They have enough room to safely perform each exercise. The leg movement, colloquially known as the "frog kick" or "whip kick", consists of two phases: bringing the feet into position for the thrust phase and the insweep phase. All very basic but explain that their whole leg performs the kick and not just the lower part. Kick with force only in the upward direction. Backstroke is the only competitive stroke performed on the back. Breaststroke legs: swim backstroke inserting a breaststroke leg kick at the end of each set of arm strokes (breathe in while moving your arms and breathe out during the leg kick). These include increased power, strength, endurance, speed, and coordination. As the swimmer … This helps to maximise propulsion and minimise drag. The Difference Between Swim Coaching and Training. A good way to think about it is if you have a long thin piece of wood. The chest muscles are engaged during the pulling movements in the arm stroke. the backstroke straightness leg kick, stretching the tendon of the tibialis anterior muscle rather than using the quadriceps muscles [15]. When you float on your back and hold your kickboard over your knees. The propulsion is generated from alternate arm stroke and flutter kick actions. Your whole leg should flex and your ankles relaxed. The legs are moved up and down in quick succession with compact movements. Your freestyle stroke benefits from having more power from the core and your kick. In the image above you will notice the swimmer is kicking from his knees and making a lot of splashes. The easiest way to help improve your kick, is to grab a kick board and kick with it over your knees. The major force of the backstroke kick is upward, against gravity, making quick, compact kicking and good foot position extremely important. Your feet should face outwards during the kick phase to that you can sweep them outwards and then back together again at the end of the kick. This publication provides coaches, teachers and swimmers with over 65 tried and tested competitive breaststroke drills and progressions. Below is a brief explanation of the function of each of the major muscles during the different stages of the backstroke. While at first glance its technique may look simple, there are a few subtleties to take into account for the kick to be executed with maximum efficiency. Causes for Sinking Legs. Backstroke kick is an alternating action, continuously up and down to help balance the action of the arms. This is where one leg kicks correctly and the other swings around providing no propulsion at all. The problem is that this makes a lot of splash and takes a lot of effort. Categories include: Swimmer Development | Swimmers Health | Swimming Coaching | Swimming Competition | Swimming Drills | Swimming Dryland/Land Training | Swimming Equipment | Swimming Psychology | Swimming Training. How to perform straight leg flutter kicks. The Speedo Aquapulse Max Mirror 2 Goggle Review. The feet are … The best exercise for correcting these common faults is to swim on your back (supine) with a woggle or noodle held under the arms for support. Pointing your toes makes a huge difference too, and ideally, that’s part of having a relaxed leg. The Competitive Swimming Website and Blog, Last Updated on December 1, 2020 by admin. The number of leg kicks to each … The swimmer initiates the catch phase by engaging the muscles in the, To help flex and extend their elbow during the propulsive middle and end of the stroke, Both types of kick start with a contraction of the, As the swimmer extends their knee/s, they engage their thighs, As they recover their leg/s with the upbeat kick, the swimmer’s, Throughout the stroke, the swimmer engages their calf muscles to help maintain a plantarflexed position with their feet (ankles extended & toes pointed), They help to stabilise the swimmer’s body, helping it maintain an effective position in the water. The legs perform alternating and opposite movements. With all that energy used it still doesn’t actually get you anywhere. The best part is this drill is a fairly simple drill to do. Backstroke timing is crucial to achieving a smooth, rhythmical stroke and the coordination of arms and legs is the key to success. The hamstrings help the swimmer to recover their legs and to maximise propulsion during the leg kick. Additionally, make sure you are not kicking down with force. Here’s a demonstration of the backstroke kick: The backstroke kick should use quick and compact movements for the best efficiency. The best part is this drill is a fairly simple drill to do. The leg action is a backwards kick with both legs simultaneously after drawing your heels up towards your buttocks by bending your knees. To contact us please click HERE. Please download our free chart ‘The major muscles used for backstroke’, by clicking the button below. The backstroke kick is only about twelve inches at its deepest. They are broken down into each of the major muscles used during backstroke. The Competitive Swimming Exchange is a Facebook group to help exchange ideas and information to collectively improve the sport we love. Your leg kicks balance your arm pulls and together they both help to maintain a horizontal and flat body position. Related article on dryland training for breaststroke, We have produced a related article on dryland training for breaststroke. The buttock muscles help to stabilise the swimmer’s body position and to maximise propulsion during the leg kick. Then the swimmer is able to sit up slightly and watch their own leg kick as they perform it. Swimming Lessons for Kids: Back Gliding, Kicking and Back Stroke Arms - … This can help them to gain additional benefits beyond those that can be achieved by training in the water alone. Which you can view by clicking this link: dryland training for breaststroke, Related article on swimming dryland training, We have produced a related article on swimming dryland training. See the backstroke kick article for a more detailed description. Both types of kick start with a contraction of the hip flexors (rectus femoris and iliopsoas) during the downbeat which provides the propulsion. The kick makes a large contribution to the forward speed, while significantly stabilizing the body. Step 4 : - Kick twelve times (each leg equals one kick). When holding the board in this position and kick from your hips the board will stay flat and not bounce on the water. Swimming Techniques: Improve your Leg Kicks | Backstroke - Duration: 2:14. What happens when the alarm doesn’t go off at 5 am anymore? It is important to keep your body rolling around the horizontal axis while swimming the backstroke to ensure the right arm movement. While one leg moves up, the other leg moves down, and vice versa. In this article, we’ll provide advice, hacks and tips as an introduction to understanding the major muscles used during backstroke. It’s easy to get puffed because they are trying to go flat out straight away. Generate power from your hips, not your knees. The hip flexor muscles help to initiate the downbeat to maximise propulsion during the leg kick. The following underwater video features a race with Kosuke Katijama, where you can clearly see the leg… Beginner backstrokers tend to kick from their knees—your kick should originate from your hips, sending a smooth, whip-like ripple down through your toes. The amount of propulsion generated from the kick will depend on the size of the feet, ankle mobility and strength of the legs. From the initial position with the legs stretched out backward, the feet are moved together towards the posterior, while the knees stay together. Out of all of the strokes, backstroke requires the most vigorous and continuous of kicks. Hold the board by one end with your fingers on the topside and thumbs underneath. Each drill focuses on a certain part of backstroke, for example the body position or the leg kick. Your legs should be relaxed and bent slightly. This backstroke kick drill is a great drill to get you started. We have produced a related article on developing your swimming core. We’ll identify and explain the function of each of these muscles during the different phases of the stroke. Dryland/land training can also help increase a swimmer’s range of movement and make them more flexible. Backstroke uses a combination of two types of kick, the flutter kick and the underwater dolphin kick. It’s the second slowest of the competitive strokes, after breaststroke. Hip rotation is okay. “Leg press” helps to convey the true message of maximizing full resistance, instead of leg kick which might mean just any forceful movement without much considerations. These help initiate their body’s rotation to help lengthen their stroke and maximise propulsion. Then each given exercise is designed to isolate that particular stroke part and the technique tips and focus points listed help you to perfect the finer details of that part. Strong legs and a strong kick add power to your hip rotation. The combination of increased flexibility and stronger, more balanced muscle groups can lower the risk of injury. The swimmer below is now kicking from his hips, notice his knee is more flexed than bent. Think front crawl… But flipped. When performing any form of swimming training exercise, swimmers should ensure that: We have published a related publication: BACKSTROKE Competitive Swimming Drills. I move very well even with my knees breaking the surface. This in turn helps you drive your arms forward for a faster and more dynamic arm pull. To reiterate you need to relax, kick from your hips, and just let your legs flex. It’s for all those who are interested in competitive swimming, either in the pool or in open water. If you wave one end up and down slightly then the wood will flex and the other end will go up and down also but amplified. As you kick, reach one arm up towards the sky and bring it down to the side of your head and into the water. The feet should stay in the shadow of the swimmer’… Backstroke uses a combination of two types of kick, the flutter kick and the underwater dolphin kick. The upper/middle back muscles are engaged during the pulling movements in the arm stroke. The goal of the following backstroke kicking drills is to address the unique issues of the backstroke kick that contribute to an effective and sustainable kicking technique. The easiest way to start this drill is to float on your back. I love to call it leg action in swimming backstroke the “leg press”. Backstroke Kicking Drill The knees should not sink too low, as this increases the drag. Then simply kick. The backstroke uses the flutter kick, just like in freestyle. The backstroke uses a flutter kick. If the kick stops, the whole lower half of the body sinks, so a steady kick is vital to keeping a long … Provide suggested dryland exercises to develop the major muscles used during backstroke. The core muscles help to stabilise the swimmer’s body, helping it maintain an effective position in the water to minimise drag and enable the body’s rotation to help maximise propulsion. Which you can view by clicking this link: swimming dryland training. Many competitive backstroke swimmers regularly undertake dryland/land training. Learn how to kick in backstroke with a tighter motion using a straighter leg. A lot of people try to kick like they’re trying to ride a bike, or running. This doesn’t mean you have to hammer with the legs, but rather keep a gentle steady motion. That all the equipment is fit for purpose and safe to use. Listed below are the major muscles used during backstroke. Performing a couple of basic backstroke leg kick drills will allow your clients to actually look and see what their legs are doing. The trick is to relax and just breathe. The problem is that this makes a lot of splash and takes a lot of effort. Backstroke leg kick is essentially the same kick as freestyle only upside down. It can also help to correct any muscle imbalance caused by poor stroke technique or overuse. A lot of people try to kick like they’re trying to ride a bike, or running. Push and glide from the poolside without floats. When the heel is at the highest point of the kick in freestyle and the lowest point in backstroke, the knee is then flexed and the drive of the power phase of the kick is executed. A lot of people trying too hard with this drill. For more backstroke drills click HERE, plus if you want to see a video of the drill click HERE (4:03 into the video), Copyright @ 2019 - The flutter kick is used in the backstroke but also in the front crawl stroke to provide balance and propulsion. If you find that your knees are still pumping too hard try out this easy drill to reduce excess knee bend. Their hips and legs sink, and the whole body gets dragged down. Often backstrokers will kick with too much knee bend, causing an increase in the frontal drag and slowing them down. When Noriko Inada used this stretched tendon in a similar way in the backstroke straightness leg kick, the kick frequency was much more rapid [16]. Before starting any form of exercise, we advise that you consult with your healthcare professional if you are concerned about an existing or potential medical condition. Push-ups – Standard, wide, narrow, slow, diamond (medicine ball), Bicep curls – Barbell, dumbbells, resistance cords or bands, Triceps extensions – Bodyweight, dumbbells, resistance cords or bands, Rotation pulls (Internal & External) – Resistance cords or bands, Straight arm lift – Gym ball (lateral) dumbbells, Squats – Bodyweight, barbell, dumbbell, jumping, lateral, straight arm & overhead (medicine ball). The leg is rapidly extended during this action. There are a few exercises that help to better your leg kicking. For more information about joining this group please use the following link: The Competitive Swimming Exchange, Upper/middle back muscles (latissimus dorsi ‘lats’), The shoulder muscles (deltoids and rotator cuff), Hip flexors (rectus femoris and iliopsoas), The major muscle functions during backstroke, Related article on developing your swimming core, Middle back muscles (latissimus dorsi ‘lats’), Related publication: BACKSTROKE Competitive Swimming Drills, The Competitive Swimming Exchange – Facebook Group, Swimming Training for Triathletes: An Introduction. Backstroke Body Position Drill. We have produced a swimming resource library. Straight leg flutter kicks. This, plus the fact that your kick should be consistent throughout your stroke and not pause while you’re rotating, means fast, efficient backstroke requires good leg conditioning. The upper arm muscles are also engaged during the pulling movements in the arm stroke. If you hold the board over your knees and kick it “bounces” a fair bit. A few important aspects to work on: A constant leg motion is required. These are subdivided by swimming category, To access any article simply click on the attached page link: swimming resource library. The following drill helps key in the core and leg muscles that initiate a hip-driven backstroke kick. Think of your legs as battle ropes, moving fluidly up and down. This slight tilt allows you to flutter kick without your legs breaking the water surface. The legs kick in an alternating up-down manner, where the hip drives the kick. The leg movement in backstroke is similar to the flutter kick in front crawl. Remember to keep your hips up and your head back. It can really help you to develop your backstroke kick correctly. A strong kick keeps your stroke together. Here are some tips to master the flutter kick: Keep your legs close together. This backstroke kick drill is a great drill to get you started. Listed below are some examples of our favourite backstroke dryland training exercises for swimmers to incorporate into their dryland/land training programme. The flutter kick is a simple yet efficient swimming technique where you keep your legs parallel and alternatively kick upward and downward with each leg. Straight leg flutter kicks are a great core development exercise for the core and glutes . Having a strong and steady kick is essential to backstroke. You want to try and focus on not kicking from your knees and letting the board bounce. A strong kick launches you in to your arm pull. The face drops below the water surface, and breathing is disrupted. The swimmer’s core should be engaged throughout the stroke, especially during both the arm pull and the leg kick phases. The leg stroke alternates, with one leg sinking down straight to about 30 degrees. For further details and ordering information please use the following link: This contains links to all of our blog post. Although propulsion from the leg kick is not priority as the … 2:14. It can really help you to develop your backstroke kick correctly. It’s an international group for all swimmers, coaches, teachers, masters, triathletes and swimming parents. Watch in 4K Getting the backstroke kick right can be very challenging. It is a good sign that you are not kicking from your hips. To be more correct, the legs kick in vertical or oblique directions, depending on the body’s position, because in backstroke the body rolls from side to side. The calf muscles help the swimmer to maximise propulsion and to keep their legs and feet into a streamlined position (plantar flexion). Backstroke leg kick. The rotation of the swimmer’s shoulders, trunk and hips play an important role in ensuring that their arms and legs are in the optimum propulsive positions. Simply drop your heel into the water. Breaststroke Kick Video. Which you can view by clicking this link: developing your swimming core. Both phases are propulsive. employing leg muscles differently than humans commonly do for most land activities. Beginners often have trouble getting into or maintaining this horizontal position. The feet are pointed. Keep your body straight with your legs slightly lower than your upper body, so that they can work properly. Think of your backstroke flutter kick not only as a propulsive force but also the rudder that steadies your vessel. For our kick during backstroke, we use the same flutter kick as front crawl, ensuring the movement starts from the hips rather than the knees, to prevent them from becoming stiff and sore. Then, repeat the motion with the other arm, and continue rotating one arm at a time as you maintain a steady rhythm with your kicks. Kick. Sikana English 22,521 views. Life after swimming. When the leg completes the power phase the recovery phase begins immediately. Have them sit on the poolside and kick their legs in the water. Having your hips and legs sink while swimming backstroke can … The swimmer’s legs should remain straight, with their toes pointed throughout this exercise. Your whole leg should be moving with each kick, not just your lower leg. The thigh muscles also help the swimmer to recover their legs and to maximise propulsion during the leg kick. Video Demonstration. Please note, that wherever possible we have used the common terms for each muscle and listed the technical/medical term in brackets. The shoulder muscles help to stabilise the swimmer’s upper body muscles and enable the body’s rotation to help maximise propulsion. For example, the chest muscles (pectorals). For more tips, like how to position your hands while swimming the backstroke, read on! To hammer with the legs your upper body, so that they work... Backstroke leg kick as they perform it training programme fair bit your vessel the! Up-Down manner, where the hip flexor muscles help to stabilise the swimmer ’ s international! 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