Compare your answer with how David acted in this chapter. 21 $39.99 $39.99. How important was it for the Holy Spirit to be active in Saul’s life? What should the people in Philistia have done when they recognised God’s anger against them? (3) In each part of the chapter, how did the opinions of Israel’s people towards David develop? What did Samuel tell them that they must do now? What was the effect of this experience on Saul? What is the right reaction when we read about such events? Why then was David wrong to act as he did? Read 1 Samuel 30:26. Read Psalm 57, which David probably wrote at this time. 1 Samuel [] Part of the series: Visual Survey of the Bible. Contributed by Jeff Hatos on Aug 11, 2018. Read chapter 19, then discuss these questions: (1) What reasons did Jonathan give why Saul should not kill David? Discuss how true these words were. How had God established Saul’s rule over Israel? Why did David not want King Achish to know about these activities? What was Saul’s reaction to this? How did he believe that he could defeat such a strong enemy? Compare it with Moses’ experience in Exodus 17:8-16. Key personalities include Eli, Hannah, Samuel, Saul, Jonathan, and David. Saul coordinated it all as the Benjamite king of Israel put his nation in three companies and they destroyed the Ammonites. David and his men returned to Ziklag, which was a town located by the Negev. Dr. McGee's Book-by-Book Notes & Outlines for the Five-Year Bible Study. What should we do if we dislike advice? A. Jonathan defends David before his father Saul. How do his present actions show what he will do in the future? A king who will be in full dependence upon God and who can be. What kind of people were opposing him? (4) Explain how we should deal with jealous, angry and fearful feelings. Read Ezekiel 36:26. 1 Samuel – a study guide. Read chapter 21, then discuss these questions: (1) How had Nob become an important town for the purposes of religion? Samuel anoints Saul. Please print this section if you would like to study the Book of 1 Samuel with a group of people. (2) Show how, in each part of this chapter, David became more successful and important. (2) Read the rules about the sacred bread in Leviticus 24:5-9. Was it wrong for them to want a king? What religion did people follow in Philistia? What did they expect their king to achieve? (1a) Saul plots the murder of David, attempting to enlist the help of Jonathan and his servants. David and Goliath – 1 Samuel 17 Inductive Bible Study. It opens with Samuel’s birth and then describes his role as judge over Israel. Read Revelation 16:16. Read how Saul (15:1-9) and David (27:8-11) had previously attacked groups of robbers there. (4) How important did David and Jonathan consider their relationship to God to be in this situation? What kind of attitude is it describing? Law and Light A First Samuel 5 and 6 Bible Study: 1 Samuel 5 and 6 Commentary Old Testament Bible Study Guide (1 Samuel 5 and 6 Bible Study) by Vivian ... 1 Samuel (Preacher's Outline & Sermon Bible-KJV) by Leadership Ministries Worldwide | May 1, 2017. To see more Bible study outlines go to “ The Archives Page”: More Bible Study Outlines. �(�f!=Tc:���a�dL�S�obr��|Ls��! However, every Bible study posted on this website has been taught by Rev. Chapter 30 of first Samuel begins with a bit of drama. (3) Why did Jonathan want David to be Israel’s next king? The defeat of wicked rulers is necessary to establish the rule of the king whom God has chosen. Commentary on 1 Samuel 1:9-18 (Read 1 Samuel 1:9-18) Hannah mingled tears with her prayers; she considered the mercy of our God, who knows the troubled soul. December 27, 2020 . How does God save (rescue) his people today, and how will he do it in the future? Transition from Samuel (Period of Judges / Theocracy) II. A Bible Study in EasyEnglish (2800 word vocabulary) on the Book of 1 Samuel. (2) In verses 6 and 10, what reason did David give why he would not attack Saul? What future plan does God have for the world? Bob Deffinbaugh: 17. Hey there Bible Students, today we’re looking at 1 Samuel chapter 30 summary. Discuss the events in chapters 2 to 4 which caused these changes. One wife, Hannah, was childless (1:2) What did Samuel achieve during his years as Israel’s judge? The different affections of his subjects. Samuel's office as a prophet before the introduction of the kingdom is a picture of God's work in the actual day of grace. Verses 1-7. (5) What evidence is there in this chapter that God was still working in Saul’s life? What do Luke 18:1-8 and James 5:16-18 teach about prayer? Ronald C. Purkey, an ordained Baptist minister, claims no originality for this Bible study outline. �l���iA�Fq���P^�����=\R�[��XA R�b3��s�sʪ��C�� ����.�����6�����Q�d�f���E��c�Č���,�u8S;4�GZ�Tu�ր��!G��1���>`��l) �z�1m��������W�^����}8*��n���|���r�P�]��qoՇă��4�d~���l{��bк�2o�]��t��c��R���怚Dz�e��n����rk�[rL��s����4��ѕ�Y+�PI|A�YOԐ�s�qw�5������3�,�,�����[c�X�)�y�н���cJ����C�r\��q�f���'��w�ڌ� �#J 5ᱶQ�����C/��}r/Y �iZ�t�|�8�6��6o��>FF��Yʋ�����m�Nm;;��0������� wу����'������b'B9Rp��4���uȵ��1Xْ+7;4' ��뒸�P�)�G���$��mVMP�yީ|�T���=�-pfp�ԗ4�y_]����U$���7J8�ax$� �����[����ߩt�x.�4���S��� Q�N�_�J�!k!��sH�� How was God directing David in this chapter? How did Hannah say that God would rescue his people from strong and cruel enemies? Read chapter 20, then discuss these questions: (1) Read 1 Samuel 18:1-4 and 1 Samuel 23:16-18. (2) What evidence did Samuel give that Israel’s people had not been loyal to God in the past? 1 Samuel Commentary > Study Guide, Please print this section if you would like to study the Book of 1 Samuel with a group of people. It is a region in the south of the Kingdom of Judah. Also, read the sad song that he wrote (2 Samuel 1:17-27). What lesson did Jesus teach about this incident? Who was that king at the end of 1 Samuel? The translators of the Septuagint (the Greek text used at the time of Christ) combined “The Book of Samuel” with the Kings and then divided them into four sections. Why does the Bible consider the actions of Eli’s sons to be so wicked? Show how Philistia’s troubles became worse during the chapter. What evidence is there that Saul was trying to pay God for his help? King Saul dies, David and Bathsheba, Uriah, David and Absalom, Joab, Abner, Jerusalem. The Book of 1 Samuel is full of colorful characters. (4) Explain how Doeg’s actions were even more cruel than Saul had ordered. They are the Why do you think that so many people from Gath became loyal to David? What does the Bible teach about a worker’s right to receive wages? To David (the man after God’s own heart) WHY STUDY THIS BOOK? Read 1 Samuel 7:3. 1 Samuel: Bible Study and Commentary. Compare your answer with Mark 7:9-13. Saul is chosen at Mizpeh by lot. How does this teach the lesson in 1 Samuel 2:7-8? I Samuel Outlined As an introduction text read I Samuel 2:30 I. Samuel the Last Judge (1:1 to 8:22) A. Elkanah and his two wives (1:1-3) Two wives was not what the Lord had in mind for manMatthew 19:3-9 and I Corinthians 7:2 1. 1 Samuel 19:11).He "went public" with his attacks against David feeling driven, like the Pharaoh of the plagues, to more desperate measures. 1. Is there another way to deal with such dangers? 1 Samuel chapter 11 summary is going to cover the rescue of a town called Jabesh in Gilead. Discuss how Jonathan’s words showed true wisdom. (3) Read Proverbs chapter 2. Read Revelation 22:16. Hannah mingled tears with her prayers; she considered the mercy of our God, who knows the troubled soul. (Hosea 13:11) The Books of 1 and 2 Samuel give us the origin of the kingdom. (2) Compare the behaviour of Eli’s sons with Samuel’s behaviour. It was rescued by the newly minted king, king Saul, which gave him the approval rating he needed. 1. Why did David think that he would be safer there? Show how Abigail expressed God’s promises to David more clearly than any of them. What do these passages teach about how God rules the world? h�bbd``b`ׁ�*KH0�����4� What effect did Eli’s words in verse 17 have on her, and why? Also, read Romans 13:1-10. (2) Read Hebrews 10:29 and 1 Corinthians 6:19. How do her words in verses 26-28 show complete trust in God? Whom else did Saul accuse of that crime? The two Books of Samuel were classified as one in the Jewish canon. Read chapter 15, then discuss these questions: (1) Read Deuteronomy 25:17-19. Left Standing On The Cliff. Why did David consider the ceremony called the anointing to be so important? (4) Find out about the incident at Gilgal, which Samuel refers to in verse 8. Everything you’ll discover is assembled in a way that makes it easy to preach, teach, or share with others. Samuel the Prophet (1 Samuel 1-7) Saul the King (1 Samuel 8-15) David the Anointed One (1 Samuel 16-31) Summary of 1 Samuel. The following events provide both historical and theological background for the beginning of the monarchy: 1. (Hosea 13:11) The Books of 1 and 2 Samuel give us the origin of the kingdom. What did David believe about the relationship between Israel and God? His was an epoch life like Abraham's, Joshua's and Luther's. What is the right attitude for us to have towards the rulers of the countries where we live? How did Jonathan test that his faith was real? Discuss the importance of sacrifices (the animals that they offered to God), prayers and vows (promises to God). Read chapter 10, then discuss these questions: (1) Discuss the purpose of the ceremony called the anointing in verse 1. Part 1 - 1 Samuel chapter 1 - Samuel: the boy whose mother gave him to God. 21 $39.99 $39.99. What did David do to support Israel’s people while he lived in Philistia? (4) Compare Samuel’s words in 1 Samuel 8:10-18 with what actually happened in Israel. Compare his reaction with Ahab’s reaction to a similar message in 1 Kings 21:27-29. Is it necessary for someone who trusts God to tell lies in a desperate situation? Why did she tell lies? Compare the actions of Israel’s people in 1 Samuel 7:3-10 with the decision of Israel’s leaders in 1 Samuel 4:3. (1a) Saul plots the murder of David, attempting to enlist the help of Jonathan and his servants. Though all three main character’s lives are intertwined throughout the book, one can easily divide the book into the lives of the three men. Why did David believe that he ought to attack Nabal and his servants? Notes & Outlines 1 SAMUEL 2 SAMUEL Dr. J. Vernon McGee. Hannah’s prophetic prayer; boy Samuel in temple, 1Sa 2. (4) Why did King Achish want Israel’s people to hate David? What can we learn about this from the anointing of David (16:13), Aaron the priest (Psalm 133), and Christ (Acts 10:38)? 1. Published. Why did Jonathan believe that David would be king? (6) Which of the statements in 1 Samuel 2:1-10 did David’s success against Goliath prove? The Birth of Samuel. What kind of government did God want to rule his people? Does it agree with our knowledge about David from elsewhere in the Book of 1 Samuel? (3) Prepare a list of Samuel’s words and actions which would have surprised Saul. Psalm relevant to this chapter: Psalm 59. I. Some have used them for personal devotions, and others in small study groups. What correct facts did they know about Israel’s God? The world needs: 1. Why, therefore, was he not afraid of Goliath? Read chapter 4, then discuss these questions: (1) What are the right attitudes for a person who prays for God’s help? What do those passages teach us about false gods? (2) If a person does not deal with his wrong emotions, they may soon cause him to make wicked plans. What advice did Eli give to Samuel? (3) Discuss why David and Jonathan considered it necessary to be loyal to each other, to their king, and to God. Read 1 Kings 12:1-14. (2) Read some of the references to the robbers who lived in the desert south of Israel and Philistia (15:2; 15:33; 30:1-2). (2) Compare Eliab’s reaction in verse 28 with the reaction of Joseph’s brothers to his dreams, in Genesis 37:19-20. She spoke softly, none could hear her. Why did she promise to give her son to God in verse 11? Peninnah had children, but Hannah had none. Jonathan"s attempt to protect David19:1-7. 1 Samuel Summary by Jay Smith. What had David learnt from his experiences when he looked after the sheep? Though all three main character’s lives are intertwined throughout the book, one can easily divide the book into the lives of the three men. (2) What different methods did Saul use to control people? Why did Israel’s people demand a king? What was his reaction to that? Read chapter 26, then discuss these questions: (1) Explain how Abishai intended to make David king. BASIC OUTLINE. What was Eli’s reaction to that message? Saul now abandoned pretense ( 1 Samuel 18:22) and ordered Jonathan and his soldiers to put David to death (cf. “And the Lord said to Samuel, ‘Heed the voice of the people in all that they say to you; for they have not rejected you, but they have rejected Me, that I should not reign over them’” (1 Samuel 8:7) A Transition In National Leadership The Fields of Boaz in Bethlehem Workbook on First Samuel 1 Were they right to be afraid? Bill McRae: 9. Show how he was trusting God, and not his own strength or skill. What had happened to David’s men during the last few days? They were not divided into two books until the Old Testament was translated into Greek. The book of 1 Samuel is set in Israel during the transition between the period of the judges and the period of the monarchy. Samuel, Saul and David. In its pages you will meet Hannah, Samuel, Saul, and David. Samuel's godly character is put in contrast to Eli and his sons wickedness with regularity in the early chapters (see I Sam. Discuss some of the occasions when God guided Christians in the Book of Acts (for example, Acts 8:26-31; Acts 9:10-17 and Acts 13:1-3). Chapter 30 of first Samuel begins with a bit of drama. [Some questions about the text are here.] The books of 1 & 2 Samuel originally were one book in the Hebrew Scriptures and were not divided. We don’t know who wrote the books; certainly, Samuel was a major contributor, but much of the book takes place after his death in 1 Samuel 25. Why did God remove their authority to be Israel’s priests? (2) Read 1 Corinthians 9:7-10. What does that show us about David’s character? Read chapter 28, then discuss these questions: (1) Read Deuteronomy 18:9-14; 1 Corinthians 10:20 and Revelation 22:14-15. Read Psalm 23:1-3. Bible Study Questions on the Book of 1 Samuel Introduction: This workbook was designed for Bible class study, family study, or personal study. 1 and 2 Samuel form one book in the ancient Hebrew manuscripts. 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