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A family systems theorist might suggest that Robin comes from a(n) _____ family. You're likely receiving a message that encourages you to question your own interpretations and the accuracy of those interpretations. With which type of schedule would you expect a person to stop responding to immediately if reinforcement is not there? Bacterial and viral infections. c. moderate to severe mental illness and a coexisting developmental disorder. b. biological. 17. You are doing your best. d. fixation. Dealing with anxiety. It might be that the disorder causes dysfunction in the family, rather than the dysfunctional family causing the disorder. The pineal gland helps regulate the sleep-wake cycle while the thyroid gland regulates the bodys energy levels by controlling metabolism and the basal metabolic rate (BMR). Anti-anxiety medications such as benzodiazepines are effective in relieving anxiety and take effect more quickly than the antidepressant medications (or buspirone) often prescribed for anxiety. c. who believe in a higher being are the healthiest. d. ego ideal. c. unconditional positive regard. c. increased participation in very high-risk activities. How is the anatomy of the brain important to a discussion of psychopathology? Is this correct? How so? Observational learning is learning by watching others and modeling techniques change behavior by having subjects observe a model in a situation that usually causes them some anxiety. Ego-defense mechanisms are in place to protect us from this pain but are considered maladaptive if they are misused and become our primary way of dealing with stress. b. good long-term prognoses. She works very hard to do things that other people would like and to make people like her. c. gestalt c. denial. 91. In order to prevent anxiety in the future, it is common practice to expose someone to stressful situations. b. Techniques might include weighing the pros and cons of fighting uncertainty or change. As you might expect, if reinforcement occurs after extinction has started, the behavior will re-emerge. Freuds psychodynamic theory made a lasting impact on the field of psychology but also has been criticized heavily. A biological theorist studies a psychological disorder through the interconnectivity of an entire network of brain structures. Treatment starts with determining situations in which assertiveness is lacking and developing a hierarchy of assertiveness opportunities. 66. 147. 36. Rita is seeing a gestalt therapist because she has anxiety about confronting her sister regarding painful interactions from their childhood. d. psychoanalytic therapy. Stimulants increase ones alertness and attention and are frequently used to treat ADHD. Additionally, you might have wondered if the person or animal will try to make the response again in the future even though it stopped being reinforced in the past. Still, we must remember that the model is a starting point for the researcher, and due to this, it determines what causes might be investigated at the exclusion of other causes. b. helping the client develop a stronger sense of self and rational thinking. a. Fritz Perls b. Joseph Wolpe c. Abraham Maslow d. Aaron Beck, 123. Of importance to mental health professionals are the adrenal glands, located on top of the kidneys, and which release cortisol to help the body deal with stress. b. people are naturally inclined to live positively. The parasympathetic nervous system calms the body. What an individual views as abnormal behavior in public may be the only way to effectively interact with family members. b. The response re-emerges. 153. a. sharing advice b. analyzing dreams c. developing insights d. building social skills. In a general sense, a model is defined as a representation or imitation of an object ( The model of abnormality that examines the effects of society and culture is the _____ model. Which is a goal of acceptance and commitment therapy? a. Perls. b. ego. Proponents of the biological model view mental illness as being a result of a malfunction in the body to include issues with brain anatomy or chemistry. I'm here for you." The disadvantages should outweigh the advantages and help you to end the struggle and accept what is unknown. a. having the patient engage in activities that elicit anxiety b. prescribing an antidepressant medication such as paroxetine c. teaching the patient how to effectively challenge negative thoughts d. encouraging the patient to cultivate relationships with others who have similar anxieties. Todays techniques are much more sophisticated and have been used to treat schizophrenia, depression, and some personality and anxiety disorders. A boy believes that he is deserving of love only when he earns good grades. The perspective that religious views are defense mechanisms created by people to make life tolerable is MOST characteristic of: a. current thinking in the mental health profession. When a young child yells and throws toys (i.e., throws a temper tantrum), the parents give the child a good deal of attention. This action MOST strongly suggests that the _____ is firmly in control of Nikolai. This is a physical aspect of what disease? When a child yells and threatens others, he or she is placed in a time-out, away from the group. 145. A couple therapist who focuses on acceptance and positive change where possible is using _____ therapy. This is called the. The events (response and consequence) are linked in time. Which theory is based on the idea that people constantly evaluate and give meaning to their lives through their actions? It was fun for me to swim in a lake near my house as a child. A patient has social anxiety disorder. According to the cognitive-behavioral model, this is an example of _____ behavior. 59. This model dismisses the effect of nonbiological factors on behavior. 21. 156. d. try to figure out the source of their troublesome thoughts. To address this unique factor, culture-sensitive therapies have been developed and include increasing the therapists awareness of cultural values, hardships, stressors, and/or prejudices faced by their client; the identification of suppressed anger and pain; and raising the clients self-worth (Prochaska & Norcross, 2013). A friend recommends this therapy. First, the response is made, and nothing happens. 42. Which model of abnormality cites physical processes as being the key to behavior? c. psychoanalysts. c. The receiving neurons fire. It provides the strength to fight back or to flee (fight-or-flight instinct). b. Breuers wife, Mathilde, became jealous of her husbands relationship with the young girl, leading Breuer to terminate treatment in June of 1882 before Anna had fully recovered. Briefly outline how communication in the nervous system occurs. d. The client is classically conditioned to associate drinking with the negative experience of vomiting. Conditioning. Messages moving from neuron to neuron must cross tiny spaces called: a. dendrites. b. genetic mutations. Mood stabilizers are used to treat bipolar disorder and, at times, depression, schizoaffective disorder, and disorders of impulse control. DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, is our heredity material. This is called: a. fixation. She could see the answers of the person next to her and briefly considered copying his answers. d. The effectiveness of biological treatments cannot be objectively evaluated. The self-actualization motive plays an important part in human functioning, according to: a. cognition-focused therapists. Armed with this stunning revelation, Pavlov spent the rest of his career investigating the learning phenomenon. 99. 140. 65. b. sociocultural The psychologist who would MOST closely agree with this statement would be described as: a. behavioral. A common example is Lithium; side effects include loss of coordination, hallucinations, seizures, and frequent urination. Its popularity has declined since the 1960s and 1970s. What is that factor? The Humanistic and Existential Perspectives. Outside of phobias, desensitization has been shown to be effective in the treatment of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder symptoms (Hakimian and Souza, 2016) and limitedly with the treatment of depression when co-morbid with OCD (Masoumeh and Lancy, 2016). 83. You immediately focus all of your energy on the financial implications of your partner's departure and ways to save money. Secondary or conditioned reinforcers and punishers are not inherently reinforcing or punishing but must be learned. 39. With time, Anna O. did recover from her hysteria and went on to become a prominent member of the Jewish Community, involving herself in social work, volunteering at soup kitchens, and becoming House Mother at an orphanage for Jewish girls in 1895. 55. 22. The sympathetic nervous system is involved when a person is intensely aroused. ADHD is more common in males than females, though females are more likely to have inattention issues. List and describe the models of abnormality. Does extinction happen as soon as the anticipated reinforcer is removed? B) chemical imbalances and brain damage. Another option to treat mental disorders is to perform brain surgeries. A theorist who believes that someone who is labeled a hard worker will, in fact, become a hard worker is MOST likely a _____ theorist. In terms of the biological model, neurotransmitters, brain structures, hormones, genes, and viral . ABNORMAL CHAPTER 3 - b. laissez-faire parenting style. The antenna-like extensions located at one end of the neuron are called: a. glia. Abnormality results from the interaction of genetic, emotional, and cultural influences. d. genes. What is it? Try figuring out if you genuinely do not have time to go to the gym by recording what you do each day and then look at open times of the day. Identify and define important neurotransmitters. 80. Divorce or the death of a spouse can lead to anxiety disorders. Just because there is a relationship between culture and a particular disorder, it does not mean that culture causes the disorder. 49. The same is true of borderline personality disorder. None of the models are complete within themselves. 78. a. low activity of GABA b. absence of dopamine c. low activity of serotonin d. excessive activity of norepinephrine. a. quaternary b. secondary c. tertiary d. meta. The child learns to interact with others without yelling. d. cognition-focused. Males have X and Y chromosomes while females have two Xs. In terms of the latter, some symbols are linked to the person specifically, while others are common to all people. c. children who very seldom fight. According to the behavioral model, Dontrall acquired this perspective through the process of: a. modeling. This therapist is MOST likely a(n) _____ therapist. Thats all right. Still, we violate these values at times and experience feelings of guilt. 126. Abnormal chemical activity in the bodys endocrine system relates to the release of: a. hormones. For example, to be diagnosed with separation anxiety disorder, you must present with three of eight symptoms for criteria A whereas for a major depressive episode as part of Bipolar II disorder, you have to display five (or more) symptoms for criteria A. 51. c. abnormality arises from an interaction between predisposition and stress. b. a. id b. superego c. self d. ego, 38. Still, the sociocultural model suffers from unclear findings and not allowing for the establishment of causal relationships, reliance on more qualitative data gathered from case studies and ethnographic analyses (one such example is Zafra, 2016), and an inability to make predictions about abnormal behavior for individuals. Which example BEST describes conditions of worth? d. There is no one theoretical approach used in couple therapy. d. object relations theory. d. behavioral. Which statement is TRUE regarding electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)? The humanistic perspective. Second, the participants in his studies were not representative of the broader population. b. early childhood trauma. Which statement regarding the outcomes of couple therapy is FALSE? As such, he continues to steal her toys. Social desirability states that sometimes participants do not tell us the truth about what they are thinking, feeling, or doing (or have done) because they do not want us to think less of them or to judge them harshly if they are outside the social norm. d. client-centered therapy. How do socioeconomic, gender, environmental, and multicultural factors affect mental illness and its treatment? Nervous breakdown c. Impairment d. Distress a. depression b. Huntingtons disease c. social anxiety disorder d. schizophrenia. Hence, we advocate for a multi-dimensional and not a uni-dimensional model. Stimulants are generally effective and produce a calming effect. c. insert RNA into genes. Once the electrical impulse reaches the end of the axon, called the axon terminal, it stimulates synaptic vesicles or neurotransmitter sacs to release the neurotransmitter. Researchers are only now beginning to tease apart the various biological and psychosocial factors that may impact the mental health of both women and men., c. identified an external source as the cause of abnormal behavior. The electrical portion of the neural impulse is just the start. 102. Current multicultural perspectives are MOST likely to focus on the: special external pressures faced by members of a culture. She had another shirt with her and wanted to change right then and there. 12. Genetic issues and explanations. Outside of biological and psychological factors on mental illness, race, ethnicity, gender, religious orientation, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, etc. 58. c. superego. Freud used three primary assessment techniquesfree association, transference, and dream analysisas part ofpsychoanalysis, or psychoanalytic therapy, to understand the personalities of his patients and expose repressed material. Another example is how a baby will root for a food source if the mothers breast is placed near their mouth. According to Freud, our personality has three parts the id, superego, and ego, and from these our behavior arises. They include Lisdexamfetamine, the combination of dextroamphetamine and amphetamine, and Methylphenidate. She is constantly looking to friends and family members for help with these decisions and gets anxious when she has to decide alone. In fact, behaviorism said psychology was to be the study of observable behavior. There are two main ways they can present themselves. Simply, she placed the child in one end of a room and then brought in the rabbit. Flooding and desensitization are typical respondent conditioning procedures used with phobias, and modeling arises from social learning theory and observational learning. First, consider the topic of social cognition or the process of collecting and assessing information about others. For instance, people with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) have difficulty regulating serotonin. a. gestalt b. object relations c. cognitive-behavioral d. self, 124. Hmm. a. modeling. b. unconditional self-regard. We will cover this process in three parts. 117. What about other students in the class that you know? So, if there are 10 objects/situations in the list, the client will experience ten such pairings and eventually be able to face each without fear. Since your Italian professor did not provide a study guide, you didnt study for the midterm. d. Freud. a. modeling Joanie has social anxiety. c. sociocultural How does the existential perspective approach psychopathology? 34. 133. a. gestalt If you do not believe you do anything right, list evidence of when you did not do something right and then evidence of when you did. In explaining why women are diagnosed with anxiety disorders and depression twice as often as men, multicultural therapists would focus on: a. the biological differences between men and women. When a child yells and threatens others, he or she is placed in a time-out, away from the group. Evaluating the humanistic and existential perspectives. a. psychodynamic b. sociocultural c. humanist-existential d. cognitive-behavioral. b. change behaviors that are damaging to the relationship. b. control biological factors by focusing on behavior. A boy believes that he is deserving of love only when he earns good grades. In the case of borderline personality disorder, many people report experiencing traumatic life events such as abandonment, abuse, unstable relationships or hostility, and adversity during childhood. They might go through reuptake, which is the process of the presynaptic neuron taking up excess neurotransmitters in the synaptic space for future use or enzymatic degradation when enzymes destroy excess neurotransmitters in the synaptic space. 121. The results of this study led him to conclude that _____ greatly affects mental illness. 2.3.4. They also focus on life-enhancing experiences like relationships, love, caring, commitment, courage, creativity, power, will, presence, spirituality, individuation, self-actualization, authenticity, acceptance, transcendence, and awe. For more information, please visit: In operant conditioning, the rule for determining when and how often we will reinforce the desired behavior is called the reinforcement schedule. _____ theory focuses on observable and conscious behaviors, whereas _____ theory focuses on unconscious processes. Examples of secondary punishers include a ticket for speeding, losing television or video game privileges, ridicule, or a fee for paying your rent or credit card bill late. She died shortly after this interrogation on May 28, 1936. b. cognitive-behavioral In Panel B, we see that a neutral stimulus (NS) produces no response. b. family therapy. The results of this study led him to conclude that _____ greatly affects mental illness. Figure 2.9 shows that that are two main components that make up a reinforcement schedule when you will reinforce and what is being reinforced. Differentiate uni- and multi-dimensional models of abnormality. The endocrine system moves slowly with hormones, released by endocrine glands, taking seconds, or even minutes, to reach their target. Their family and friends may disapprove of some of their actions but overall, respect and love them. The force that is in control in this example is the: a. id. a. Sociocultural; biological b. Psychodynamic; existential c. Humanistic; cognitive-behavioral d. Cognitive-behavioral; psychodynamic. c. cognitive-behavioral therapy. d. bipolar disorder. A feminist therapist would MOST likely focus on: a. a womans personal responsibility for her own situation. The procedure in Panel C continued with the rabbit being brought a bit closer each time until, eventually, the child did not respond with distress to the rabbit (Panel D). Participants have similar issues. Failure to treat many people with severe disturbances appropriately is MOST often a problem with which level of prevention? A girl values her self-worth even when she fails at something. c. intellectualization. Through their training and their professional activities, clinical psychologists become very familiar with the definitions of various forms of abnormal behavior and the ways it differs from normal behavior. a. religion causes people to deal better with the challenges of life. Clarify how environmental factors affect mental illness. If we are not motivated to perform an observed behavior, we probably will not show what we have learned. What are the three assessment techniques used by Freud? b. According to psychoanalytic theory, which statement is TRUE about dreams? All of the models include an element of the biological model. c. Sessions are primarily conducted in a virtual environment. But did you ever go to your grandparents house and grandma or grandpaor worse, BOTHtook pity on you and let you play your video games (or something equivalent)? A reliance on medication for treatment and a belief that psychological illness is. Cognitive-behavioral approaches used to treat social anxiety disorder aim to: a. increase positive self-talk and decrease risk taking. a. psychoanalysis. Second, transference is the process through which patients transfer attitudes he/she held during childhood to the therapist. Receptor cells in each of the five sensory systems detect energy. A person engages in multiple online discussions with a large number of friends on Facebook. c. superego. b. behavior-focused therapists. According to the behaviorists, disordered behavior is a result of _____________. b. c. depression. What about your friend or acquaintance in the back? First, libido is the psychic energy that drives a person to pleasurable thoughts and behaviors. In Module 2, we first distinguished uni- and multi-dimensional models of abnormality and made a case that the latter was better to subscribe to. Behaviorally test your thought. a. cognitive-behavioral c. it pays too little attention to the role early life experiences. Genes, Hormonal Imbalances, and Viral Infections. The pain was enough that I never walked up and down the street echoing my identity crisis for all to hear. We then discussed biological, psychological, and sociocultural models of abnormality. c. sociocultural. You immediately focus all of your energy on the financial implications of your partners departure and ways to save money. c. The underlying assumptions of each model are the same. d. cognitive-behavioral. b. behavioral-focused He developed the law of effect thanks to his work with a puzzle box. The major multidimensional model that is useful in understanding the causes of mental disorders is usually called the biopsychosocial model (BPS). Over time, he begins to understand how events in his early life have impacted how he functions now. Whenever she has to attend a party, she only speaks to people she knows well. In Module 2, we will discuss three models of abnormal behavior to include the biological, psychological, and sociocultural models. d. case studies. In terms of what is being reinforced, we will either reinforce responses or time. Fortunately, the work of George Miller, Albert Ellis, Aaron Beck, and Ulrich Neisser demonstrated the importance of cognitive abilities in understanding thoughts, behaviors, and emotions, and in the case of psychopathology, show that people can create their problems by how they come to interpret events experienced in the world around them. Providing treatment as soon as it is needed so problems that are moderate or worse do not become long-term issues is called: a. primary prevention. b. Possible side effects include loss of appetite, headache, motor or verbal tics, and personality changes such as appearing emotionless. What Is Abnormal Psychology? Definition and Topics - Verywell Mind d. An investigators preferred paradigm influences how they interpret research findings. This is an example of: Members of a family operate very independently of one another. What form do these consequences take? Critics of the behavioral perspective point out that it oversimplifies behavior and often ignores inner determinants of behavior. They can be identified, treated, and monitored by observing and identifying physiological signs. 18. Modeling techniques change behavior by having subjects observe a model in a situation that usually causes them some anxiety. The answer is yes, and one of two outcomes is possible. 116. Models of abnormality - Wikipedia The critical thing to understand here is that there is a belief in the realm of mental health that chemical imbalances are responsible for many mental disorders. Food, water, temperature, and sex, for instance, are primary reinforcers, while extreme cold or hot or a punch on the arm are inherently punishing. Eventually, the response brought about by the sympathetic nervous system must end. All this stage of learning signifies is that some learning is already present. Hence, they experience conditional positive regard. For social skills training, identify the appropriate social behavior such as making eye contact, saying no to a request, or starting up a conversation with a stranger and determine whether the client is inhibited from making this behavior due to anxiety. A general term used for Freuds and Jungs theories is: a. psychiatric. Before introducing the current main models, it is crucial to understand what a model is. 47. c. A boy is internally motivated to put forth his best effort on his science project. A patients initial reaction to being told she has a sexually transmitted infection (STI) is to insist that the nurse made a mistake with the test. Operant conditioning is a type of associate learning which focuses on consequences that follow a response or behavior that we make (anything we do or say) and whether it makes a behavior more or less likely to occur. d. people who are more devout are also psychologically healthier. It is generally understood that the students who sit in the front of the class are the overachievers and want to earn an A in the class. Medical Model of Mental Health in Psychology c. how prejudice and discrimination impact women. To be considered distinct from other conditions, a mental illness must have its own set of symptoms. There are also certain types of disorders that are unique to women. c. tertiary prevention. Respondent conditioning (also called classical or Pavlovian conditioning) occurs when we link a previously neutral stimulus with a stimulus that is unlearned or inborn, called an unconditioned stimulus. As such, he continues to steal her toys. b. focused on a positive message and living a meaningful life. To stop some undesirable behavior you made in the past, they likely took away some privilege. Infections can cause brain damage and lead to the development of mental illness or exacerbate existing symptoms. They may be positive and include friendly, affectionate feelings, or negative, and include hostile and angry feelings. During a therapy session, a client is told to pretend the therapist is her parent and to tell her "parent" why she is angry. b. existential. Pavlov realized some stimuli automatically elicited responses (such as salivating to meat powder) and other stimuli had to be paired with these automatic associations for the animal or person to respond to it (such as salivating to a bell). We take the information just detected and use it to assign people to categories, or groups. Outline the structure of personality and how it develops over time. Release of neurotransmitters is stopped. But before these diagnostic categories b. The genes responsible for anxiety disorders or related psychological patterns are the same genes that once helped our ancestors survive and reproduce. The nervous system. Anne has distant parents, failing grades, and insufficient funds for basic necessities and also develops depression.