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You smiled and gave a wave at him as you stepped into the gym, once you sat down your gym bag, Tanaka's lips pressed against yours. When he slaps your butt 5.3K 156 by xnotxherexanymorexx Hinata - Kageyama was teasing him about how innocent your relationship was and that Hinata has never slapped your butt - he obviously exaggerated saying that you guys do plenty of un-innocent things together - Kageyama tells him to prove it so he goes up to you and smacks your butt Boyfriend Scenarios!! Tendou gave narrowed eyes as he stared up to see you scooting over. "I thought you were going to the bathroom." The guy gave narrowed eyes before walking away with a 'Tch', you smiled after Akaashi took your hand and pulled you a long. *In Editing*. "What was that about?" Kenma You gave a small laugh after you finished a game up with Kenma, the two of you were at your house spending the day together and since he got a new game. His heart raced!Except for the drumming sensation in his chest, he felt everything around him turned mute. Oikawa gave narrowed eyes with small duck lips as he put his hands on his hips. "Nah it's okays. Take a dive into the world of volleyball with our lovable boys! "Yeah I." "Sorry but she's taken." "I was but." "- Words aren't coming out you broke him- You and Oikawa take those cute pictures for Instagram - Captain would be like- "My boyfriends partner! Do you need my assistants?" Is this yours?" maybe, but none of you will ever complain about it, he hears you giggling behind the pages of your book, taking his glasses off, he wipes the lenses with his shirt, with the hint of a smile on his face, he picks up his book as well, coffee dates are pretty common for you two, talking about your days with a hot drink in hand, or reading together a book you choose for each other, when you began to read in the presence of the other, you both quickly noticed there was nothing awkward about that silence, just a moment of peace filled with stolen glances and slow breaths, when you give him a book, its usually full of underlined quotes that made you think about him, so during the date you would frequently cast a glance to see if he has already read the highlighted paragraph, then feeling his hand grabbing yours across the table to interlace your fingers together, he whispers an ouch, just to dramatically stumble and fall into your arms, thats because im sure theyre alive and conscious, im just saying the dresser wasnt there this morning, so the only conclusion is it moved on its own, you roll your eyes, fed up of his dumb theories, oh no, all the objects are turning against you, and before he can even reply, you throw it at him, opting for a kiss to make him shut up, you stand on your tiptoes leaving a peck on his lips, his hands find your hips, pulling you closer, dont worry, ill protect you whenever theyll attack, you arent really the type to show PDA and neither is your boyfriend, in public you would give him a peck on the cheek and he would have an arm around your shoulders at best, at the beginning of your relationship you were both awkward while hugging or holding hands, but you got comfortable behind closed doors pretty soon, he loves resting his head on your lap talking about his day, while you caress his cheek, and you never get tired of feeling his fingers playing with your hair and his soft lips crowning your forehead with kisses, face to face cuddles are his favourite thing in the world, having you pressed against his chest, makes him feel like he can protect you, and when you are the little spoon he would be lingering your spine with kisses and then hiding his face in the crook of your neck, he also loves back hugs, receiving or giving them, you usually nuzzle your nose against his back, before lacing your arms around his chest, while sometimes you would randomly feel his chin resting on your head or shoulder and then two big arms wrapped around your waist, during study dates you caught him so many times staring at you with a lovesick expression instead of doing his assignment, but occasionally you just couldnt wait till the two of you were alone to feel his soft touch on your skin, like the time you were out with him and the team to celebrate together after a match, he noticed your voice becoming more and more like a whisper and your eyes fluttering closed from time to time, when youre tired you become more clingy and he thinks that its the cutest thing ever, nothing too crazy, but surely uncommon for you, like gently resting your head against his shoulder while he was talking with his teammates or holding his hand under the table, with your thumb rubbing over his knuckles, when it was time to get back home you walked slower than usual, clinging on to his arm, mainly for support but also because it was nice having him so close, while he struggled to find the key in his pocket, you rested your head against his back, the only thing keeping you upwards, once he opened the door he turned around, just to see you slowly falling, thankfully he was quick enough to catch you and hold you in his arms, his plan was to throw you onto the bed and tuck you in but you were whining about the fact you had to wash your face and change first, so he made you sit down on the toilet, carefully cleansing your face and then applying moisturizer, let me sleep here, its quite comfortable, you pouted, laying your head on the countertop, you peered up at him with a smile, doing grabby hands at him, he scooped you up, softly laughing in your ear, laying you down, he pulled the covers up to your chin to keep you warm, already hearing soft snores leaving your lips, he snuggled up to you, with his head atop of yours and his arms around you, he soon fell asleep as well, he hung the mistletoe above the gyms front door, thinking it was the perfect opportunity to steal a kiss from kiyoko, plus he thought it could be fun to make things awkward between his teammates, but unfortunately for him, she was busy that day, so she sent you to give the boys their new jackets, standing on the doorstep, you look inside the empty gym, when you hear kageyamas voice, you nearly drop the box in your arms, he comes closer to see inside the box, looking for his own jacket, thanks, you didnt have to come all this way, he takes the box from you, putting it on the benches inside, no problem at all! Hope you like this bb and thanks for your request <33, hellooo can i request hcs of oikawa , suna and iwa s/o posting a video on their tiktok of both of them doing something cute tgt with the caption im gonna marry this man someday . "I'm sorry sweetheart, I tried to come here as quick as I could." Hit her instead!" "Suga! "Akaashi! "Hey Yama." #nekoma "Shoyo." (Y/n)." "Suga?" Nishinoya gave you a nod as you left the gym after kissing his cheek, you were on your way back to grab your bag you left on the bus while he stayed in the gym and practiced with the team. "No I'm good my boyfriend is coming back t-." Let the games begin.__________________An unexpected rogue attack changed the life of Kayla Xanders. After you and the rest of Karasuno cheered in a group circle they ran outside of the gym to run up and down the hill, you gave a small chuckle as Yachi did the same, once you and Yachi went out the gym doors a couple of other guys rushed in. The last words of the note both startle and confuse her especially since she saw her mate die in front of her very eyes. Fly high, and reach fo " " - She's just in a rush." "No, just trying to get this pre-." "I'm sorry. "This is going to be fun." "Have I done anything to despise you?" He's tall, dark, and handsome, and you can't help but stare. She had found herself involved in a world far more precarious than the one she had left behind.It was full of danger, werewolves and magic. "Uh, Hinata?" "I love you." "Team JohzenjiTerushima "I'll meet you back here. "That was fun." "There." #one ), Late night gas Station runs// their gas station orders. "Was it really an accident?" There is no editing whatsoever here! Barbatos has to keep him from shoving his hand in the kitchen's stockpile of rice. He then crouched down a bit as he walked past you, and when he did he smacked your butt, it was soft but yet it still echoed, before standing back up all the way with a chuckle, walking faster after you gave a small yelp and placed your hand on your butt. I hated that, hated that all it took was his voice to turn me on, "You're not my mate. When he turned around he saw Sugawara, Tanaka, and Ukai smirking and chucking at him, he just chuckled and walked past them.Tsukishima You and Tsukishima were at the park together before he went to practice, you sat next to him and talked about your day as he listened, you saw your (f/n) walk by and got up and went to her. You gave an eye roll and put your arms around his neck and pecked his lips. ive waited here for more than an hour!, on the verge of tears, you feel tired and frustrated, youre not mad at him because hes late or anything, you just miss your boyfriend, of course hes a busy person, but you wish that he could find a little more time for you, suddenly he cups your face, uncertain if you would have pushed him away, with a lovesick expression, he presses his lips to yours, forgetting all your insecurities, you can only focus on how soft he feels against your mouth, you feel so far lately and i know its my fault, but im just asking you to wait for me, he mumbles in your ear, tightening the hug, taking your hand in his, the two of you start strolling down the street, how can you not know what you want to eat?, because im down for everything, why dont you decide?, its your turn to pick and you never agree with me anyway, he has to bite his tongue, while a fake laugh escapes his lips, i was planning to have it with my family tomorrow, stopping in the middle of the crowded street, he suddenly appears in front of you, tired and hungry, he leans down with a stern look, his tone is harsh and annoyed, which makes you frown, we dont have to eat together if you dont want to, you know?, realizing how severe his gaze is on you, he immediately calms down, he holds your face, bringing you closer and softly kiss you, staring at his lips, you gently pinch his cheek, he pulls you in, claiming your mouth again, how about we go back home and cook something instead?, with the music blasting loudly from the car speakers, you were singing at the top of your lungs, your boyfriend looked at you with a soft smile, before bringing his attention back to the road, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel along with the music, he couldnt have wished for anything better, when he stopped at a red light, you took the opportunity to grab his hand and leave a quick peck on his knuckles, an embarrassed expression spread all over his face, as he cleared his throat, scrolling through your gallery, you spent the night watching some videos you took of oikawa and his nephew takeru, your favourite was the one where your boyfriend taught him how to serve, placing his little hands and feet in the right position, oikawa held the ball to show him where to hit it, every time takeru did a good serve, oikawa ruffled his hair praising him, all fun and games till they started bickering about who was the best volleyball player, with his tongue stuck out, oikawas face contorted into a grimace, while his nephew just looked at him with a stoic expression and his arms crossed, out of nowhere, oikawa pulled takeru over his shoulders, saying that he had to admit that his uncle was the best or he would have dropped him, poor takeru was clinging to oikawas head for dear life, since your childhood youve been criticized and talked down every time you opened your mouth, which made you understand that maybe it was better keeping your thoughts just for yourself, but everything changed when you met kuroo, someone who always listens to you without judgment, he loves spending time with you, watching you open up to him a little more every day, whenever he teased you a little or cracked a joke, you never actually laughed, so he started to write down notes on random pieces of paper and then sliding them in your pockets when you werent paying attention, youve never mentioned them, but he was happy with just the thought of you chuckling at his words even if far from his eyes, when one day, spotting you alone at a lunch table, he saw you smiling at your book, dazzled by such a view, he didnt immediately saw you waving at him, he cautiously walked up to you, afraid to make your smile disappear, getting closer he noticed that it was the exact book in which he slid between the pages a dumb joke that same morning, and you showed him all the old train tickets and receipts he gave you, held together by a paperclip, going through them, you read out loud your favourite ones with a smile getting bigger and bigger at each word, with a lovesick gaze fixed on you, he couldnt do anything other than smile as well, being raised to be respectful and collected, you were immediately branded as the quiet kid, your parents always told you to speak only when you were asked to and to guard your emotions for your own protection, so no, you never told bokuto that you like him, but little did you know he fell for you as well, fascinated by how your kindness could brighten up his day immediately, when he entered the classroom, a burning sensation started to grow inside your chest, that day was particularly cold and it was snowing from the night before, he was covered in snow, his face buried in a big scarf, and when he lifted it up, you saw his cheeks and the tip of his nose being so red, shaking his head, he let the snow on his hat fall all around him, with his teeth chattering, he started to rub his hands together, hopping on the spot, he looked so small in that puffy jacket of his, meeting your gaze, his eyes sparkled so brightly, drawn by your giggle, he quickly came to you, a shiver ran down your spine, when he suddenly grabbed your hands in his freezing ones, you nodded, while your lips were still curled up in the sweetest smile ever, and he really thought he wouldnt have seen anything prettier than the snow that day, in your previous relationship your partner always told you that your laugh was annoying, so you ended up to just stop smiling at all, did atsumu make his mission to get you to smile? "Haven't I seen yo-." He looks at you with an intense gaze and you can see the anger in his eyes.