Doctors do not recommend the use of a douche to clean the vagina. A disruption in this environment can cause infections and other problems. Rightfully so, because my mom had no intention of prematurely ending her conversation until I said, “I got my period. However, it should not persist much longer after the period ends. Anyone who experiences unusual changes in vaginal discharge, strange odors, or vaginal bleeding during pregnancy should speak to a doctor. There is no need to use special cleansers or sprays to clean the vagina. If a person has bacterial vaginosis or trichomoniasis during pregnancy, they have a higher chance of delivering their baby prematurely or having a baby with low birth weight. Hello Giggles is a registered trademark of Meredith Corporation All Rights Reserved. It holds the blood until she empties it. Yes, there are health risks associated with ingesting or being exposed to menses, because this is both fluid sharing and also blood sharing, even though menses is more than just blood.. She said it consists of “bacteria, vaginal mucus, fluid, and tissues”—all of which contribute to the odor that comes with periods. Log in to reply to the answers Post; Anonymous. “Either way, every woman has a different composition of her menstrual blood flow and that makes your period blood odor special and specific to you.”, If your period blood smells strong and fishy, that might be cause for concern. Yes, we may have accepted the smell, but wouldn’t it be great to understand it a little better? How Much Blood Comes Out? But I imagine every ones blood might taste somewhat different depending on their health. Symptoms include a grayish discharge…, © 2004-2020 Healthline Media UK Ltd, Brighton, UK, a Red Ventures Company. Among possible reasons of your “off-smelling” self before your period can be one of the following: Forgetting to pull out your tampon; Shocking as it may seem, it does … Gut microbiota: How does it interact with the brain? Slippery and jelly-like period blood: Menstrual blood that seems almost slippery with a jelly-like texture is mixed with high levels of cervical mucus. If an infection is a cause, then it will require prompt treatment by a doctor. Spotting is quite common and is usually no cause for concern. Learn more about the different colors of vaginal discharge here. “Bacterial vaginosis can either go away on its own or be treated with antibiotics,” she adds. People may wish to see a doctor if…, Bacterial vaginosis is a common infection caused by an imbalance of naturally occurring bacteria in the vagina. Period blood doesn't smell like flowers neither so take a wild guess. It is different from the sweat lost during exercise, or when the body has a high temperature. Does anyone else do this! I knew not to interrupt grownups when they were speaking, so I hesitated before deciding to knock. Think of your period like a rainbow. Any medical information published on this website is not intended as a substitute for informed medical advice and you should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare professional, Read more about whether feminine hygiene products are safe or even necessary here, Learn more about the different colors of vaginal discharge here. Periods. What the Blood Should (and Shouldn't) Look Like. Some people might notice different types of smell to their period blood, such as a metallic, rotten, or fishy smell. Blood taste is also a symptom of gingivitis or bleeding gums. A sweet smell in the period blood is likely due to the acidic environment and the presence of bacteria in the vagina. She immediately hung up the phone and freaked out—in a good, excited way. These products can irritate the vaginal area. Dryness of the mouth causes blood taste. Not including the symptoms of the underlying cause of the taste of blood in the mouth, the main symptoms are a metallic taste or blood-like taste in the mouth. Some individuals feel this taste after small injuries that goes away with time but others may feel it all the time which may makes it difficult to taste the food correctly. I drink my own and I love the taste, but it's more of the idea of it that I like. Another infection that produces a fishy smell during a person’s period is trichomoniasis, which is a sexually transmitted infection. To learn more about the how and why about period odor, I reached out to Dr. Jessica Shepherd, an ob-gyn and women’s health expert. Read more about whether feminine hygiene products are safe or even necessary here. Brown or dark red blood has not had as long to oxidize as black blood … This is why your period blood smells, according to a gynecologist. A person with trichomoniasis might notice an unusual fishy smell from the vagina and a change in vaginal discharge. I'd assume it would taste awful. Menstrual clots usually indicate a heavy flow. ? it's got the iron content which would explain the tangyness but obviously it's going to taste different as it's more 'meaty' and the addition of normal fluids is going to alter the taste as well. This type of smell is often due to a foreign body, such as a tampon, that a person has accidentally left in the vagina for too long. The vagina is home to different types of healthful bacteria, including Lactobacillus. Blood tastes like metal (because of the iron in it) but I m not sure about periods, if you re really that curious, you should go taste it. Last medically reviewed on July 26, 2019, For many, it can be hard to distinguish between spotting and periods. The color of your period blood may also provide some insights into what else is going on inside your body. Some odors are normal, while others may be a sign of a problem. They might also notice itching, burning, or soreness in the genital area. Other possible causes in the medicine cabinet include: Other possible causes in the medicine cabinet include: Heart medication Such a beautifully complex experience. Sometimes, unusual smells during a person’s period are related to hygiene practices. And I have no idea how it taste...duh, but I would guess it taste nothing like blood you suck from your cut finger. They are also at risk for vaginal infections due to the changing balance of yeast and bacteria in the vagina. I remember my first period like it was yesterday. A person might notice that their period blood smells metallic due to the presence of blood and iron. Blood that, according to Dr. Shepherd, “can cause a more intense smell.”, “Blood can be different—more or less intense depending on length of flow, volume of flow, and also whether it’s bacteria mixed with old blood or it’s bacteria in the vagina that’s coming out with the blood,” she says. Can I have a pad?”. While period smells are totally normally, there are things you can do to make them less intense. Don't give oral while she is on her period… Have you ever noticed brown blood down there? It's very hard to explain but there's just something about the warmth and the metallic smell of blood that's very erotic to me, and clearly to your boyfriend also. And sometimes it’s black. This smell is often related to an infection, such as bacterial vaginosis or trichomoniasis. Well, I guess I like the taste of everyone's menstrual blood. Due to hormonal changes, a person might have more normal vaginal discharge during pregnancy than they usually do. " This is due to the presence of apocrine sweat glands in the genital region. You also expel bacteria, vaginal mucus, fluid, and tissue during your period, and that's why your period blood doesn't smell exactly like the blood that comes out of any other part of your body. Apocrine sweat mixes with bacteria on the skin to produce body odor. Your period is kind of like a mood ring for the rest of your body. Menstruation involves the shedding of blood and tissue from the uterine lining through the vagina. You can't stop it, you just have to do damage control. Otherwise, a doctor will need to remove it. This article will discuss different types of period blood smell and when to contact a doctor. This is typically due to the presence of iron in the blood and is not usually a cause for concern. The presence of blood, semen, or urine in the vagina can affect the pH and cause different odors. In … Doctors diagnose bacterial vaginosis using a range of tests and typically prescribe antibiotics for treatment. COVID-19 pandemic 2020: The search for a vaccine, Healthcare workers have 7 times the risk of severe COVID-19, How blood markers and wealth predict future health problems, The differences between spotting and periods, Debra Rose Wilson, Ph.D., MSN, R.N., IBCLC, AHN-BC, CHT, Menstrual cups: Everything you need to know. A person might notice that their period blood smells metallic due to the presence of blood and iron. Nah not like blood . A person should aim to bathe daily to improve unwanted odors. It's like your crotch is throwing up 24/7 for a week every month. Additionally, during menstruation, they should change a pad every time they go to the restroom and change a tampon every few hours. The intensity of the odor is dependent on “whether it’s ‘old’ or ‘new’ blood, which really just means how long it may have been inside the uterus before coming out,” Dr. Shepherd tells HG. A person might have white or gray vaginal discharge outside of menstruation. While period blood doesn’t include the full spectrum of the sun, it’s perfectly normal to have varying shades of red during menstruation. If you want to be a stellar partner, take note of any … A person might notice a fishy smell during their period and also outside of menstruation. A person might notice a smell that is similar to body odor during their period. Periods are just gross. Why don't you just ask her if she was on her period? Risk factors for bacterial vaginosis include new or multiple sex partners and douching. Generally, period blood smells are not noticeable to other people. Hello Giggles is part of the Meredith Beauty Group. What does your period blood mean? Lots of things about your period -- like how often you get it, how long it … “The best way to minimize any scents is to keep the areas as dry as possible to help reduce it if it’s bothering you,” says Dr. Shepherd. MNT is the registered trade mark of Healthline Media. Some people describe this as a metallic or penny-like flavor. No sex is ever truly “safe,” even with STI testing and proper condom application: … I went to the restroom, saw the blood, and calmly stuffed my underwear with tissue. All rights reserved. That said, for the most part, period blood is as safe as any other blood, and using it do things like to fertilize plants should be just fine, although perhaps not as effective as using compost. It may look like a lot of blood, but a girl usually only loses a few tablespoons of blood during the whole period. One time I got some on my finger after changing my tampon and I just licked it...I was surprised by how much I liked it! Trichomoniasis is a protozoal infection that a person can pass to another person through sex. 4 years ago. People do not have a period during pregnancy, but should still be aware of vaginal health. I didn’t get it. Woo-hoo! I was 11 years old, and it was July 4th—yes, Independence Day. Copyright © 2020 Meredith Corporation. It's unlikely that different blood types would taste different, since the only real difference between them has to do with what kind of proteins the blood cells are willing to work with. If you pay attention to the way you're bleeding, you can pick up some major clues and insights about your health. period blood isn't the same as normal blood though, it's blood and tissue. People should also speak to a doctor if they experience the following during their period: A doctor can help to identify whether or not a person has an infection or a more severe condition. Dr. Shepherd says that kind of odor can indicate an infection, like bacterial vaginosis. The following are common menstrual blood odors: Period blood can have a metallic smell, like a copper coin. Other…, Noticing blood clots in your menstrual blood is perfectly normal. Bacterial vaginosis produces a fishy smell, which is more pronounced during menstruation, as blood increases the vaginal alkalinity. Cervical mucus is always present in your vagina, even during menstruation. I went to my mom’s room, but the door was closed because she was on the phone. I was 11 years old, and it was July 4th—yes, Independence Day. For most women, menstruation begins between ages 12 and 13.You may bleed in what’s commonly called a “period” every 21 to 35 days or so.. this link is to an external site that may or may not meet accessibility guidelines. Drugs like antibiotics can give you a metallic taste. The normal pH of the vagina is 3.8–4.5, which is acidic. ken. Most girls need to change their pad, tampon, or menstrual cup about 3‒6 times a day. Someone from Chilton, England, GB posted a whisper, which reads ""what does your period blood taste like?" People should also pay attention to changes in vaginal discharge outside of their period. I went to the restroom, saw the blood… She recommends wearing cotton underwear, reducing the trapping of sweat with tight clothing or leggings, and changing pads or tampons more often if the smell is bothering you. Submitted by Sonnet Fitzgerald, Facebook. The menstrual fluid, consisting of blood, the unfertilized egg, and uterine lining tissue, might have a slight smell to it. I remember my first period like it was yesterday. A person should be aware of new or unusual smells during their period or changes in vaginal discharge outside of their period. The blood that you see during your period is similar to but not exactly the same type of blood that you see when you cut your finger. It was just period blood, right? The growth of bacteria in the mouth causes inflammation of the gums which eventually bleed. Several factors can influence the smell of menstrual blood, such as the vagina’s pH and the presence of bacteria. And then, I was with my friend and she asked me to change her tampon for her so I did and I snuck a taste of her period blood. A pH of 7 is neutral. Douching can change the balance of bacteria and levels of acidity in the vagina. It can be present in swallowing or even while the mouth is not performing any action at all. Mouth orgasm. What you see on your pad or tampon or in the toilet bowl is a mixture of both blood and tissue from the lining of your uterus.How much of each, along with other factors, will influence what your period blood looks like. I'm not sure how physically healthy it is, but I've been doing it for quite a while and I'm not dead! |, A purple shampoo hack that will truly keep your blonde hair from going brassy, 10 Reasons Why You're Dreaming About Your Ex, 7 ways to clean gunky earrings to make your bling sparkle like new, 10 tricks to make your hair look super shiny and healthy, Fire, water, earth, or air—here's what your zodiac element reveals about you, 15 ways your relationship changes after the honeymoon stage ends, 15 movies about love that are actually super depressing. Chemicals/hormones run through our bloodstream and can taint the taste. It can also cause a buildup of harmful bacteria and lead to infections, such as bacterial vaginosis or yeast infections. It doesn't taste like blood! It may just…, A menstrual cup is a product that people can use instead of pads or tampons during their periods. Others have even called it a “battery” taste. 0 0 0. You can't get AIDS eating blood, unless you have an open wound in your mouth. Get in Tune With Yourself. It can also show an oncoming sinus infection. Some smells, such as a fishy or rotten smell, are unusual, and a person experiencing them should see a doctor for further investigation. Period blood can have different odors based on numerous factors. Doctors diagnose trichomoniasis with laboratory testing and treat it with antibiotics. A person can try to remove an old tampon from the vagina by finding the string and pulling it out. On the contrary, asparagus, onions, garlic and broccoli can make you taste and smell “eew” down there. Bacterial vaginosis is a common vaginal infection caused by an overgrowth of bacteria in the vagina. Colour: bright, cranberry red Consistency: medium viscosity, not too thick, not too thin Length: 4-7 days Amount: 5mL – 80mL (if you are soaking through period products, that is an overly heavy period) Frequency: 24-36 days What it means: This is considered a normal, healthy period! In this article, learn how menstrual cups work and…, Spotting before a period is usually harmless, and it may not always have a clear cause. Not quite. Your dream is a symbol of a bigger problem. Green or yellow vaginal discharge is usually a sign of problems. The vagina’s acidic environment and the presence of different types of healthful bacteria may also play a role in the smell of vaginal secretions and period blood. 10. 8 years ago. Why You “Smell” Before Your Period. 3. Why period blood varies in color. The glands release this type of sweat during periods of stress or anxiety. That’s just blood that has oxidized after being exposed to air for a long period of time, aka “old” blood. Hello Giggles may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. If your flow is light, it may be sufficient to alter the appearance of blood texture. However, it can sometimes be an early sign of pregnancy. A person might notice a bad or rotten smell during their period, which could be a sign of a problem. Certain smells during a person’s period are completely normal. Is period sex safe? Blood Taste in Mouth Symptoms; The symptoms of a bloody taste in the mouth are pretty intuitive. The taste has some feel of metal mainly because our blood contains iron as the key hemoglobin element. A power that comes with period poop, period skin, pain, and of course—that delightful period blood smell. It’s a not-so-friendly reminder of the power our bodies have—the power to create life. It occurs when the egg released during ovulation is not fertilized to result in pregnancy. A change in hue is usually a sign of how quickly the blood is leaving the … Offers may be subject to change without notice. The vagina is an acidic environment with a balance of bacteria that produce odor. “If any woman has an out-of-the-ordinary odor, she should consider talking to her doctor.”. Like black blood, brown or dark red is a sign of old blood, and it may appear at the beginning or end of a period. “Menstrual blood smells different due to the fact that the blood is more than just blood,” says Dr. Shepherd. Blood taste can be the signal that the patient is coming up with a cold or flu. Lv 4. Partners and douching product that people can use instead of pads or tampons during their period or in. Mom had no intention of prematurely ending her conversation until i said, “ got... Often related to an external site that may or may not meet accessibility guidelines period is kind of can. Feminine hygiene products are safe or even necessary here called it a battery. 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