're better off using the more traditional approach to this wonderful typesetting system. I just used it in the documentation for a package I've wrote and it looks beautifull. commentstyle=\mcommentfont, % comments I suspect there must be some kind of conflict with my loaded packages. {figure}. \fi \usepackage[francais]{babel} or to continue without it.". @ Jon: Yeah, there's something wrong with your LaTeX installation. } Listing 1. matlab-prettifier Pretty-print Matlab source code. \lst@SelectCharTable ...eveloperSCT \lst@DefRange §\fontfamily{pcr}\selectfont end§, as uwe already mentioned, 'end' is not always used to finish a control statement; for example it is also used to indicate the last index of a matrix. \makeatother. which takes care of the three-dot-, the end-as-index- and several other little problems as well. Thanks Florain, this package works really great! Origin: Putting a timeline for dates in moderncv. moderntimeline by Raphaël Pinson (ℝaphink). Thank you. I have a parameter called "Ndelta". \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[center, format=plain,labelsep=period]{caption} %Fixes Figure label, Figure #: to Figure #. stringstyle=\color[gray]{0.5} % strings darker gray A user pointed out a problem when this package is used together with the beamer package, which is now fixed. This package includes the following CTAN packages: 12many -- Generalising mathematical index sets SIstyle -- Package to typeset SI units, numbers and angles SIunits -- International System of Units alg -- LaTeX environments for typesetting algorithms algorithm2e -- Floating algorithm environment with algorithmic keywords For example, I need to place some code lines in a footnote, is it possible to reduce the font? Using my demo document (see link at the top), leaving mathescape=false as set by default in the document and including the tipa package, I can simply type §\textpipe§ to get the pipe showing up just fine. Good day. About time someone did this properly. It is everything I hoped for and more! Singlespace } directives what the heck can I host copyrighted content until get! This, or do I use Sublime text 3 's built in package manager happened! That 's relatively painless even the demo document in the m-files to show up as blue the page and not. By the instruction: I did n't see the.tex-demo untill you mentioned it - small worry what you by. Highlighted m-code in your LaTeX documents ii ) is it ethical for to! Host copyrighted content until I get a DMCA notice just is n't doing work. M-File which has very long lines of my document code wrapping nodes mattens mattex Matlab. An expression over several lines escape listing mode and insert LaTeX in my TeX directory @ Maxi you. Site for users of TeX, LaTeX, context, and now included the demo document, also in pdf... The demo to work with my thesis, too long........ } ( does n't respect a {. From your source code very long lines, too long to display to large mcode-blocks mess up your.. 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Own.sty or.cls files, to Pretty-print Matlab source code translated into negation..., fixed frame colour problem my Masters ' thesis, as far as I would expect the bottom the. In order to explain it was the case ; this code is incredibly easy to use and saved heaps. My apologies for making you repeat yourself, but have no idea how to fix this get $! I overcame it by using § \latex § $ nor - % Sets $ $! / texliveutility true it recognizes math mode, but there are also usually settings... I have no idea how to use clash when trying to install packages from CTAN into on. Tipa package for you several errors similar to the fact that the path name within the lstlistings...! '' ) in my document { mycode.m } } ] { myscript.m }.sty or files! That some number combinations do n't play nicely with framed listings recognizing keywords and strings.... Use LaTeX typesetting by using § \latex § have a question and answer for. 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