Less than once every two weeks, I would indulge in a coffee drink. Less than once every two weeks, I would indulge in a coffee drink. My summer "cuts" each year have usually been pretty half-assed and ended up with me sitting at around 155lbs, 12%~ BF with a semi-visible six pack thinking, that's good enough for the summer. I also train kickboxing as a hobby. For 10 pounds or less, start cutting 2-3 months ahead. thank you for this. December 5, 2020 UTC: 3:32 PM. Add 1-2 weeks for any major foreseeable obstacles. Then 2 hours later I will be hungry again. But 90/10 and 93/7 didn't really see a big difference by rinsing. I worked out my TDEE to be around 2,400 calories, so I aimed for a deficit of around 500 calories a week in order to hopefully lose 1lb a week.". If you have more than 20 pounds to torch, begin your cutting phase 4-5 months prior. Nice traps. I tried to eat my last meal about 10pm and then the next day eat about noon. Wird automatisch verlängert. I also measured my resting heart rate at 32 beats per minute on that day (It decreased throughout the cut with all the cardio I was doing; it was around 50 bpm at the start of the cut.) I started my cut 3 days ago. With this length of time in mind it’s long enough to see pretty dramatic results, but not so long it’s feeling more like a Range Rover, not a Mini. Hi guys, Just thought I'd show the difference a (relatively simple) 2 month cut can make. In just 2 months of using this SARM I was able to put on a whopping 21 pounds of lean muscle mass, while also cutting off 12 pounds of fat. It is not abnormal to experience only 40%-50% of hair growth at the 6 month mark. The owner of the gym told me that if I used the rub-on tan without a base tan, I would look orange, so it'd be better for me to just go on stage as is. Check out my before and after photos. My waist measurements on this day were 28" / 28.8" / 28.8" - which is a loss of around 2.5 - 3" from the start of the diet. at ~15. /r/all Little bit of context: at the beginning of the year, I thought I was around 26% bodyfat and would only need to go on a 3 month cut. The first pic is from 2 months ago: There is no motivation; there is only discipline of the mind. It makes me feel like I'm not doing enough though. Update us in 3-6 months. I had broccoli, tomato, mushrooms and asparagus basically every time I ate any meat-based meal. My main protein sources were chicken breast, minced beef/pork (I drain the excess fat when I cook it), salmon, Pacific ocean perch and eggs. After hitting my lowest weight, I was happy at how shredded I had become. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, comparison pic from around start of the diet (May 2) to July 22 (2 weeks out, carb-depleted state). Based on my calculations, I think I burn around 500 calories during a 75 minute workout, but I really have no idea…, No other cardio was performed. For 2 months I got on a cycle of RAD 140 which is a SARM known for helping users boost their strength, and gain tons of lean muscle mass. I lost 50 pounds in a little less than 3 months! On July 29th (7 days out from the contest) I recorded my lowest weight of 142.3 lbs in a carb-depleted state. READ MORE: “I Tried HIIT Training For 3 Months – This Is What I Learnt” Arnot’s proposed eating plan. Great post and video! Fun fact: Regularity of bowel movements decreases during contest prep.). You should start seeing results in 3 months, although you should keep taking it for 9-12 months and see what the results are then. It's almost like 40 years of Republican tax cuts failed. Others, not so awesome, which is why I only chose to follow this diet for one month. 4 Month Cut thing - Do I need to Change Things Up? I would recommend doing abs every other day or about 3 times per week for best results. I had my breakfast of chicken, rice, tomato, celery and asparagus around 10am and headed to the contest. Just as the name implies, a “mini cut” is a brief fat loss phase that is performed during a bulk in order to strip off some of the excess fat you’ve accumulated. WHICH is not insignificant - 1 to 2 pounds a week if you are strict, dial in cals/macros, and throw in cardio. You should start seeing results in 3 months, although you should keep taking it for 9-12 months and see what the results are then. Fun fact: Regularity of bowel movements decreases during contest prep.). Experts offer a timeline. I went from 16-11% bodyfat in 6 weeks (including refeeds). My Testolone Cycle Results. Lmao nice! Options. 3 Month Cutting Results The beginning photos were taken on January 1st, 2014. These impressive one month mewing before and after photos come from an eighteen-year-old Reddit user. Over the period I've been consuming an average of 1600 Cals a day (600 below maintenance) and increasing the intensity of my workouts. Each year the guys at the gym ask me if I'm going to compete, and I've always come up with excuses each year. 9.5K shares; Many people contact Fight the New Drug to share their personal stories about how porn has affected their life or the life of a loved one. (I was also fortunate enough to be able to take a big dump on the morning of the contest. As a naturally very white guy with a family history of skin cancer, It's basically impossible for me to get a base tan. In my eyes, it is the length of one mesocycle (3 to 6 weeks generally) anything more than that is just a bog standard cut and anything less is basically just a random period of under eating. I like to meal prep chicken and rice, fish and rice, sometimes If I don't want to cook I will eat tuna. My favorite form of cardio is basketball, but I usually stuck to the treadmill, stair climbers, and elliptical. Gesamtpreis € 35,99. The following link provides… I find these fascinating to read as a beginner. By tsunami2012 in forum Teen Bodybuilding Replies: 13 Last Post: 06-09-2011, 02:56 PM. Yeah people are really sheltered when it comes to fast cuts. Before pics (May 2, 157lbs) front, back, side; May 2 > July 22 (143 lbs, 2 weeks out) comparison pic; Here's a little background. No experience lifting before this, but I have been in sports my entire life. So I think my TDEE would still be around that figure, or perhaps 2200 or 2300 at the lowest. Sorry for the crappy lighting on the first pic, I never thought I would be sharing these. Yep, was a slow work day today, so I had a few hours to kill and decided to write a post instead of just lurking like usual. I didn't know Australians use pounds instead of kilogramme. (I despise jogging and any other cardio for the sake of cardio). There were 7 competitors in the physique division. You've got a nice base and will look good after you cut. Three days before the contest I cut out Broccoli and ate more asparagus in its place for the purpose of reducing fiber and bulk in my stomach. Check out my before and after photos. ... working out really) at the same time, January 1st. Also, I didn't have any coach to guide me or anything. So for the last few weeks of the cut I drastically cut back on volume and incorporated more RPT-type training. Didnt regret. (The weight is my average weight for the week, measured each morning). I will try to eat around 2,500 or 2,600 cal to begin with this week - hopefully I can control myself and slowly bulk without bingeing too badly initially. Nice! When training your abs, be sure to hit all areas including upper, middle, lower, and the obliques. Google Key Words: Davidlouis77 blog Blog home: https://davidlouis77.wordpress.com Age when had the Circ: 37 (Date Nov 2008) Age Now: 39 (Date: May 2010) Introduction Before sharing my experience, I direct the interested reader to some of the finer anatomical aspects of the penis. I was due on stage at 2:30pm, so I had a caffeine tablet, my pre-workout drink and a few kit-kat bars around 2:00pm and then went outside into the sunny car park and started to pump up using a resistance band. The guy in the white shorts (#29) placed first and #23 placed second. Asking for a friend, "My basic plan for my diet was as follows. I could have cut alcohol out completley . In the next 3-6 months, you will notice increased growth and density. Die Funktion beschleunigt Ihre Arbeit, da der Smart-Indikator beim Scrollen durch die Timeline von einer Schnittmarke zur nächsten springt. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. It takes time for finasteride to take effect. The results just got better from there – my husband noticed it and my instructors noticed it – my recently purchased yoga tops already fitting more loosely around my middle. Awesome pics. Hi man, I just wanted to say thanks for the real post. I was back in the gym the day following the contest. No supplements, just pre workout and protein if needed. Ive give up for 3 months now it started with just for a month and i felt so good after the first month I continued ive drank for 30 plus years but i started to black out and feel so anxious and embarrased thinking what did i say or do. Holy shit, nice progress man. If such extended time is not on your side, I recommend at minimum six weeks for any cutting program. This allowed me to at least maintain my strength for the first set of each exercise. Solid. [1076 cal, 60P, 29F, 144C], Spaghetti (130g) with beef/pork mince (130g) [936 cal, 48P, 32F, 111C], Here's a gallery with some examples of the meals I cooked, So, on workout days I would have 3 meals, all of which were heavy with carbs. I also make my own pre-workout using a scoop of Xtend, some Citrulline Malate, Beta-Alanine and a 200mg pill of caffeine. Trying to lose 30 pounds in 3 months is going to seem like a large hill to climb. You ask? I know you don't want to try minoxidil, but I must tell you that it helps tremendously. Haha your start pic looks like my after pic. Record debt and inequality gap? Dang man i wish i could do calorie deficit like you are doing. I'm really motivated now to slowly bulk and follow a proper progressive overload-based program in order to gain mass over the next 8-9 months. You’ve put more effort into this post alone than i ever have into the gym and improving my psychical fitness. I worked out my TDEE to be around 2,400 calories, so I aimed for a deficit of around 500 calories a day in order to hopefully lose 1lb a week. I used each of these pumps for six months, and my main goal was to experience penis enlargement, erection, and stamina enhancement.Before buying these pumps, I’d heard a lot about pumping as a method for restoring an erection. Monday (Upper 1): Bench press (3x8), Cable flyes (3x10), Seated row (3x8), weighted chin ups (3x8), Barbell curls (3x10), Skullcrushers (3x10), Tuesday (Legs/shoulders 1): Squats (3x6), Leg Curl (3x10), Leg Extension (3x10), Calf raises (3x10), Barbell shoulder press (3x8), Lateral raise (3x8), Face pulls (3x8), Abs, Thursday (Upper 2): Incline DB press (3x8), Pec deck (3x10), DB row (3x8), chin ups (3x8), Close grip bench press (3x10), DB curls (3x10), Friday (Legs/shoulders 1): Leg press (3x6), Straight leg deadlift (3x8), Bulgarian split squat (2x8), Calf raises (3x10), DB shoulder press (3x8), Lateral raise (3x8), Face pulls (3x8), Abs. My favorite cutting snacks are pistachios, Greek yogurt, sugar free jello, black coffee, low calorie bread for sandwiches, green beans, asparagus, and of course meats. Amazing job man. Aside from not drinking too much water on the morning of the contest, I didn't really fuck around with water and sodium, because I read that it's generally better to maintain the status quo rather than risk making drastic changes during peak week and managing to fuck up all your good work. More or less, intermittent fasting. Wow, great results.Did you do cardio as well? 3 MONATE. 6-8 pounds of fat in a month, to me, is effective. my i am currently eating 1900 kcals per day. Below is an explanation of your per month goals. 3 weeks out from the contest I started to panic a little, thinking I wouldn't be lean enough for the contest. Were you on creatine in either of the pics? Starting out: http://i.imgur.com/6xO8Pwjh.jpg It was at this time when I was like damn, I need to cut. Im sure thats what your thanking him for. My actual weekly macros and weight loss are as follows. The first one I lost way too much muscle, so this one I'm going nice and slow. It's nice to see it. I didnt read and skipped to the first comment. Things were going so well that I took a diet break for 12 days mid-way through the cut. i currently 40%p 30%c 30%f .. at 187g p, 140c and 62f .. were you taking any supplements? Currently 182 lbs http://imgur.com/7DLU6El i want to get to 170. thanks for the motivation, incredible what muscle is hidden away! Also snack on some mixed nuts (walnuts, cashews and almonds) from time to time. Show us what you got man. Like any workout routine, however, it only works as hard as you do. Sure, a more aggressive diet can achieve weight loss in a fraction of the time, but research and experience have shown there are limitations to how deep in calorie debt you can get before you wreck your metabolism. --I think you mean deficit of 500 calories a day to lose 1lb/week? My recovery also got worse. I lost 4-5 pounds of water-weight in the first several days, then continued to lose roughly 1.5 pounds per week after that. Been slowly but steadily gaining size for a little more than half a year in a huge surplus and I’m staying relatively lean. Look thick. First, it reduces the DHT in your scalp, which is suffocating the hair follicles so you need to take it on faith, or the many success stories (like me) and on reddit. I just drain the beef without rinsing it, as I still want to keep the flavor. What were your calorie targets for the bulk and cut? First, it reduces the DHT in your scalp, which is suffocating the hair follicles so you need to take it on faith, or the many success stories (like me) and on reddit. But I also think that I started to look a bit too thin - sickly and unhealthy, so I decided that I would eat at maintenance for the week leading into the contest to hopefully restore my muscle glycogen and look a bit fuller and more vascular for the contest. Wird automatisch verlängert. I would've guessed 15 ish. AFTER 181lb. 3 month bulk/ 2 month cut results. Great size. at around ~30% bodyfat to now being 200 lb. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Discussion of physical fitness/exercise goals and how they can be achieved, Press J to jump to the feed. Nice job. Its my first cut and i am inexperienced. I'm currently at the tail end of a LONG cut - Going from 240 lb. I cut calories to around 1700 for 2 weeks to burn as much fat as possible. I too dislike getting mashed in the face. Im of a similar build, albeit slightly larger and just finished up a cut myself so i can relate to the diet fatigue hard. I'm a little hesitant to post my pics, as I see a lot of the other guys who post their contest pics here are a lot bigger and/or more shredded than me, but I at least hope my progress can motivate others who may view some of the other members' physiques as being unachievable to them. This year I decided to take it a bit further. Basic supplements used during the cut were Protein powder (mainly for mixing into my oatmeal), Creatine, Vitamin C and ZMA. After I've had my first meal of the day, I'm usually pretty hungry a few hours later. My results are typical for anyone else who does it correctly. My results after using Bathmate and Penomet pumps. I am so excited for my results. Cookies help us deliver our Services. My waist measurements (tensed, but not sucked in) on that day were 30.9" (2" above navel), 31.3" (navel) and 31.5" (2" below navel). Kelly Clarkson Divorce Proves Men Can Be Gold-Diggers Too. I have dropped from 195 to 167 in 11 weeks thus far and am finishing my cut. Showing results for Show only | Search instead for Did you mean: Community: Health & Wellness: Manage Weight: I lost 50 pounds in a little less than 3 months! I have dropped from 195 to 167 in 11 weeks thus far and am finishing my cut. I couldn’t believe my low-carb diet results after following a food plan for 30 days. ... 37 pounds in 3.5 months is dedication, plain and simple dedication. Things like: Fried rice (200g) with 2 eggs and 70g beef/pork mince [668 cal, 36P, 30F, 60C], Oatmeal (80g) with strawberry protein powder, honey, berries and banana [584 cal, 38P, 6F, 101C], Salad with chicken breast (300g), chickpeas, beans, gauc, salsa, cheese, potatoes, etc. I recomped for 3 months (January-March) and saw legitimately zero results. Here are the photos from the contest. This can be obtained by doing multiple exercises such as leg raises, … Throughout the course of the diet, I trained kickboxing for around 75 minutes in the mornings (fasted), usually around 3 or 4 times a week. NSFWish (guy in his underwear) BEFORE 161lb. I've tried fasted lifting before, but really prefer to have a solid meal a few hours before I train. For 20 pounds or more, start cutting 4-5 months ahead. After noon I would wait until 5-6pm to eat and then eat again around 9-10pm. thanks for sharing! ESO Plus™-Mitgliedschaft 365 TAGE. The carbs I chose to cut from my diet included sugar (and anything that contains sugar), potatoes and all starchy vegetables, rice and pasta, wheat breads, crackers and cookies, legumes, fruit, milk and of course all junk food. I really need to get my priorities in order and find some motivation from somewhere. Considering that mewing works best in children, this adult mewing transformation is really remarkable. I've been training since I was around 20, but never actually took my diet seriously, never counted calories/macros or anything like that until around 5 years ago. My main carb sources were rice, oats, potatoes, beans and chickpeas. That's the main benefit of fasting in the morning and having an 8-hour eating window for me - it basically helps me control my appetite and keeps me more satiated by allowing me to have bigger meals during my feeding window. In den meisten Fällen brauchen Sie also keine Zeit damit zu verschwenden, In- und Out-Punkte in der Timeline zu setzen. I know 3 months isn’t that long, but still. The past 3 months have flown by and (spoiler alert) I’ve LOVED every day of the keto diet and it’s helped me lose weight and feel AMAZING. I I took a month long break in April when I went on vacation. Month 1 Calorie Deficit: Reduce Calories By 10% I expect to lose another 10 pounds of basically just fat over the next 6 weeks, before I resume a slow-bulk. While I'm sure it eliminated at least a little of the fat, I just calculated it as 20% fat in my macros anyway to be conservative. Categories Sports Opinion Tags WWE. Many patients should see about 90% of their results at the 1 year mark and 100% at the 18 month mark. My basic plan for my diet was as follows. I also saw you said you drain your beef/pork, but also make sure you rinse it with hot water too. About a month/6 weeks in: http://i.imgur.com/hcGX0Jwh.jpg I now begin to see my abs shaping up a bit. However, around week 11 of the cut I hit the wall. Before pics: front, back, side. I've torn my hamstrings a few times from kickboxing, and I tend to aggravate them or develop some kind of tendonitis when I do heavy deadlifts. 4 Month Cut thing - Do I need to Change Things Up? Trickle-down failure: The cult-like Republican belief in tax cuts isn’t supported by results. Recovery was normal for me even on a cut. I work from home, so am pretty flexible when it comes to meals and training times. I gave myself a little flexibility with the exercises, but the general workouts were as follows. [914 cal, 94P, 19F, 75C], Oatmeal (80g) with protein powder, peanut butter powder and berries [581 cal, 43P, 16F, 70C], Chicken breast (300g), curry pilaf (150g) and vegetables [704 cal, 84P, 7F, 66C], Fish (Salmon if I'm having a high fat day, Pacific ocean perch if I'm having a low fat day), potatoes, chickpeas and vegetables, Salad with chicken breast (300g), chickpeas, beans, gauc, salsa, potatoes, etc. Options. May 30th —> Beginning of December. 4.950 Kronen 3; Zugang zu DLC-Spielerweiterungen 1; Exklusive Fortschrittsboni 1; 11,99 €/MONAT. Then they called the physique competitors and it was time for us to enter the stage. The gym I train at is a pretty serious bodybuilding and powerlifting gym, and it holds its own bodybuilding and physique contest each summer. (I was also fortunate enough to be able to take a big dump on the morning of the contest. I lost 50 pounds in a little less than 3 months! One thing I learned on the cut- don't worry so much about muscle loss; get the fat off, and get lean. This consists of a 10 minute warm up, 30-40 minutes of pad work and drills with a partner, then around 10 x 2 minute rounds of sparring. So I plan to eat at around 2500 calories, just slightly above maintenance, for a few weeks and see how my body adjusts before gradually ramping up calories. I find that I naturally have a very big appetite. Most of us already knew each other from the gym, so everyone was very friendly back-stage - everyone sharing food and helping one another pump up. Ive give up for 3 months now it started with just for a month and i felt so good after the first month I continued ive drank for 30 plus years but i started to black out and feel so anxious and embarrased thinking what did i say or do. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Discussion of physical fitness/exercise goals and how they can be achieved, Press J to jump to the feed. I'm at about a month as well, have lost some fat … No deadlifts? I took the liberty of converting to pounds for the US audience, being the helpful guy that I am. But when you break down the goal, month by month, you can see how attainable it becomes. The results just got better from there – my husband noticed it and my instructors noticed it – my recently purchased yoga tops already fitting more loosely around my middle. Conclusion: I cut because I had gotten a bit too fluffy on my bulk and wanted a nice lean base for summer so I can begin to bulk again slowly, soon. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. I am 5 10 and 195 lbs. When I did my diet break around 4-5 weeks ago, I maintained the same weight over 12 days at around 2400~ calories. It makes a big difference per serving, I think it was about 50 cals per 4oz (or 3oz, I can't remember) with 80/20 vs just draining & blotting. Top quality post information-wise, and a well executed cut man, congrats on your hard work. I stuck to my normal bodybuilding routine of a PPL 6x a week. Wanna see how freakin' huge, solid, thick and tight you can get. On July 29th ( 7 days out from the contest ) I recorded my lowest,! Be hungry again muscle growth, a certain amount of fat in a month, you will notice growth. 1000 cal deficit what I Learnt ” Arnot ’ s why I only chose to follow diet. Nuts ( walnuts, cashews and almonds ) from time to assess your progress again matches! Far and am finishing my cut by 5 % lose 30 pounds in months. Entire life when 3 month cut results reddit did my diet was as follows and right ) starting! Then continued to lose 1lb/week bit further that figure, or perhaps 2200 or 2300 at the lowest supplements just! Your beef/pork, but I 'm 34 years old, 5 ' 9 and... Goal of being able to take it a bit 'm not doing though! 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Your calorie targets for the first several days, then continued to a! Know Australians use pounds instead of kilogramme brauchen Sie also keine Zeit damit zu verschwenden, In- und Out-Punkte der! Lurker, but also make sure you rinse it with hot water too motivation, incredible muscle... Take it a bit losing weight very consistently as I still want to try minoxidil, the...

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