The audience can visit a page and access it in an environment and without the use of CSS. To use Semantic markup simply means that you use the appropriate built-in HTML tags to wrap around your content so that they represent your content best. Instead of constantly gathering, sifting, and analyzing vague clues, couldn't we just help a bit with better data description and then let machines help us cut to the chase? This is why the use off Semantic HTML is generally encouraged. For example, a … In this article, we're going to present the main semantic tags embedded in the HTML language. For example, this tutorial you’re reading has a headline called “Why Semantic Markup is Important for Your SEO”. Thomas Toledo-Pierre Nov 18, 2019 ・5 min read. So, really, using old school divs for footers, nav, etc, and wrapping them with the new HTML 5 … Elements such as