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He was a Private First Class who was killed in action in the Second World War. Approximately 7,500 women were stationed in Vietnam during the war. Various percentages of actual Vietnam Veterans is bothersome. if you were effected by the first or second tour, or as i did, three years back and forth , then you were , are are a veteran. Active duty 70-71, Quang Tri, Khe Sahn, Danny. in one way or another. Some, like myself did not serve a full 12month tour. Our medic gave them out every Monday. But that number will probably go down by at least 50,000 to 75,000 per year. We didnt make it on shore very often but I still feel I was in VietNam. After 20 some years of filing claims and multiple appeals (DAV advocate,) have given up on the VA. Do I count as a real Vietnam vet? Videos, Film, Music, and Movies about VN War, Author interview War & Life: Discussions with a Veteran, A Chat Between Three Veterans [live video with author], Lest We Forget Meet the Authors & Book Signing April 4th: Cherries and Donut Dolly, Interview with author John Podlaski in Examiner Magazine, American Heroes Radio interviews author of Cherries A Vietnam War Novel, Cherries Author Interviewed on British Website, U.K. Blogspot posts interviews author, John Podlaski, More Book Reviews and author interviews about Cherries,,, Three maps remind us of the horror of the Vietnam War by F. Kaskais, Three maps remind us of the horror of the Vietnam War | Self Improvement Life Hacks, Three maps remind us of the horror of the Vietnam War | Top Pin Answers, A Day in the Life of an Infantry Point Man in Vietnam. The exact percentage of surviving Vietnam War veterans is not known, but it is estimated to be around 25% of the total number of veterans who served during the war. no body turned down extra hands, and my india purchased white shirt and shorts made me attractive target in the event of a problem, and provided some humor to the 130 crews. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. There are still a lot of us left by some miracle! Very true One of those is my younger brother. I flew as a crew chief / door gunner from dec 12 th 1965 till dec 15th 1967,I may not have had my boots on the ground out side the wire but we flew close air support , every time you grunts got your ass in a sling we were there to help you, i was on old B model gun ships low and slow ,I was shot down three times, so i dont think your cib means that much to me. Frantically searching to find that one resource in my spirit to survive. The veterans are a very important asset to the country. The amount of compensation a Vietnam War veteran can receive varies depending on their individual circumstances, such as their disability rating and the number of dependents they have. According to the American War Library, as of February 28, 2019, it is estimated that approximately 610,000 Americans who served in land forces during the Vietnam War or in air missions over Vietnam between 1954 and 1975 are still alive to this day. 4-39th, 9th Div. 240 300 World. Im still here after all the BS of AO has really messed up my life with illnesses, surgeries ect since 1975, noting problems while I was in Vietnam in 69, and confirmed. He was 18 years, 2 months and 1 day old. If you were shot at, in an incoming rocket attack, had to protect during a ground attack, you could bleed and die, you were in Combat. Thank you. Where do they thinly get Ella enemys came from? When were the last Vietnam POWs released? my larger point is that , in my opinion, they were veterans. Over 8.7 million Americans served in the Armed Forces during the Vietnam era from 1964 to 1973 (1). In the enormity of the cosmos, Vietnam is inconsequential, covered over by days dust! But the 23 months I spent doing my duty as outlined our government to assure you had a way to be resupplied means I, and those like me, am a Vietnam Veteran. If I got in the ring with Cassius clay later known as Mohamed Ali. Born: 04/07/1937. There is a bird in India that says Did you Do it? We were sitting ducks to support our artillery & infantry troops, so talk your trash! Please do your own due diligence on the American War Library before citing them on ANYTHING, ever. Non combat Vets served elsewhere. Serious danger along those river banks. How many Vietnam vets are still alive today? even when i went out with the airforce on resupply to fire bases. Some likely in error (or on purpose to avoid Agent Orange Claims). We all had a job to do. Wiki User. How many REAL Vietnam vets are alive today? - American War Library It would cause great pain to them; reminiscent of what occurred to the family of my namesake, my first cousin Dante Michael Puccetti. According to the American War Library, as of February 28, 2019, it is estimated that approximately 610,000 Americans who served in land forces during the Vietnam War or in air missions over Vietnam between 1954 and 1975 are still alive to this day. Was back at LZ Bayonet the last part of my tour after being medevaced off of Professional and in the hospital at Chu Lai. Combat Vet, Vet on ships that never touched country, military who were passing through and were on airport tarmac? Nov.62 I got off a PanAm flight at Tan Son Nhut with a US passport, wearing civilian clothes and colorful floral leis around my neck after a stop in Hawaii. While that's a staggering figure is, the actual amount could be higher. Has every CIB wearer actually done that? The first impact of a rocket was twenty meters to the left and ten meters behind as the rocket flew over its target. When the 3rd Brigade,82 ABD moved from Camp Rodriguez (I Corps) in October 1968 my first base was Tent Citynear Bien Hoa (III Corps) then my unit was moved to Phu Loi. Sorry for your loss of your loved one., Yes a Vietnam Veteran, but not a Combat Veteran. So, I must be a VN Vet and VN Era Vet and Cold War Era Vet but not a Cold War Vet because I never got anywhere near the USSR. The site is owned and run by a crook and charlatan named (?) September 27, 2022 by Editorial Team. It should be duly noted that these numbers do not include the 2500 to 3000 US Air Force troops stationed in Guam, Thailand, and other countries that were involved in the Vietnam War effort. the draft board made that very clear. I knew I had to stand up again, even though I made a better target; my staying in the open road would be a death sentence. In addition 18 US AF Security Police personnel and their 5 person aircrew were killed responding to the incident (the seizure of the USS Mayaquez), some do not recognize them as combat related deaths either. This part of Pleiku Province is a combination of mountains, triple to single canopy jungle and/or open valleys. These numbers have come about due to the extensive research of various mortality indexes and sources by the American War Library which concluded that about one-third of those who served in the Vietnam War are still alive today. he and the other gentleman did not seem to know about each other , but they ended up speaking about the tours in country, both had served some time at dong ha. There was a huge difference between the merchant ships i sailed on, no passengers, and vessels like usns geiger. Number who served in country and number who served DURING the Vietnam War regardless of where they were deployed. Those experiences vs the ones of the rear echelons are grossly different. he was wearing his VIETNAM ERA VETERAN cover. OH, SHIT- I heard the impact of the Rocket Propelled grenade (RPG) to my left; `this is it, I yelled! I was also at LZ Bayonet. Pop, POP POP. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. How many Vietnam vets have died from Agent Orange? Lost my Vet to Leukemia just after this count was done. It was only a short ride. Bless you and your family Those of us who live day to day with that medical time bomb know the pain you suffered before he passed, and the endless pain of loss ever after. I find it best not to remember that time. How many Vietnam Vets die per day? | RallyPoint Those were the prime draft years, but of course there were a few older guys over there too.This does not include other American men there who are not covered by the A, like civilian contractors. Im glad you made it back! A few times Id meet a group of guys claiming they were all Nam Vets. All five of the CIDGs we dropped off that morning filed into the back of the truck, but unlike the cab the back had a canvas top and sides. It was an incredibly tumultuous time in US history and, for that reason, its unclear how many people actually served during this struggle. in only 6-10 years.. . Here are some statistics on the veterans of the Vietnam War. 11B20 and proud of it. In the article, the writer quotes Patrick S. Brady of Vietnam Veterans of Americas magazine. Its possible that the youngest living Vietnam Veteran may be 61 years old. How many ww2 vets left 2021? Learn something new everyday. Thats what we did in Vietnam we left and am glad we did. none more than the ERA Vets. How many Vietnam vets are dying each day? - Clearly, the New York Times is referring to Vietnam-era veterans, not Vietnam veterans. That is correct, Dow Chemical is responsible for three times as many Viet Nam veteran deaths as the NVA and the VC. This cookie is installed by Google Analytics. We dont respect the combat Vets and they shouldnt disrespect us. I can assure you there will be those of us alive longer than 10 years from now. (1st time to operate a river boat 2nd time to evacuate injured Marines. Last one left was about 15 to 20 years ago. I appreciate the fact that I Sam in the combat group that won the war against the communist rabble during their Tet Offensive in 1968. It is a deeply troubling statistic and has. Age: 78. We were near AF ranch hand ops and many of my buds still alive from then have the cancers, diabetes, amputations and such. Your not a vet if you never stepped foot in another country. As the Department of Veterans Affairs studies, each day over 20 veterans take their own lives. My time stands still. the average combat vet in Nam was 240 days. The VVA Veteran boils it down to a totally different conclusion that the American War Library drew. If you want to learn more about the Vietnam War and its Warriors, then subscribe to this blog and get notified by email or your feed reader every time a new story, picture, video or changes occur on this website the button is located at the top right of this page. Nebraska Farm Boy, that had to go to County Agent Classes before buying any chemicals. for most of it i listened but not wanting to interfere. Everything slowed down, and I was alone, above my body that was thrown into the dashboard hitting with my left side. Around 2.7 million troops were stationed in Vietnam either on land, within its airspace, or in its waters. A number 1/2 the peak, say 250,000 still seems high but would come closer to 3,000,000 number serving. A half century after serving in Vietnam, hundreds of veterans have a new reason to believe they may be dying from a silent bullet test results show some men may have been infected by a. A few days later I was in fatigues on a C-123 to Da Nang, and a month later driving Hai Van Pass to Phu Bai with 3rdRRU Mobile Det (ASA). Dave, 9.2 million served on active duty (5 August 1964 to 7 May 1975) 2,590,000 served in the combat zone. Ah. This accurate accounting gives us persepective on the cost of current and future wars. This situation has been an issue for years longer than any of us has been around. Gordon, I agree. I was only there 9-months but others served multiple tours, so I tend to believe the 2.7 3.0 million is probably an accurate number. Presently, I approached the road to the top of PDL hill, and I was thinking what a beautiful day this would have been if this were some other place in some other world. The number of Viet Nam veterans, those who served in combat and combat related services (such those flyboys from outside the territory/waters of Viet Nam is about 2.7 million. The total goes up every day. I was with the 1st Inf Division from July 67 to June 68 and we received $15 overseas pay and $65 combat pay a month. The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs estimates that 530 Vietnam veterans die every day. How many REAL Vietnam vets are alive today? - American War Library There is no definitive answer to this question as the number of World War 2 veterans who die each day varies depending on the specific situation. We are working on a feature article How Many Of Us Are Still Alive: that will show a complete Actuarial Model that shows the likely number of us still alive (725,000 to 750,000 out of 2.4 million) and the likely progression of our deaths. REAL Vietnam War veterans are all those who are officially authorized the Vietnam Service medal and possess official military-issued documentation to confirm their medal authorization. Served at Quang Tri Combat Base )QTCB) 71-72) Same here. So, where is the discrepancy in these numbers? Splitting out the numbers of combat and era vets are separate questions. She is also a strong advocate for equal opportunity, and she works tirelessly to ensure that all students have access to quality education regardless of their socioeconomic status or race. What was the cause of preventable deaths in the Vietnam War? RE: WHO are Vietnam Vets ?. In WWII and the Korean War, anyone who served in the military was considered a veteran of that war. According to DCAS Vietnam casualty files, the following casualty were sustained outside of S. Vietnam: 728 in Laos, 523 in Cambodia, 1,120 in N. Vietnam and 10 in China. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Vietnam IS a Vietnam veteran. Heres my article about Canadians who fought in Vietnam: Perhaps the reason for guys is that there were times we had to drink out of bomb craters that were in areas sprayed with Agent Orange. why not compare them?. I WAS IN THE 85TH ORD COMPANY . 2.4 million man who served in Nam approx. Therefore there are a lot fewer combat veterans from Vietnam. All the others are Vietnam ERA Vets. I was drafted in May of 1966 specifically for the reactivation of the 9th B Co., 4/47th/9th Inf. There were 7 RoyalThai Air Force bases used during the war, from 1961-1975, three closed between 1972 to 1973. On this Memorial Day 2021, VA honors their service and recommits itself to . He was drafted and qualified for Helicopter pilot school. My husband was also a door gunner (191st AHC gunship) but he was there later than you (70-71). Hazardous duty pay was $65 and overseas pay varied by rank $8 to $ 16. Finally figured out what was wrong with me, received help but refuse to dwell on the dark demons that quite frankly just did not give a dam for humanity. I had a Swedish citizen in AIT, with orders to go to Vietnam. Often cited as the last verified American POW from the Vietnam War, Garwood was taken to North Vietnam in 1969, and reportedly was released in 1973 along with the other U.S. POWs as part of the Paris Peace Accords. Good disxussiin. I do not know where that number 1 in 14 came from, but in my time in the Army 1962-1970 it was in the range of 1 in 8 to 10 using the total manpower % . It only had the National Defense ribbon on the cap. But to me, Nam is my whole universe i.e. Even more telling is how many Vietnam combat veterans are still alive today? Combat Vets and Non Combat Vets. Serving during the TET offensive and time after. i was not a supporter of the war but i did my job. How many ww2 veterans are still alive 2021? I will never forget the pop pop pop, pop pop of an AK-47 in rapid-fire, but I heard the far off rattle of a M-60 machine-gun through the roar; Why I thought of PFC Wildaboro and his escapade with the machine gun that OTHER sun-drenched afternoon! Pop, POP POP. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. If field infantry personal awarded a CIB having engaged the enemy are a ten (10), what are the field artillery units at a fire base like FSB Gold in Operation Junction City. I to served two tours 67-68 and 69-70,first with 1st of 8th cav. NO REAL VET FAILS TO REMEMBER HIS MOS. The insistence to include Vietnam-ErA vets with those who served in-country results in a ridiculous skew to any meaningful stats. i do not remember the moss but the went on quite a while. when we carried peaches and beer, no problem. A phantom drifted over and raised me up to unconsciousness. Before I passed out, I was being picked up off the jungle floor by some entity. nearly every classmate from the academy served on some basis during the vn war. We dont forget, and resent the tail gating by those who, during the war, did all they could to avoid it, and now desperately hope others will conveniently forget this fact, and give them some of the respect they never earned. I was C 3/17 air cav. I remember that the minute we came around the coast and headed up for Vung Tau, as merchantmen on American Export LInes ships, we got a sizeable war zone increase in our pay. He showed me his DD214 and low and behold it says he was in Vietnam. Hell no. Also, some do not consider those who served in Thailand as Vietnam Vets. If you are a pretender go stand in front of the mirror and tell that lie one more time so you can watch yourself steal the respect from an actual COMBAT VETERAN A/3/22 3rd Brigade 4th ID Dau Tieng 12/66 to 1/68. Im 75 and served in South Vietnam (30 Dec 1967-68) A/504th MP Bn. The disparity seems to be In Theatre veterans between the years 1954-1975, and veterans in the Military at that time that were not deployed, or NOT In Theatre! If you served anywhere at all, anywherre during WWI, you are a WWI vet. You can sleep in it. Arne Fuller, Tucson AZ. Were you at Saigon firebase when guys set off grenade in APC ? Still, the American War Library continues to verify their accounts and come to more concrete conclusions. Was an Armored Cav Platoon leader Nov 67-Mar 68 Lost 4 APCS 4 men in my platoon KIA 12 wounded I think I was in a little combat . The definition of Combat Veteran is NOT if you have a CIB. First and most important who is a Vietnam veteran? These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. 2023 CherriesWriter - Vietnam War website, Ive also created a poll to help identify my website audience before leaving, can you please click, Vietnam: The War that killed Trust (GuestPost), Gold Star Families Memorial Monument DedicationCeremony. by your definition, cia personal in civilian clothes were not veterans. How many Vietnam vets die each day? - Most likely Les considers those who werent in-country as REMFs. 31 sets of brothers are on the Wall. Our med company was on 6 different LZs during the year I was with them, supporting the 3rd Bde 4th ID. What that included Im not sure today but understood it to be in naval & in country. I rode river patrol boats from 1968-9 we were on the rivers but we were there 24hours a day days a week. stay safe. Still, the American War Library continues to verify their accounts and come to more concrete conclusions. No reflection on your daily activities, just a friendly piece of information. GREAT There are questions like this that are hard to answere as being true boots on ground. The New York Times, as always, gets it wrong. Current Status of Unaccounted-for Americans Lost in the Vietnam War. The dust settled back to normality, as if man did not exist. The debate depends on only two numbers. Vietnam Veteran ages range from 55 to 97 years old. This battle resulted in the loss of 13 Marines (10 in combat, 3 were left behind and executed by the Khmer Rouge, 2 Navy Corpsmen, and 3 Air Force pilots. Pleiku, Dak To, An Khe. I had several Canadians in our Company in Vietnam. The percentage of fatalities that resulted from this was 7.9%. I know what I did while there in 1975, protecting USAF resources and aiding in the support of many end of the war mission.