New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. I eat one meal per day plus dessert/snacks within the 1-1.5 hour window. I dropped refined sugar. I am quite liking it so far. I’ve lost muscle definition and strength too. I was miserable on fast days and the opportunity to eat all day the other four made my body out of sync completely. Alternate Day Fasting 36 vs One Meal A Day Intermittent Fasting December 19, 2017 / Scott Chimber. One meal a day (OMAD): OMAD fasting involves picking one meal a day to eat and spending the rest of the day fasting. Alternate-Day Fasting means you are fasting overnight (12 hours), the next day (12 hours), and overnight again (12 hours). I started off overeating especially on ADF because my hunger was almost unbearable. A blood test showed I have very low iron levels and now have to take two iron tablets a day followed by a blood test in three months. I prefer OMAD so that I don't have to torture myself through 36 hour fasts multiple times per week. Press J to jump to the feed. They will eat their supper on Monday evening, then fast until suppertime on Tuesday. I think I just realized that OMAD teaches you to overeat, because you need to eat a really big meal. I’m not yet fully adjusted and still have a few slip ups but I was able to stretch a fast up to 60 hours. In both cases I don't obsess over food much, and I'm not prone to overeating or binging in the first place, so that helps. This fast will last until Wednesday morning at 7:00 AM, at which point you can begin another eating day. Then vegetarian. I lost 40 pounds doing it. I tried both, lost the same amount of weight in 3 weeks but ADF i was able to sustain for longer. As I lost, my progress started to slow down a bit though, so I would change my strategy a bit as I went along. OMAD (one meal a day) is an eating style where you fast for 23 hours and eat one a meal a day. ADF is the way to go IMO; on fasting days you are practicing self-discipline, learning how to separate food from emotion, and benefitting from the physiological effects of fasting. Absolutely second this. That said I'm only two completed 36:12 fasts into AFD so I'm no expert. I also do both. I do both, and the results are about the same for me. Would the health results not be similar?’ No, the health results would not be similar. Because I’m looking for a reset. The study was carried out by a large group of researchers from institutions including the University of Graz and Joanneum Research Forschungsgesellschaft in Austria, the University of Fribourg in Switzerland, INSERM in France and the University of Freiburg in Germany. Alternate day fasting (ADF), a form of intermittent fasting, involves fasting one day, eating the next, and repeating. ADF makes me eat like a normal person, meals you plan ahead, and the next day i just avoid food (including thinking about it) and focus on other goals. OMAD was my first foray into IF years ago and it drove my binge eating to become even worse. Whatever form of water fasting you practice, from IF to extended fasting and everything in between, and whether you're fasting for health, weight loss, self-discipline, longevity, or any of the other myriad benefits of fasting, you've come to the right place—a community of like-minded individuals sharing our knowledge and experiences. As a quick reminder, OMAD stands for One Meal A Day. I do adf with vlc-omad and near bmr days of 20:4 or omad, plus a 48+ hour water fast from after brunch Sunday to brunch or so Tuesday.I don't evening eat, or I don't lose. I think I’m aiming for ADF + IF or OMEOD - but I won’t kill myself if I need to be flexible. Alternate-day fasting (ADF) is a form of intermittent fasting. Those who practice this method may experience weight loss, improved insulin sensitivity, stronger immune system, and other benefits. I would dare say the most popular method of this type of intermittent fasting schedule is known as the 5:2 diet. For a little less than 4 of them, however I’ve been almost strictly following the One Meal A Day plan (OMAD). OMAD (One Meal a Day Diet) Review. Only drink water. Well, meet the OMAD diet. It doesn’t specify what you eat, or even what time you eat. My experience of ADF is that it messed me up and I prefer OMAD. Alternate Day: As the name suggests, alternate day fasting is … Many women who were not able to lose weight on OMAD finally lost weight with the Alternate-Day Fasting method. I throw in a 36 or 48 hour fast every few weeks. The ups and downs are what work magic for me.The water fast helps with staying in autophagy longer, I'm chasing health benefits now. But the best results I’ve seen was with the 42hr protocol that I’m following now. Alternate Day Fasting vs OMAD. Is there a difference between doing OMAD versus fasting on alternating days? I still eat mostly low carb, but it's nice to have a treat without feeling like I"m throwing myself out of ketosis. Even with ADF, I can only eat one meal. However try and see what works for you or what you like best. The most popular of which are fasting 16/8, Warrior Diet, and One Meal a Day. I was constipated ALL THE TIME during OMAD, even though I tried to eat as big of a meal as possible, whereas in ADF, I go at least every other day lol Plus OMAD didn't work for me because with ADF I at least get to eat normally half the time and the other half I can focus on something else so it's very convenient, from personal experience. In its purest sense, OMAD doesn’t dictate calorie restriction or specific macronutrient composition. I like the idea of omad for awhile and occasionally skipping one meal to get a 48 hour fast in, but eat only at the normal time for your one daily meal. That's why I meal prep. You'll only know by trying.It's a combination that is unique; not just physiologically, but also lifestyle relevant to really be a healing change. It's not exactly OMAD, but I eat one larger meal, then smaller snacks afterwards. On fasting days, you eat 0-25% of your normal calories. I’ll start with the second type, the schedule that involves some fasting days and some normal eating days, often referred to as alternate day fasting. This one came up over and over as an effective weight-loss tool. Plus it was difficult for me to eat all that up in one meal. I went 3 months without losing anything. I’m back on OMAD and I’ve lost 4.6pounds in 6 days. Many people choose to eat the same meal every day – maybe just dinner. Theresa, fasting in the manner you describe is not for weight control. Not tons and tons, but a yummy, warm piece of bread with butter, or a cookie, etc. And for me that is something I am trying to fix. On this day, you will consume no calories. The Sun reported: "Experts have claimed that alternate day fasting, also known as the 'caveman … Alternate-Day Fasting. I realized that I don't like eating during the day, so been doing more like 20:4 with my eating schedule being from 5-6pm to 9-10pm. I failed at OMAD because of the planning of the meal everyday. I opted for alternate-day fasting, which meant I could eat for a 12-hour period of my choosing before fasting for 36 hours and then starting the cycle again. OMAD didn’t really work for me since I just overate and didn’t lose any weight. I don't really feel hungry before my eating window during the day and I don't obsess about what I eat. 16:8 Intermittent fasting vs OMAD. This intermittent fasting method would be the equivalent of saying the 23:1 method, which means fasting for 23 hours and eating during one hour. Alternate Day OMAD? I actually only ate 30 grams (counted out half the minstrels) as I wasn’t hungry at all. Then I did a sort of pescatarian/mediterranean thing. OMAD -- You eat one time and spike insulin once waiting for 23 hours to eat again. Modified alternate day fasting is less restrictive than the strict 36:12 ADF protocol discussed above. Same process continued until the last months of 2014, when I finally I got rid of my feeding window and started eating only once per day. I've also been keto for the past year (lazy keto) but with ADF I am letting myself eat more carbs on my feast day. I feel stuffed easily & appetite now extremely low. Wit modified ADF you are allowed to consume around 500 calories on your fasting days. ADF for me worked like magic. That said, we encourage you to continue your healthy, low-c… It might be easier to eat one meal a day compared to not eating at all. Who knows why I stopped – oh yes, I do remember – because I wanted to try the alternate day fasting to get the weight off quicker. It was tough for me to get above 600 calories a day. The fasting days are a little more extreme, and you can’t pig out on normal days. Absolutely second this. Here’s what my schedule looked like. Combine OMAD and ADF and you will drop weight fairly quickly and I think this is better than a total fast. Must have the correct number of calories plus the correct ratio of carbs, protein, fat etc. It may be that I was just carrying around more water on omad. The next diet on our list is the ever-so-popular, OMAD, or one meal a day. I never binge to try to get to some magic calorie number. 5:2 Diet. The protocol is simple. There are different styles of fasting available and we are going to discuss the two most common fasting styles. It's almost easier to not eat than it is to put off eating until later? I’m still on track to get to 183 pounds by Tuesday which is my official weekly weigh in. I give thoughts on which protocol is appropriate for which weight loss or maintenance goal. Why did I chose 40 hour fasts instead of OMAD or even 24 hour fasts? Posted by 3 years ago. Today, this is one of the most controversial dietary options due to its limited food intake through-out the day. I also advise planning a takeaway meal and recording the calories before ordering so you know what you’re going to eat. Period. 9 pm: Start fasting. There is no way of telling which is better, but for sure the one you can keep the longest is better. I utilize a combination of ADF and OMAD when I'm actively striving for weight loss. In addition, a few weeks later I started losing hair (I have a huge bald patch that I now have to style my hair very carefully- I’m female so this sucks- I get worried going out if it’s windy) and my sleep patterns were all over the place. This for me too. Possible side effects of OMAD. Hold on – don’t get too excited about this yet! Yes, both are very good - I would make the choice on what feels easier for you to follow. I only eat what I need to eat. You know you get to eat pretty much whatever you want, within reason and you are still going to lose weight. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Try ADF for a week or two and if it works for you then create a routine out of it, get your body used to the fasting regimen that it just becomes part of your life and you don’t have to think about it too much. I thaw my meal out the night before. I eat for a 6-hour window every second day, and it’s working so well! I found that I lost weight faster on ADF, but the downwards trend was of course still there. I talk about which intermittent fasting goal I prefer. You just can’t live your life having to eat 500 calories every other day. Someone with less of an appetite and more self control would probably have more success. ADF is the way to go IMO; on fasting days you are practicing self-discipline, learning how to separate food from emotion, and benefitting from the physiological effects of fasting. I go over the results of my transition from ADF 36 protocol to OMAD 4 hour window protocol. Alternate day -- You don't eat for 36 hours and this doesn't spike insulin. There are many different types of intermittent fasting. I’m usually all or nothing so I thought it would work well for me but instead it basically took me a step back and I’m only now going back to some semblance of normality with OMAD, albeit with a bald patch and diminished fitness levels. I probably do it wrong though as I don’t really worry that much about the calories. Researchers divided 100 obese study volunteers (mostly African-American women, without other major medical issues) into three groups: 1. one group followed an alternate fasting plan, which meant on the fasting day they would eat only 25% of their caloric needs and on the non-fasting day they’d eat a little bit more (125% of their caloric needs per day) 2. a second group ate 75% of their caloric needs per day, every day 3. a third gr… Dr. Fung recommends a 3x36 or 3x42 protocol for weight loss especially if you have diabetes. It also impacted my ability to exercise as if I did exercise on a fast day I would feel rubbish all day and I couldn’t exercise the morning after because I had nothing left in me to give and because of my routine and work and small toddler, first thing is the best time to exercise so I just paused it. Way easier for me to do a 36 hour fast/12 hours eating w/e for me. Alternate Day Fasting. It’s also why alternate days fasting, the 5:2 diet (fasting for just 2 days each week), or doing the 16/8 (or 18/6) intermittent fasting approach is recommended . I would recommend if you do alternate days having also that meal in one sitting. I mean, I AM throwing myself out, of course, but I know that I will be right back in it the next day. Archived. I’ve learnt that I need to record my calories on MFP, that keeps me honest. Fasting has been scientifically proven to be highly beneficial for the body, but all types of fasting are not equal. Alternate day fasting is a popular approach to intermittent fasting. Alternate Day OMAD? It's more the dopamine hit of food that I miss. Has anyone done OMAD and also tried ADF? I had a treat meal last night (5 guys) but instead of my usual veggie cheese sandwich and little fries which would have left me no room for a snack or sweet treat, I opted for the veggie sandwich and didn’t eat all the fries (I left maybe a small handful) and weighed 60 grams of minstrels out. Starting at 7:00 AM on Tuesday, your fasting day will begin. I think it’s good to do both, and sometimes I eat a normal 3 meal day. I signed up for the free 14 days on their website and will hopefully learn more. 6. It simply directs you to eat once. Simply alternate days like this for the rest of the week. Doing OMAD makes you obsess over that one meal everyday, all day and encourages binge eating in that one hour (at least that’s how i felt about it). I’ve intuitively started eating keto, it helps me to not be hungry in my fasting … Weightloss is slower than ADF but consistently going down. The basic idea is that you fast on one day and then eat what you want the next day. Alternate day fasting is similar to intermittent fasting, except that instead of fasting daily, only 3-4 days per week are fasting days. I've tried switching between both to break up my usual ADF routine. I'm committed to doing this for 30 days (so 15 fasted days) and see how I feel at the end of it. So I switched to low carb because I now need small volume but calories and nutrients dense food. OMAD was my first foray into IF years ago and it drove my binge eating to become even worse. I’m going into my real second week of ADF (I hade a week of just trying out 36 hr fasts but not full ADF) and have dropped 2 kg. Something like 0-25% of caloric requirements on the restriction day, and regular or ad libitum on the feeding day. Yes! Simply put, OMAD means eating one meal in a day. let’s get the discussion started. So I'm covering all bases nutrient/craving wise and don't feel deprived of anything. First I was eating whatever. Thank you! I'll probably use OMAD as a maintenance strategy when I hit my goal weight. Then I moved on to The 8 Hour Diet or 8/16, fasting for 16 hours a day … That stands for One Meal A Day, and it's an extreme version of intermittent fasting that involves eating for one hour only in a whole 24-hour window. Alternate-day fasting (ADF) is an intermittent fasting approach.. I just started ADF (today is fast # 4). Full Fasting Playlist (over 30 videos): Alternate Day Fasting | This Is Powerful! Close. It was published in the peer-reviewed journal Cell Metabolism on an open access basis and the study is available to read for free online. I go into all the benefits of intermittent fasting in my post Intermittent Fasting for Weight Loss: The OMAD Diet. I did OMAD for a while, and it worked slowly for a bit, then stopped. Then on eating days you can eat a little more, can practice normal eating patterns, get enough nutrients in, and can participate in social events. Slowly hunger faded and after 1 month I eat less and less. I feel better because I get a nice meal everyday and keep to around 1200 calories. Sorry for the long response but I honestly think you should know the reality and make an informed decision. OMAD worked for weight loss for the first three months, then I hit a plateau. The total number of years of me doing IF is close to 5. I put on 0.8 pounds but I know that’s just water weight because of the high salt content. Fasting 16/8 – You fast for 16 hours and eat within 8 hours. It will control the release of the hormone insulin (and other hormones), and reset how your pancreas responds to food intake. In this livestream I go over the pros and cons of both Alternate Day Fasting and OMAD. Weight loss is slower, but I don't have sleep issues that I had with ADF. OMAD is short for ‘one meal a day.’ This means you’re only eating once a day and fasting the rest of the time. For today’s study, the people in the alternate-day fasting group were told to eat about 25 percent of their normal daily calories on their fast days and 125 percent on their “feast” days. I’m thinking of moving to ADF from OMAD mainly to speed up results but wanted to hear from the community. I decided not to worry about calories & just focus on fasting. I did modified ADF for a few weeks- sometimes alternate and sometimes Monday Wednesday and Friday fasts and weekends off. I mean I sometimes do 48’s and haven’t really felt that my metabolism slowed down at all. You asked, Compare a single water fast of over 10 days vs intermittent fasting for several months. Alternate Day Fasting: Benefits and How To Do This. OMAD -- You eat one time and spike insulin once waiting for 23 hours to eat again. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I agree. Alternate day -- You don't eat for 36 hours and this doesn't spike insulin. I started with 16:8 last year, then 20:4, then OMAD, with 72hr extended fasts once a month. Keep it simple! Personally I found that though the weight loss was faster. Which one worked better for you and why. According to Dr. Fung the ideal fasting protocol for weight loss is alternate day fasting with your eating days consisting of 2 meals. Win win. They may enjoy the idea of fasting only every other day. What a miserable failure. I might try that next. With alternate-day fasting, people reduced weekly calories by 37% on average and shed an average of 3.5 kilograms (7.7 pounds). But also because I get full so quickly it's not a huge blowout or binge fest. Prior to this, I did OMAD, and though my weight loss was a little slower, it was consistent. When you practice ADF, you fast every other day. The overall calorie count would be roughly the same, so I feel like they would have similar results? Which sounds awesome, except that in the long run, it's not great for me to eat only 600 calories each day. It’s VERY likely that you’re going to experience low energy levels and hunger pains at some point. OMAD is better for maintenance. Of course, you are allowed to drink water and other non-caloric beverages. More posts from the AlternateDayFasting community, Continue browsing in r/AlternateDayFasting. My appetite has diminished a lot since starting to fast and I don't find bingeing to be an issue at all. Today I'm eating effectively vegan with no refined sugar in one meal every other day. Fasting 16/8 VS Warrior Diet VS OMAD. Benefits of OMAD. ADF works better for me for two reasons: First, I'm prediabetic and the 40 hours I fast is better for my fasting glucose, and second, I could never fit in enough food and nutrients in OMAD. Is similar to intermittent fasting for weight loss for the free 14 on! 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