We have to put about 300+ words in articles to get search engines to see them properly, so I’m going to write some stuff about The Army Song below, but the big attraction is the adorable singing child, so you can scroll back up and watch that. That’s just like a 45 & 45. (Jette didn’t name names, but Esper visited BAE System’s York, Penn. The military community is huge on rivalry and houses some of the most inventive d*ck measuring contests you can think of. “He gets an email that day,” Jette said. It was this deep religious faith that inspired her to put her own life on the line to aid slaves in their flight to freedom. About 13,000 service members are participating in the effort, with 8,000 being National Guardsmen. Sh*t…, Anyway, here’s another dose of your regularly scheduled memes – delivered to you from a “Socially distant” appropriate distance. It was a major snoozefest up until the Republic of Korea Marine Corps showed up. Rheinmetall’s ADS will finish its first phase tests this month and the Leonardo-DRS/Rafael Trophy will start testing in late February. On April 12, 2018 Trump also reintroduced some ambiguity, saying that the attack “could be very soon or not so soon at all!”. Meanwhile, General Dynamics  will deliver the first prototypes of its Stryker 8×8 armored vehicles equipped with anti-aircraft weapons from Leonardo-DRS: the (deep breath) Initial Maneuver Short-Range Air Defense system. 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