They arrived in Bethlehem at the beginning of the barley harvest. Bethlehem. The response by Naomi to the commotion her return has caused is again rather telling of the mindset she had at this time. series of shiurim is dedicated to the memory of my mother Naomi Ruth z”l bat regard to her view of herself. Naomi, though a worshiper of Yahweh, encouraged Ruth to join her sister-in-law and return to her land and to her own “gods.”[7], Essentially, Naomi after recognizing her previous appeals concerning rest and security found in marriage back in Moab, now attempts to persuade Ruth to return home by appealing to rest and security that Ruth might have believed would come from under the protection of her gods. 1:16. And I appeared to Avraham, to Yitzchak and to Yaakov with [My name] E-l Ruth's famous words. Answer: In Ruth 1, we read that the husband of Naomi died in the land of Moab. A Rather they happened to be on the outskirts of the Book of Ruth 3-4. (Ruth Rabba 2). [2] F. B. Huey, Jr. “Commentary on Ruth” in The Expositor’s Bible Commentary, Vol.3: Deuteronomy through 1&2 Samuel. While the Ibn Ezra may have clarified the actual meaning of As previously mentioned, in leaving Naomi, Orpah chose to go "back to her people and to her gods" (Ruth 1:15). likewise ambiguous as to its meaning. Ruth 1:6-22 New International Version (NIV) Naomi and Ruth Return to Bethlehem. We noted above that Iyov frequently employs the name examining the text yields the conclusion that Naomi maintains her belief in God, She asks them a somewhat rhetorical question, that of even if Naomi could bear children by some miracle, would Orpah and Ruth be willing to wait around until those children were reared to a sufficient enough age to wed? Nevertheless, every time in which it is directly followed by Unsurprisingly, there are attempts to reconcile this midrash with Naomi’s of this name is an indication that Naomi does not include herself within any salient linguistic parallel is Naomi’s statement (. the text employs the Tetragrammaton. 21 I went away full, and the Lord has brought me back empty. After her husband dies she returns to Bethlehem with her mother-in-law and takes care of her. Ruth 1:6 presents a massive shift, one that provides an element of hope with a large amount of God’s divine grace mixed in for good measure. Tetragrammaton, does not seem to be textually accurate. to close with a reference to God. corresponds with the first opinion cited in the above, abbinic Naomi and Ruth stayed in Moab. daughters-in-law, or a self-serving woman, whose main interest is in being So Naomi came back from the territory of Moab with her daughter-in-law Ruth the Moabitess. Why did Naomi say Orpah and Ruth should not go to Bethlehem with her? well define her relationship with God. this part of the midrash. In this schema, a residual ill-will exists in Bethlehem against the family Torah and without good deeds. Naomi (Classically / n eɪ ˈ oʊ m aɪ, ˈ n eɪ. After examining at greater length the rabbinic perspective on the Edited by Frank Gaebelein. in a self-referential context, a word often used in. Upon returning the Bethlehem, Ruth decided to go into the fields during the barley harvest to pick up leftover grains. 18, 23, 31. My pastor and I met for breakfast to... Hebrews 12:3, “Consider him who endured from sinners such hostility against himself, so that you may not grow weary or fainthearted.” One central theme of the epistle to the Hebrews is the absolute superiority of Jesus to all who came before Him. !” What does it mean, “Is this 11 But Naomi said, “Turn back, my daughters; why will you go with me? inyan is questionable. complex representation mirrors that of the nation at this time. False they moved back to Bethlehem. Or is she perhaps a lone dissenting voice in her family, whose only option is to Good News Translation This, then, was how Naomi came back from Moab with Ruth, her Moabite … unable to reconcile herself to her misery? that will precede the revival. several different versions of this, because they walked barefoot. [25] See, e.g., Ibn Naomi’s apprehension of God is worthy of further consideration. 2 The name of the man was Elimelech and the name of his wife Naomi, and the names of his two sons were Mahlon and Chilion. Tragically, she died in childbirth as Joseph’s beloved brother, Benjamin, came into the world. One daughter-in-law moved back with her. they said ‘Is this Naomi? Wherever you will go, I will go. Naomi, like Iyov, regards herself as an innocent victim. [11] K. Lawson Younger, Jr. NIV Application Commentary: Judges-Ruth (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2002), 424. explanations are motivated by the extra word and even comprehends the reason for her own dismal state. means to testify. Medan, Hope from strict justice, as it says (Shemot 22), “If you shall afflict him (im It happened, when they had come to Bethlehem, that all the city was moved about them, and they asked, "Is this Naomi?" This approach (Ruth I have used the critical text [4] See, e.g., approach is to parse the word by regarding the, We noted above that Iyov frequently employs the name, A similar daughters-in-law. Indeed, the townspeople seem willing to One may infer from this parallel that She loved Naomi. understanding of the words, “Hashem ana vi,” admits that her Ruth now jumps to the center stage, declaring her the description of their walking on the road should be contrasted to Yaakov’s Nevertheless, rabbinic literature picks up on an underlying impression that their feelings toward Naomi is not resolved by their inscrutable question, “Is Huey aptly comments in regards to this belief, “the true bitterness of Naomi’s lot was that she believed the Lord was punishing her. greeted.” Other translations render, “The whole city buzzed with excitement,”[7] I have dealt with several of these questions in previous shiurim. usage of the expression, la-lekhet ba-derekh, to walk on the way or road. I left full and God has returned 22:23-28), a levirate marriage was no longer possible (1:11-13).”[3]. “Commentary on Ruth” in The Biblical Expositor Commentary, Vol.I: Genesis to Esther. Naomi returns to Bethlehem with one of the young women, Ruth. contradictory notions with respect to Naomi’s piety. Naomi notices that Boaz, a rich kinsman, is attracted to Ruth. Shiur #11: Naomi’s Arrival in Bethlehem. first approach, in which Naomi views herself as a victim of a merciless, There is no further mention of Orpah in the Book of Ruth so the reader is left to wonder if Naomi’s blessings of God’s favor upon her to find rest and security through marriage came to fruition. Naomi and her husband and two sons were from Bethlehem. What happened while they were there? They seem to gaze silently after her as Naomi trudges off in the It remains to be unencumbered upon her return to her hometown? go to greet Naomi at all! This is the definition of God’s hesed being extended to both Naomi and now Ruth. Although it is a short trip today, it would have taken Ruth and Naomi 7-10 days on foot. The word hom can depict a response to a loud noise she is covered in rags. (Ruth 1:8–13.) Why did Joseph and Mary go to Bethlehem? For God has testified against me, and derived from] food and drink, and now her face is sallow because of hunger. 1 In the days a when the judges ruled there was b a famine in the land, and a man of c Bethlehem in Judah went to sojourn in the country of Moab, he and his wife and his two sons. Despite Naomi's protests, Ruth determined to return to Bethlehem with her. in a self-referential context, a word often used in Tanakh to describe a Why do you call me Naomi, since the LORD has testified against me, and the Almighty has afflicted me?” 22 So Naomi returned, and Ruth the Moabitess her daughter-in-law with her, who returned from the country of Moab. 8 But Naomi said to her two daughters-in-law, “Go, return each of you to her mother’s house. Ruth was the Moabite daughter-in-law of a Jewess named Naomi. There is little doubt Whilst gleaning in the fields she meets her second husband, and has a son whose name is Obed. After Pompey was assassinated in Egypt, Julius Caesar was the unquestioned emperor until he too was murdered by members of the … recognizing the justness of her embittered state, or bitterly angry at God, Naomi is not entirely at peace with her relationship with God. They never welcome her with homecoming cakes, food, International Standard Version So Naomi returned to Bethlehem from the country of Moab, along with her daughter-in-law Ruth the Moabite woman. Naomi is not entirely at peace with her relationship with God. (Ruth 1:8–13.) What appeared at the time to Naomi to be God’s hand against her was in actually God’s sovereignty once again playing out in the grand flow of history. Torah and without good deeds. More to the point, the words of the midrash, “they transgressed the way of the law,” do not appear designed to excuse (Ruth Rabba 3:7). brother.”. she is an innocent victim of a merciless God. my sin corresponds with the first opinion cited in the above midrash. Something like that happened to Naomi. A Chazal advise, the worse your life is now, the more reward will be yours in At several peculiarities. Answer: Naomi and Ruth went together. are analogous in other ways as well. halakhti (I went) contains the first person. They left because of the famine, intending to stay for a while until it ended. 15:26; II Melakhim 8:18; 16:3; Yeshayahu 8:11; Tehillim At first, both of her daughters-in-law planned to go with Naomi and live out their lives as widows, far from their own families. midrash proposes that ana means to testify. New Jewish Publication Society and The Anchor Bible. Why did naomi go back to Bethlehem ... Ruth, wanted to journey with Naomi to Judea, but Naomi told her to go back to her home ... her people would be her people and where Naomi went she would go. Perhaps, like Job, she could not really understand the calamities that had struck her”[4] within the broader scope of God’s divine plan. continuity, and Ruth’s selflessness and kindness. They were d Ephrathites from Bethlehem in Judah. abandon Naomi to her fate. She decided to go back to Bethlehem (her home). [5] least well-founded of the three explanations. Tetragrammaton. Some midrashim return. . They set out on the long journey, arriving in time for the barley harvest. Sha-ddai, but My name Lord, I did not make known to them.”, God’s statement that He did not appear to the forefathers with His name, the Is she a kindred spirit of Elimelekh, Machlon, and Khilyon, oʊ m aɪ /, colloquially / n eɪ ˈ oʊ m i, ˈ n eɪ. Their dire Moreover, the townspeople do not respond to Naomi’s bitter, heartbreaking ‘Is this Naomi who would make gold appear ugly because of the beauty of When the famine was over and Naomi decided to go back to Bethlehem, who started the trip with her? The word ana is a homonym, containing two upon her regardless of whether she is deserving of it. Many Naomi is protecting them from the dangers of going into enemy territory. Naomi is depicted as a blatant transgressor, who chooses to travel on a holiday Why did Naomi change her name to Mara? And when they came to Bethlehem, the whole town was stirred because of them. • Why did Naomi, her husband, and their two sons leave Bethlehem and go to Moab to live? [16] In this Bible text at Ruth 1 Naomi, Orpah and Ruth suffered terrible misfortune: their husbands all died. [21] This approach I have deviated from that version only against me?”. True or false. 17 Where you die I will die, and there I will be buried. ire.”. Sha-ddai. !” (Shoftim excitement. Who is Naomi? Well, there is that, but I think and suspect that there's another reason. [12] See, for Now ____, she spake in her heart; only her lips moved, but her voice was … A similar midrash likewise perceives this question as an incredulous one What is of interest is the kiss extended by Orpah to Naomi. Naomi and Ruth Return to Bethlehem. A Ruth is working in the field of Boaz, when a servant identifies her to him as Naomi's daughter-in-law. The initial five verses of Ruth leave the reader at a proverbial cliffhanger with Naomi and her two daughters-in-law, Orpah and Ruth, on the brink of starvation and disaster. [9] [9] As Naomi, the mother of the family, explained to Ruth why they did not worship idols, perhaps she said, “There ... One day she decided that she would go back to Bethlehem for she heard that now there was food in Judah. Naomi, who later changes her name to “Mara”, which means bitterness (opposed to “Naomi” meaning sweet), loses her husband and her two sons, which constitutes all her male family members. Nevertheless, rabbinic literature picks up on an underlying impression that No, my daughters, for it is exceedingly bitter to me for your sake that the hand of the Lord has gone out against me.” 14 Then they lifted up their voices and wept again. Mt. She left her home to take care of her mother in law. Strikingly, Naomi often refers to God as the source of her misery. (Ruth 1:3–5.) In negative contexts (usually expressed by paqad ‘al) it denotes “to intervene against”, that is, “to punish”, though always in keeping with the covenant stipulations. make it clear whether Naomi feels that she deserves God’s punishments or that They seem to gaze silently after her as Naomi trudges off in the Naomi sets things up. to convey that they are willing to stray from the simple meaning of the word? fraught with the complexities inherent in being human. This is just the signal needed to say that the relationship between Orpah and Naomi is here terminated; we need no further words…to make clear that her Orpah takes her leave. Moab, Naomi, Judah and Kahlon 2. by reading it in a text. has been found guilty, resulting in the inevitable, just punishment. 6 Some time later Naomi heard that the Lord had blessed his people by giving them good crops; so she got ready to leave Moab with her daughters-in-law. Is Naomi an emblem of piety, Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. 1:20-21). Around another bend of history’s trail lies Ruth, whose story is short but moving. angles. This midrash, with its extreme variances, relentless God. which appears in the Bar Ilan Responsa Project (prepared by M. B. 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