LaBox Women 2017 On behalf of the board. World Cup 2017 Ken Galluccio Cup 2014 Men Ken Galluccio Cup 2013 Women, Lax in the Box 2019, Men European Lacrosse Magazine. European Lacrosse: Spring in Poland will be marked with lacrosse Mens Prague Cup 2015 Mayors Lax Cup 2014 Dalmatia Lacrosse Cup 2022, Men Sections of this page. Lacrosse Championship 2019, European Mens Lacrosse Check out all our results and relive our experience at the Europeans by following us on social media! After 2 years of hiatus the Men's European Qualifiers are back in 2022! DLAXV Veranstaltungs UG An der Graft 3 30167 Hannover, Germany. Womens Prague Cup 2018 We are slowly but surely ending, Last game of the fall-season for the womens league, WEEK 10 is just around the corner! European Lacrosse Federation (ELF) - Facebook Womens Prague Cup 2016 A choice of membership options for players, fans, students and children. Lacrosse | EuroLax Sixes Cup | Vila Real de Santo Antnio World Lacrosse confirmed the new dates for the 2022 World Lacrosse Men's U21 World Championship, which will be staged from August 10-20, 2022 in Limerick, Ireland at the University of Limerick. Our players in helmets, with a stick in their hand and an eagle on their chests will give their best on the pitch. #ELF #easter #eastertournament #lacrosse #womenslacrosse #verona #italy #europeanlacrosse From 11th to 16th April, the city will be taken over by competitors from 22 European countries who will fight for promotion to the 2023 Lacrosse World Men's Championships in San Diego, USA. LAXNAI U15 2022 Results The Wrocaw event includes seven top-20 teams, based on results of the 2018 World Championship: Wales (14), Finland (15), Italy (16), Norway (17), Latvia (18), Greece (19) and Switzerland (20). European Lacrosse Challenge 2017, Mayors Lax Cup 2020 Men's European Qualifiers 2022 Schedule Announced After 2 years of hiatus the Men's European Qualifiers are back in 2022! Catch all the action live from 9AM CET on This will be the first mens world championship in which all participating National Federations are required to be full members of World Lacrosse; provisional members are no longer eligible for world-level competition. Lax in the Box 2017, Women Arena 1 will be huus de groot and arena 2 will be at DHC Hannover. German Mens Playoffs and Championship, Czech-German Cup 2021 Frank Menschner Cup 2018 Final Ranking: 6Attending teams: 14Head Coach: Brian TyackeOffensive Coordinator: Shawn EvansDefensive Coordinator: Neil DoddridgeGM: Mario von Jackowski, Follow for updates on the Swiss Men's Field NT #roadtowroclaw 2022 and the Women's NT #roadttomaryland 2022! European Indoor Lacrosse Invitational 2015, Ales Hebesk Memorial 2019 In addition, WL supports Continental Federation events that serve as qualifiers for the world championships, as well as a calendar of annual sixes events. The European Mens Box Lacrosse Championship has just concluded in Hanover, Germany! Czech National Boxlacrosse League 2017 European Lacrosse Federation - Developing lacrosse across Europe The European Box Lacrosse Championship will be held at huus de groot EISARENA and the DHC Hannover e.V.. Mayors Lax Cup 2013 U20 Championship 2019, FIL Mens Lacrosse World Cup 2018 EH3 6AJ. Lax in the Box 2014, Women Sixes Championships (Men + Women) TBD, Members Login #switzerland #swiss #lacrosse, Last game results of 2022! Dalmatia Lacrosse Cup 2021, Women World Lacrosse CEO Jim Scherr said: We are expecting an incredibly high level of competition this week as some of the finest European mens lacrosse teams vie for a spot in next years world championship. U21 Men's Lacrosse Championship 2022. Mayors Lax Cup 2015 Czech National Boxlacrosse League 2014 The plan is simple: playing at 100% is not enough - we will give 110%, and if necessary, we will play more. Ken Galluccio Cup 2015 Women Ken Galluccio Cup 2022 Women, Ken Galluccio Cup 2019 Men ELC 2022 - World Lacrosse Qualifiers FIL Men's Lacrosse World Cup 2018 FIL Men's Lacrosse World Cup 2010. Lacrosse Scotland is the national governing body of lacrosse in Scotland. Location - eblc 2022 Additional information, including a full schedule can be found at. ELC 2022 - World Lacrosse Qualifiers - Facebook More information can be found HERE. Wrocaw, POLAND The road to San Diego 2023 begins here today, with the start of the 2022 European Lacrosse Qualifier for the Mens World Championship. A post shared by European Lacrosse Federation (@europeanlacrosse). German Lacrosse Convention 2022. We have hope for a great sports spectacle, a lot of fierce matches and, above all, satisfied players, of whom we will have over half a thousand in Wroclaw. We hope that it will be a very successful competition for us, and there are several reasons: mainly we play at home. There are going to be a lot of good games this next week. 2022 World Lacrosse Men's U21 World Championship Men's & Women's Womens sixes Womens Prague Cup 2014 Check out the full schedule here. More about our mission: About usGet in touch: Contact us. Last week of games before winter br, Weekend results! It is less than a month that the heart of the European Lacrosse will beat in Wroclaw and will provide many unforgettable emotions to all fans of American sports. We would like to welcome you in Hannover to the second European Box Lacrosse Championships from July 30 August 6 2022. Ken Galluccio Cup 2014 Women If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Ken Galluccio Cup 2016 Women You have entered an incorrect email address. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()). Ales Hebesk Memorial 2013 The International Olympic Committee (IOC) Executive Board approved a recommendation from the IOC Sports Department to grant full recognition to World Lacrosse for mens and womens lacrosse. IFWLA Womens Lacrosse World Cup 2009, ELF Mens Lacrosse Championship 2016 Womens Prague Cup 2015 The 2022 European Lacrosse Qualifier for the WL World Championship (EQ22) Schedule of Games Division Game Time Field Monday Day 1 A Latvia v Slovakia 9.00 2 11th April Spain v Denmark 12.20 1 2022 Wales v Turkey 16.30 3 B Austria v Switzerland 11.30 2 Hungary v Croatia 14.00 3 Scores are in from - European Lacrosse Federation (ELF) | Facebook Ken Galluccio Cup 2018 Women Mens Prague Cup 2017 Events | World Lacrosse Sports league. European Box Lacrosse Championship 2022 The European Men's Box Lacrosse Championship has just concluded in Hanover, Germany! Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. From 11th to 16th April, the city will be taken over by competitors from 22 European countries who will fight for promotion to the 2023 Lacrosse World Men's Championships in San Diego, USA. We run European Championships for U20s and Senior Womens and mens field lacrosse as well as Mens Box lacrosse. Madrid and Barcelona Crowned Champions of the Copa de Espaa, ELF Easter Tournament 2022 Took Place in Italy, LCC Radotin Unbeatable in the Winter Lax Cup 2023, London Knights win inaugural SBL Winter Box League, LC Custodes Defend the Champion Title of Frank Menschner Cup, Pools for the European Box Lacrosse Championship, The Ale Hebesk Memorial 2022 will host 21 teams, Great Britain and England Claim Titles at Second EuroLax Sixes Cup, LA28 Invites Lacrosse to Make Case for Olympic Inclusion. LaBox Women 2019 In addition, WL supports Continental Federation events that serve as qualifiers for the world championships, as well as a calendar of annual sixes events. Box Championships (Men + Women) TBD, Womens Championship TBD Czech-German Cup 2017 blockdefs=[{leagueid:'ecb/2022/',blocktype:'main',target:'eblc-block-main',fmt:'compact'}];PBShowBlocks(blockdefs). #the Frontpage of Lacrosse Women's lacrosse EC 2015. Mayors Lax Cup 2011, European Womens Members Login Bad ass, Ill tune in when I can for sure, Thanks for sharing! The top 10 eligible teams from the 2018 World Lacrosse Mens Championship automatically qualified for the 2023 event: United States, Canada, Haudenosaunee (formerly Iroquois), Australia, England, Japan, Israel, Germany, Scotland and Ireland. The top 30mens field lacrosse teams in the world will compete in the 2023 World Lacrosse Mens Championship the 14th edition of the event with 11 being determined via this weeks qualifier. Frank Menschner Cup 2016, Mens Boxlacrosse European Box Lacrosse Championships 2022 - Organisation Commitee. Edinburgh Welcome to Hannover European Box Lacrosse Championships Thank you for being part of the second European Box Lacrosse Championships in Hannover from July 30 - August 6 2022. If you are interested, you can watch the games at, The schedule and other informations are available at This means we are headed to week, GAMES OF THE WEEK! Frank Menschner Cup 2020 2023 European Box Lacrosse Championships. LAXNAI U18 2022 Results Ken Galluccio Cup 2017 Women We support the development of referees and umpires throughout Europe and in collaboration with the Federation of International Lacrosse. European Box Lacrosse Championship 2022 The team played with incredible determination all week, and came away with a seventh place seeding after finishing the tournament with a 14-10 win over Sweden! PDF The 2022 European Lacrosse Qualifier for the WL World Championship The 22 competing teams are among 34 European members of World Lacrosse. Website by Skylab Home - eblc 2022 European Box Lacrosse Championships 2022 - LaxNews.EU Once the streams and statistic pages are live, we'll link them here. Website by Skylab. Definitely check out the German and Czech game. European Lacrosse Federation Skip navigation. Five cars line-abreast at the start for short and sharp races of 4 to 6 laps on mixed surfaces, alternating between asphalt and gravel: these are the explosive ingredients of Rallycross, a discipline that first saw the light of day in 1967. LaBox Women 2018 Group A's Latvia and Slovakia will kick off the tournament on Monday 11th of April in Wroclaw, Poland. We have the opportunity to play in the exceptionally beautiful complex of the Olympic Stadium, and this is really the best place for a decent lacrossse and this is what the Polish national team is going to show - says Mikoaj migiel, the Polish national team player. Scores are in from the third and final day of the 2022 ELF Easter Tournament! Group As Latvia and Slovakia will kick off the tournament on Monday 11th of April in Wroclaw, Poland. European Box Lacrosse Championships 2022, Hannover (GER) LaBox Men 2022 Czech-German Cup 2016 With a focus on up-to-date and trusted content, LaxNews.EU tries to establish a meeting place for the lacrosse players to connect, exchange and get information about the latest lacrosse trends from all around Europe. Ales Hebesk Memorial 2012, Czech National Boxlacrosse League 2019 The first games were broadcast 9.30 (ET) and everyone can rewatch them on the platform. Mayors Lax Cup 2017 Mayors Lax Cup 2019 European Indoor Lacrosse Invitational 2017 #elfeastertournament #europeanlacrosse #lacrosse #lax. LAXNAI 2019 Results, Frank Menschner Cup 2022 Womens Prague Cup 2017 Lax in the Box 2016, Women Men's European Qualifiers 2022 Schedule Announced After 2 years of hiatus the Men's European Qualifiers are back in 2022! FIA European Rallycross Championship. 1 was here. The team played with incredible determination all week, and came away with a seventh place seeding after finishing the tournament with a 14-10 win over Sweden! Arena 1 will be huus de groot and arena 2 will be at DHC Hannover. European Lacrosse Championship - Home - European Lacrosse Challenge 2018 Once the streams and statistic pages are live, we'll link them here. World Lacrosse runs six world championships - men's field, women's field, men's U20 field, women's U20 field, box (men's and women's) and sixes (men's and women's) - on a quadrennial basis. European Indoor Lacrosse Invitational 2016 The official roster for the 2022 Turkish National Lacrosse Team, who competes in Wroclaw Poland for the European Lacrosse Championships. Looking for guidance on setting up a club lacrosse team. The European Lacrosse Championshipsbegan in 1995, the same year as the founding of the European Lacrosse Federation(ELF), to determine the best national lacrosseteam of Europe.