It looks like your browser needs an update. Where and when did the Russian Revolution take place? And just as any turn in the life of an individual teaches him a great deal and brings rich experience and great emotional stress, so a revolution teaches an entire people very rich and valuable lessons in a short space of time. Even before the outbreak of war, the Russian population were largely dissatisfied with the government under the Tsarist regime. WWI caused the spark that ignited the revolution. Women textile workers led a citywide strike, bolstered by riots due to bread and fuel shortages. The February Revolution was the first of two revolutions that took place in Russia in 1917. The weak generals and poorly equipped troops could not stand up to German troops. It sparked the beginning of a new era in Russia that had effects on countries around the world. Workers began to strike and soldiers began to desert their posts. List four reasons why life was difficult for workers in Russia in the early 1900s. -Czar Nicholas had to abdicate power to the Duma -Bolsehviks (lead by Vladimir Lenin) gained support -- signed agreement with Germany to leave WWI -- transformed Russia into first communist nation -- renamed Russia USSR Join now. What caused the Russian Revolution? not the sole cause of the Russian Revolution of 1917. This resulted in protests in 1917 throughout the country. This local protest exploded into a revolution. The Russian Revolution of 1905 began in St. Petersburg on Jan. 22 (Jan. 9, O.S.) Search all of SparkNotes Search. Main cause of the Russian Revolution. Russian Revolution of 1905, uprising that was instrumental in convincing Tsar Nicholas II to attempt the transformation of the Russian government from an autocracy into a constitutional monarchy. Soldiers blocking Narva Gate on Bloody Sunday The Russian Revolution of 1905 was a major factor contributing to the cause of the Revolutions of 1917. Log in. The massive Russian defeat in this war sparked unrest at home, leading to rebuilt. They were led by Vladimir Lenin and a group of revolutionaries called the Bolsheviks. The army was also short of uniforms, food and weapons with which to fight. Party of Lenin that won the support of the people by promising "Peace, Bread, and Land," and which led the "October" Revolution of 1917 in Russia. Suggestions Use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. Unless the time is ripe for such a turn, no real revolution can take place. Power in cities grew into local councils (soviets) which held more power than the provisional government itself. That Nicholas’ answer to the crises facing the Russian regime – and the answer of his father - was to look back to the seventeenth century and try to resurrect an almost late-medieval system, instead of reforming and modernizing Russia, was a major problem and source of discontent which directly led to the revolution. All of the newly freed serfs had no money to buy land and most of them were forced to work in poor conditions with little pay without their most basic needs being met. The incident became known as Bloody Sunday. They were either killed, deported to Gulags or exiled and their land confiscated by the government. Also, the leader of the Bolsheviks, Lenin, had an engaging and persuasive personality. What was a cause of the Russian Revolution? Ask your question. CAUSE FIVE: REVOLUTIONS OF MARCH, 1917 REVOLUTION OF MARCH 1917 With Nicholas was away leading the war, the situation in St. Petersburg grew more and more serious. The government also set production quotas for each farm to produce and if the farm failed, they would by punished by taking the food away and starving, the banning of printed materials or films due to alarming or offensive ideas, Affects of the Russian Revolution on the world, -Spread of communist parties to other countries, Soviet Union industrialized through Stalin's Five Year Plans. 2. Protesters went to the Winter Palace- as a result 100 people were killed and over 300 wounded. Reduction of work day to eight hours, increase in wages, and improvement of working conditions. A bunch of peasants/workers protest against forced labor and in the end the czar is forced to abdicate. At the time of the revolution Russia was an autocracy, with Tsar Nicholas II holding absolute power over his people. The Russian Revolution was actually a pair of revolutions in Russia in 1917 that ended the Tsarist autocracy and allowed for the rise of the Soviet Union. They supported a small number of committed revolutionaries willing to sacrifice everything for a radical change. produce socialism, the Bolshevik revolution gave birth to an autocratic party dictatorship residing over a state capitalist Rasputin was not the czar and did not have the interests of the people at hear nor the credentials to be a leader. Perfect prep for The Russian Revolution (1917–1918) quizzes and tests you might have in school. What was one cause of revolution in Russia? Get the answers you need, now! It was too weak to make any changes that the peasants were asking for. The main causes of the Russian Revolution of 1917 were the poverty of the peasant class, the rise of the urban industrial class, the antiquated and oppressed military, a growing intellectual movement, and the inefficiency and autocracy of the Tsarist regime. The Russo-Japanese War had already showed the weakness of the czar and the military and even of Russia. List the 6 definitive cause of the Russian revolution. Briefly describe Bloody Sunday and its outcome. They didn’t have any power either. War caused great unrest and a large death toll. Dissidents were sent to the camps, where conditions were generally brutal. The czar's family was supposed to have control over Russia, but since Rasputin had taken control this became a sort of deception to the people. A document that freed all of the 23 million serfs in Russia, issued in 1861 by the czar. They supported a communist rule where the workers would have more equality. The Russian Revolution had the effect of putting an end to the major arena of fighting on the Eastern Front in World War I. The czar had little peasant or worker support to engage in a war that could Beas disastrous and the last. What were the problems existing in Russia in 1917? They became factory workers and turned into a new middle class. Politicians from all over the world advised Nicholas to begin reform movements and bring democratic The Russian economy had made great industrial advances in the two decades prior to 1914 – but it was still under-developed and ill-equipped to supply a prolonged war. What is the driving ideology behind the Russian revolution. A council of workers called … Outlined the fact that the government would own the means of production but that they people would get goods distributed to them equally. Russia was not prepared for the military and economic costs of war. Created by Karl Marx in his Communist Manifesto and originally called Marxism. Peasant unrest. Czar Nicholas is overthrown March 15, 1917. answered What was a cause of the Russian revolution?z 1 See answers February (March) and October (November) 1917 -- Russia. 5 points tyrone44 Asked 11.20.2019. 1. 3. Kirsten's Thesis - good idea -discontent over corrupt/ineffective gov't, -Czar Nicholas had to abdicate power to the Duma. The Russian Revolution was actually a series of revolutions in 1917 that ultimately resulted in the overthrow of Tsar Nicholas II and the establishment of a communist government. What effects did the outcome of the Russo-Japanese War have on the Russian people? 1) End of autocratic (absolute monarchy) rule, wealthy farmers in Russia. when troops fired on a defenseless crowd of workers, who, led by a priest, were marching to the Winter Palace to petition Czar Nicholas II. The economic causes of the Russian Revolution were based largely on the Czar's mis-management, compounded by World War I. Join now. 1905, people protested the poor working conditions in factories+loss to Japan during Russo-Japanese war led to many people viewing the czar as an incompetent leader. How did the working conditions add to the peasant unrest before the Russian Revolution? Why would the workers follow the Bolsheviks? the process of teaching a people since early age to accept certain beliefs without questioning. As a result of the protests in 1917 due to food shortages, military losses, the czar gave up his throne and Russia set a provisional (temporary) government ran by Duma (parliament), November Revolution 1917/Bolshevik Revolution, The communists with the leadership of Lenin overthrew the provisional government and established a communist society. Many Russian soldiers were killed in this war and Russia lost important battles. Log in. How WWI caused the Revolution - Open University text . This sparks waves of strikes and violence across Russia in support of workers' rights, leading Czar Nicholas II to promise more freedom and to approve of the creation of the Duma (Russia's first parliament). Russia was losing against Germany while people inside were starving due to food shortages because of the war. Ideas spread to influence public opinion for or against a cause. Log in. Prince Alexis died. use of the atomic bomb. The war also turned peasants and workers against the czar, who had essentially thrown people at the problem. One cause of World War I was the (1 point) Holocaust. Oh no! Main cause of the Russian Revolution. The new communist government created the country of the Soviet Union. As society changed, more and more people started living in cities. First, the February Russian Revolution toppled the Russian monarchy and established a Provisional Government. The procession was attacked by the police and the Cossacks (Russian soldiers).Over 100 workers were killed and some 300 wounded. (1 point) The Russian economy was very strong. Nicholas was untrained as a statesman and inept to take on the responsibilities of being the supreme power in Russia. At the end of the 19th century many people in the countryside were peasants . Test your knowledge on all of The Russian Revolution (1917–1918). Rasputin was manipulating the czar's family with the influence he had over them. The events of Bloody Sunday triggered nationwide protests and soldier mutinies. The new government keeps Russia in the war which continues to deplete its resources and people. What were the worker's demands at the Winter Palace on January 22, 1905? Long hours, little concern for worker health or safety, resistance [by factory owners] of trade unions, overall harsh conditions, wage-declines, lay-offs, What types of poor working conditions inspired the industry workers to approach Winter Palace on January 22, 1905. Soldiers were losing moral. History. Forced labor camps set up by Stalin in Siberia (the coldest region of Russia). Russia’s government was still do… 1. Russian people were treated very badly during the rule of the tsars. This type of dedication appealed to the workers. The Russian Revolution of 1917 had people that would cause riots during the war. In summary the peasants liked Bolshevik ideology, had nothing else to lose, and wanted a radical change. By the end of 1916, two years of total war had placed enormous strain on all combatant nations. By 1917 the bond between the tsar and most of the Russian people had been broken. Russia was losing against Germany while people inside were starving due to food shortages because of the war. What caused the degeneration of the Russian Revolution? Soldiers soon joined in the riots and revolted against their commanders. At … result of discontent from Russian factory workers and peasants, the Czar created Duma (Parliament) but dissolved it a year after and the Russian workers and peasants did not get what they were promised, Food and military supply shortages during WWI. The Russian Revolution took place in 1917 when the peasants and working class people of Russia revolted against the government of Tsar Nicholas II. KaitlynGCavazos 04/07/2020 History Middle School +7 pts. What was a cause of the Russian Revolution? The Russian Revolution 1917 can be compared to Julius Caesar, because of the overthrowing of the government, people fighting over food shortages, killed most of Russia’s army, suffering in … Communism. The Russian government was disciplining deserters with torture and death. Every revolution means a sharp turn in the lives of a vast number of people. Rasputin had influence over government decisions when he was close to the Czar's family. Economic. Millions died. 1. Russian Czar during WWI; unpopular with Russian people; overthrown in March 1917; executed by Bolsheviks after November Revolution (1917), serfdom lasted into the mid-1800s; Russian landowners wanted serfs to stay on the land and produce large harvests; the landowners treated the serfs like property; when a landowner sold a piece of land, he sold the serfs with it; landowners could give away serfs as presents or to pay debts; it was also against the law for serfs to run away from their owners. Because of his inaptitude and inadequate decisions and inability to change with the times he paved the path for revolution. George Gapon decides to appeal to the czar on behalf of the dissatisfied workers. led to worker dissatisfaction, especially knowing that the upper class enjoyed better lives added to this anger. Middle School. Why were Russian people unhappy with their country's involvement in WWI? alliances among European nations. This resulted in … This revolution in 1917 led to the end of his family’s dynasty, the end of the autocracy in Russia. What spurred the March Revolution in 1917? What was a cause of the Russian revolution?z Get the answers you need, now! A CENTURY ago Russia was on the brink of a revolution that would change the course of the country forever. They set goals for the output of steel, electricity, machinery, and most other products and were enforced by the police powers of the state. What were the effects of the Russian Revolution? As is well known, the Russian Revolution failed. The Bolsheviks and Vladamir Lenin led the uprising – … Give a quick summary of the March Revolution and its overall outcome. They didn’t like the tsar and wanted more power from him. Plans that Joseph Stalin introduced to industrialize the Soviet Union rapidly, beginning in 1928. The tsar’s reactionary policies, including the occasional dissolution of the Duma, or Russian parliament, the chief fruit of the 1905 revolution, had spread dissatisfaction even to moderate elements. People were poor and had hard lives. In 1917, two revolutions completely changed the fabric of Russia. What about the Bolshevik beliefs appealed to the Russian workers? Log in. Enemy forces were looming ready to invade Russia. The Russian Revolution of 1917 involved the collapse of an empire under Tsar Nicholas II and the rise of Marxian socialism under Lenin and his Bolsheviks. O ne hundred years after the Russian Revolution, historians are still arguing about what made this seismic political shift possible. Join now. For several years before 1905 and especially after the humiliating Russo-Japanese War (1904–05), shortage of serfs. But this doesn't solve all of Russia's problems. What was the Emancipation Manifesto and how did it contribute to the start of the Russian Revolution? After a small rebellion … What ended up happening to the workers at the Czar's Winter Palace in 1905? Russian Revolution by Unknown Adopted by Lenin and the Bolsheviks and remodeled to fit Russia itself, its people, and Lenin's preexisting ideas. Powerpoint: ppt from Redruth school - big file, takes a while to download. They had little food to eat and lived in poverty. Governmental corruption and inefficiency were rampant. 1. The procession is attacked by police and Russian soldiers with many peasant deaths and injuries. Its political, social and economic structures were extremely backward in … Famine was an issue on the homefront. Working conditions included long hours, bad treatment, inedible food, etc. a system in which private farms are eliminated by the government confiscating the land and peasants work land owned by the government. How successful was the provisional government set up buy the Duma? Podcast: - BBC debate-podcast on the Causes of the Russian Revolution of March 1917 . How does this support the claim that the government was corrupt? Temporary and unsuccessful. Russians were content with their government. He draws up a petition outlining the peasants' demands and leads a procession to the czar's winter palace. Then in October, a second Russian Revolution placed the Bolsheviks as the leaders of Russia, resulting in the creation of the world's first communist country. None felt this more severely than Russia, which had entered the war confident but in a precarious political, economic and social state. To ensure the best experience, please update your browser. Join now. Families were suffering. February Revolution was the first of two revolutions that took place in 1917 without.! Effects on countries around the World adopted by Lenin and a large toll. Sacrifice everything for a radical change equipped troops could not stand up German! 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