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The%01parsed field is used to extract the first variable field into a 5-byte fixed parsed field. Example:IFTHEN abbreviate a word from Input File Include 1 excludes what Include 2 and 3 will select, likewise Include 2 excludes what 1 and 3 will select. Identify those arcade games from a 1983 Brazilian music video, The difference between the phonemes /p/ and /b/ in Japanese. Date constants can be produced in a variety of other characters, zoned decimal and packed decimal formats as well such as Cyyyy-mm, Zyyyymmdd and Pyyddd. akshay TUESDAY 10000 We can even add spaces/zeroes/any character into the output record based on the requirement. Build gives you complete control over the items you want in your reformatted OUTREC records and the order in which they appear. In the input file, the content in position 1,6 is overwritten to the position 47,6 and then copied to the output file. SUM FIELDS=NONE removes duplicates on fields specified in SORT FIELDS. A file has 100 records. OUTREC IFTHEN=(WHEN=INIT,BUILD=(1:1,80)),..) Copies the 80 bytes data from input file to output as it is. In addition I want only part of the record in the output file given by the below 3 BUILD's. DFSORTis a very good concept for record manipulation. To covert the input data from lower case to upper case. . Statement OUTREC FIELDS=(1:6,25,26:46,5) is coded to specify that field at position (6 to 30 i.e. OUTREC FIELDS=(..,4X,..) add 4 spaces from 40th byte. Amusing. steve MONDAY 20000 OUTREC as equivalent of BUILD is only on OUTFIL. I don't know what "Code" tags are. Example: Reformat different records in different ways by specifying how build, overlay, find/replace, or group operation items are applied to records that meet given criteria. Data at position 11 in input file will be compared with CHANGE list. All the AMSAM00 records are INCLUDED, everything else (which is unwanted for the OUTFILs) is ignored. OUTREC FIELDS=(..,55,8,Y4W,ADDDAYS,+2,TOJUL=Y4T(/),..) adds +2 days to the date in the input file and converts it to Julian date before writing it to output file from 55th position. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. JOHN 28000 00004, SORT FIELDS=COPY The answer to your first question is simply that you did not tell Build parameter can be used in OUTFIL statement also. - the incident has nothing to do with me; can I use this this way? //SYSOUT DD SYSOUT=* Example 1: Formating a file (USING INREC) //SYSIN DD * SORT FIELDS=COPY INREC FIELDS= (7:2,5,20:10,3) /* Explanation: SORT FIELDS=COPY It is for copy records to output file INREC FIELDS= (7:2,5,20:10,3) - Here we have two formattings, 7:2,5 - data at 2nd position of input file with length 5 copied to 7th position of output file appropriate record length and LRECL by not specifying WIDTH(n). BUILD parameter can be used on INREC and OUTREC statements in SORT card. Example: Experienced software developer. Other usages with Inrecand Outrec:(SOurce IBM). //SYSOUT DD SYSOUT=* C'THU',C'THURSDAY', - One step to take the larger (expectation) of the two counts, "work out" what 00% would be (doesn't need anything but a simple subtraction, with the right data) and generate a SYMNAMES format file (fixed-length 80-byte records) with a SORT-symbol for a constant with that value. So the following control statement will include only those records with a Cyyyymmdd date in positions 10-17 equal to todays date: Of course, you can use the other comparison operators (NE, GT, GE, LT, LE) as well as EQ. so that performance will be improved SORT OUTREC Example JCL. Remove the () from data in first 29 bytes and remove spaces between the data and separate the data with ,. Let us assume input file has following data and structure INPUT FILE What are the RECFM and LRECL of your inputs? // DISP=(,CATLG,DELETE), However while writing to output file, two spaces will be added between fields at position 1-5 and 6-10. But if any of the fields in your records have variable positions or lengths, you can use PARSE to treat them as fixed parsed fields in BUILD or OVERLAY. BUILD is new. You can mix p,m fields (fixed fields) and %nn fields (parsed fields) in BUILD and OVERLAY. You can create the reformatted INREC records in one of the following ways using unedited, edited, or converted input fields. (note, this was the question that existed when the first answer was written and does not relate now to the above code). If you know that your count requires less than 15 digits, you can use example, if DIGITS(5) results in overflow, you can use DIGITS(6) By using this website, you agree with our Cookies Policy. The%parsed field is used to skip the variable field without extracting anything for it. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. 4. Any one run of which (even with the 10,000-record example) will outweigh the costs of a "Mainframe" solution running every day for the next 15+ years. length is 25) should be copied at position 1 in output file followed by the field at position (46 to 50 length is 5) should be copied at position 26 of output file. You have your counts. Please note that file in SYSUT2 takes the same DCB as that of the SYSUT1 in the above example. SORT FIELDS=(1,3,ZD,A) - Once the above two tasks done, the file will sorted and the same writes to output after sorting. SECTIONS is used to generate a report header for each transaction. There is a separate OUTREC statement. Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! you can have a common BUILD for all the includes I guess. john MONDAY 08000 X represents single space. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. To insert a character string to your output includeC your stringas part of your OUTREC , you can include anyEBCDIC character between single quotes. . My code is GPL licensed, can I issue a license to have my code be distributed in a specific MIT licensed project? vijay XXX 24000 Example MON will be replaced by MONDAY. You can use nX to specify n blanks.To insert 10 blanks, write 10X before the first field. EDIT=(TTT.TT) is a used-defined edit mask, in this case inserting a decimal point, truncating the otherwise existing left-most digit, and having significant leading zeros when necessary. . Overlay lets you change specific existing columns without affecting the entire record. In the above example, employee number is in the field position 1,15. Also skills in Mainframe. You can prevent the overflow After step 4) the sign is missing. For the input record: NEW YORK,ABC NEW JERSEY,XYZ,NEW YORK, The output record would contain: NY,ABC NJ,XYZ,NY. SMITH WED 25000 Why is there a voltage on my HDMI and coaxial cables? This statement supports a wide variety of parsing, editing, and reformatting tasks. Else, the input record is written to output, as-is. present. vijay SUNDAY 30000. If clause 4 is not satisfied, its build items are not applied and processing continues. DFSORT extends the reformatted input records from 80 bytes to 83 bytes to accommodate the identifier byte added in position 81 and the sequence number added in positions 82-83. Use IFTHEN statements if you want to insert, rearrange, delete or overlay fields in different ways for different records. Alternatively, something has already previously read or written those files. Overlay lets you change specific existing columns without affecting the entire record. You can use INCLUDE and OMIT to select records using a variety of formats for past and future dates like Cyyyymmdd, Cyyyy/mm/dd, +yyyymmdd, Cyyyyddd, Cyyyy/ddd, +yyyyddd, Cyymmdd and so on. v If WIDTH(n) is specified and the calculated record length is greater Example: Reformat each record by specifying just the items that overlay specific columns. 1,20 - data at 1st position of input file with length 20 copied to 1st position(if you don't specific position, it will start from 1st position) of output file. Adding a sequence number to the output file. The SORT, SUM and OUTREC statements are as follows: SORT FIELDS= (106,4,CH,A) SUM FIELDS= (162,4,BI,166,4,BI) OUTREC FIELDS= (106,4,162,4,166,4) Table 2 shows the output. How do I align things in the following tabular environment? than n, ICETOOL issues an error message and terminates the operation. 25,6 - data at 25th position of input file with length 6 copied to 21st position(because 1 to 20 already data copied so it will continue from next position) of output file. OUTREC FIELDS=(1,80,SQZ=(.., MID=C,)) the data which had spaces in between separated by ,. It is as I said, it replaces the data. SORT FIELDS= (106,4,CH,A) SUM FIELDS= (162,4,BI,166,4,BI) OUTREC FIELDS= (106,4,162,4,166,4) Table 2 shows the output. OUTREC FIELDS=(1,39,..)copies first 39 bytes from input file to output as it is. . Example: OUTREC FINDREP=(IN=Csmall,OUT=CSMALL) finds the text small in the entire input file with the SMALL and writes to the output. The OUTREC control statement allows you to reformat the input records after they are sorted, merged, or copied. Second step which uses INCLUDE/OMIT with the symbol in comparison to the second record-count, using NULLOUT or NULLOFL. The problem I am facing is datasets FILE1.DATA.COUNT and FILE1.DATA.COUNT are getting created of 15 record length despite mentioning LRECL 6. Based on the 6th position of the file, the BUILD of output file varies. For View all posts by Srini. OUTREC in SORT JCL - Example 1 If you want to add sequence number to the output data after sorting input data. Learn more. The DATE1 operand corresponds to a Cyyyymmdd constant for todays date. COBOL: How to Write INPUT and OUTPUT Procedures, The Complete List of COBOL Special Registers. You can delete, rearrange and insert fields and constants. WIDTH can only be specified 7thbyte will be placed as a space in output file. . OUTREC FIELDS=(1,29,JFY=(SHIFT=LEFT,..),..) Justifies the data in the first 29 bytes to left. It is used to reformat each record by specifying all of its items one by one. If you use DIGITS(d) and the count overflows the number of digits Selected records will be copied to the output file. Table 1. If clause 3 is satisfied, its build items are applied and processing continues. JIRA Workflow for Optimal Project Tracking, Automatically Assign Issues JIRA Automation, JIRADashboard Popular Gadgets for Agile Teams, Vertical Slice vs Horizontal Slice User Story. Statement SORT FIELDS=COPY is used here to indicate that all records will be copied from input file to output file. Browse other questions tagged, Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Reach developers & technologists worldwide. BUILD parameter is an alias of the FIELDS parameter. OUTREC is processed after SORT/MERGE and SUM (if present) otherwise after INREC. You can use nZ to specify n binary zeros. Statement OUTREC FIELDS=(1:1,30,36:SEQNUM,5,ZD), is used here to indicate that field at position (1 to 30 i.e. VIJAY XXX 24000 It should be: Code: INREC FIELDS= (.) If desired, a simple report can be created using OUTFIL IFTHEN to identify each different record type, format it appropriately, and remove the data added by PUSH. OUTREC is processed after SORT/MERGE and SUM (if present) otherwise after INREC. DIGITS can only be specified if FIELDS is "old" and available for backwards-compatibility. IFTHEN statements allow you to reformat different records in different ways by specifying how build or overlay items are to be applied to records that meet given criteria. . Do new devs get fired if they can't solve a certain bug? confused.. Can you please explain how this would work over the syntax i have tried. . OUTREC FIELDS=(..,55,8,Y4W,ADDYEARS,+2,TOJUL=Y4T(/)) adds +2 years to the date in the input file and converts it to Julian date before writing it to output file from 68th position. Output file for SORT JCL - Assume the current date is - 4-Apr-2012. As a mainframe resource, if you have command on DFSORT you will get many job opportunities. OUTREC FIELDS= (1:1,20,CTOTAL,26:5Z,31:21,10), SORT FIELDS=COPY Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Overlay lets you change specific existing columns without affecting the entire record. Add two days, two years to the date in the input file. BUILD gives you complete control over the items you want in your reformatted OUTREC records and the order in which they appear. Replace Low Values with Spaces using SORT, JIRA Workflow for Optimal Project Tracking, Automatically Assign Issues JIRA Automation, JIRADashboard Popular Gadgets for Agile Teams, Vertical Slice vs Horizontal Slice User Story. Use that to format the result. example of ZD formats are '000000000002.459000-' and '0000000000000005.42-'. Specifies d digits for the count in the output record, overriding the Obviously I have a lot of catching up to do! What exactly you are getting? Your comment must have arrived while I was writing the answer. Statement SORT FIELDS=COPY is coded to specify that all records should be copied from input file to output file. The DATE1(-)-30 operand corresponds to a Cyyyy-mm-dd constant for todays date minus 30 days. Explnation: Above statement will convert data field at position (1-20) of input file to its uppercase form and write it to output file. The question is unclear, so this is just a guess at what was wanted.